5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of genetic variance components for some quantitative traits in rapeseed (brassica napus l.)

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    Three hybrid combinations obtained by crossing six winter rapeseed cultivars were analyzed for the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions with inheritance of plant height and first lateral branch height. The linkage among the expected progeny means was checked using the scaling test method (Mather, 1949), while the estimates of genetic effects and mode of inheritance was made by the Generation Mean Analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The additive dominant model did not prove adequate for plant height in all three crosses, and for first lateral branch height in the second and third cross. The inadequacy of the model showed epistatic gene effects were also of large importance in the inheritance of these traits. Duplicate epistasis for plant height inheritance was found in all three cross combinations and for inheritance of height of the first lateral branch in second and third cross combination. However, it should be emphasized that duplicate epistasis among dominant positive genes occurred on plant height inheritance in C1 and C3, and on inheritance of first lateral branch height in C3. Duplicate epistasis among dominant negative genes occurred in C2 on the mode of inheritance of both traits

    Morfološke karakteristike fitopatogenih gljiva Leptosphaeria Maculans i Leptosphaeria Biglobosa uzročnika raka stabla uljane repice u Srbiji

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    Cancer stem and blackleg is economically the most important disease of oilseed rape worldwide. This disease is caused by two species of plant pathogenic fungi of the genus Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. On nutrient PDA medium at 25 ± 1 º C were studied morphological traits (growth, appearance and color of mycelia, set the edge colonies, the presence of fruiting bodies, the smell and the secretion of pigment, the size, shape and color of pycnidia and piknospora) 12 isolates (isolated in Serbia K -112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 and C-5) and control 2 (Lm, Lb) mushrooms. Isolates K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 having a quick and regular increase, secreted yellow brown pigment, while K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, ST-12, S-2 and C-5 form irregular colonies with no pigment, have slow growth and abundant sporulation. The experiment was set up in the four repeats and mycelial growth isolates listed was measured in cm after 5, 10 and 15 days.Rak stabla i suva trulež korena je ekonomski najvažnije oboljenje uljane repice širom sveta. Ovu bolest prouzrokuju dve vrste fitopatogenih gljiva iz roda Leptosphaeria: Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) ces. and de Not anamorf Phoma lingam (Tode. Fr.) Desmas, i Leptosphaeria biglobosa Shoem and Brun. Na hranjivoj PDA podlozi pri temperaturi 25±1ºC proučavane su morfološke osobine (porast, izgled i boja micelije, izgled ivice kolonije, prisustvo plodonosnih tela, miris i lučenje pigmenata, veličina, oblik i boja piknida i piknospora) 12 izolata (izolovanih u Srbiji K- 112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117, K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5) i 2 kontrolna (L.m,L.b) gljive. Izolati K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-117 imaju brz i pravilan porast,luče žuto mrki pigment,dok K-8, LJ-3, L-10, GS-27, St-12, S-2 i C-5 obrazuju nepravilne kolonije bez pigmenta,imaju spor porast i obilniju sporulaciju. Ogled je postavljen u četiri ponavlja a porast micelije navedenih izolata je meren u cm posle 5, 10 i 15 dana


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    Background: An increasing body of research suggest that repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is effective and safe treatment option for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). The Psychiatric Hospital “Sveti Ivan“has the first TMS laboratory with rTMS and deep TMS (dTMS) in Croatia. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of augmentative rTMS treatment vs standard treatment in Croatian patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Subjects and methods: Total of 93 MDD patients were enrolled; 41 of them were treated by augmentative rTMS and 52 were treated by standard (psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy) therapy only. We delivered rTMS to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex at 120% motor threshold (10 Hz, 4-second train duration), 3000 pulses per session using a figure-eight coil, minimum of 20 sessions during four weeks. Our key outcome was the change in Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D17) result from baseline to 4th week. Our secondary outcomes were changes in Hamilton Anxiety (HAM-A) and WHOQOL-BREF scales. Results: After four weeks the changes of HAM-D17 and HAM-A results were significantly different between the group of patients treated by augmentative rTMS (48% and 53% decrease, respectively) and the group of patients treated by the standard therapy alone (24% and 30% decrease) (P=0.004, P=0.007). Absolute benefit increase defined as the difference between rates of remission (HAMD17 ≤7) in rTMS and control group was 33% (P=0.001). Number of patients needed to treat with rTMS in order to achieve remission in one patient was NNT=3. In a group of patients treated with augmentative rTMS 21/41 (51%), and in control group 17/52 (33%) were responders (P=0.071). Conclusions: It seems that augmentative treatment with rTMS is more effective on depression and anxiety symptoms than standard therapy in MDD with equal safety and tolerability. Randomized, controlled studies are required to verify this finding

    Analysis of oilseed rape stem weevil chemical control using a damage rating scale

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    BACKGROUND: Rape stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll.) and cabbage stem weevil (C. pallidactylus Marsh.) can cause significant yield losses to oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), and chemical control is often needed to protect crops from these pests. The efficacy of six insecticides, chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin, bifenthrin, alpha-cypermethrin, pirimiphos-methyl, thiacloprid and tau-fluvalinate, was tested in a 4 year field trial. Besides the standard efficacy analysis expressed through the number of larvae per stem, a damage rating scale was introduced and modelled using a regression model for ordinal categorical data. RESULTSCompared with the control, expressed through damage rating and larval number, treatments with chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin and bifenthrin, showed higher efficacy in the control of stem weevils compared with alpha-cypermethrin and pirimiphos-methyl. The lowest efficacy was observed in treatments with tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid. CONCLUSIONThis study showed that a combined efficacy evaluation expressed through both damage rating scale and the count of larvae, supported by an ordinal regression model for data analysis, is indispensable for obtaining accurate results