23 research outputs found

    Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history

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    The distribution of the black rat (Rattus rattus) has been heavily influenced by its association with humans. The dispersal history of this non-native commensal rodent across Europe, however, remains poorly understood, and different introductions may have occurred during the Roman and medieval periods. Here, in order to reconstruct the population history of European black rats, we first generate a de novo genome assembly of the black rat. We then sequence 67 ancient and three modern black rat mitogenomes, and 36 ancient and three modern nuclear genomes from archaeological sites spanning the 1st-17th centuries CE in Europe and North Africa. Analyses of our newly reported sequences, together with published mitochondrial DNA sequences, confirm that black rats were introduced into the Mediterranean and Europe from Southwest Asia. Genomic analyses of the ancient rats reveal a population turnover in temperate Europe between the 6th and 10th centuries CE, coincident with an archaeologically attested decline in the black rat population. The near disappearance and re-emergence of black rats in Europe may have been the result of the breakdown of the Roman Empire, the First Plague Pandemic, and/or post-Roman climatic cooling.Peer reviewe

    An outline of the subsistence of the Vlaardingen culture from the Netherlands

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    Bei den Grabungen mehrerer Siedlungsplätze der Vlaardingen-Kultur in den Niederlanden kamen u. a. Pflanzenreste und Tierknochen zutage. Diese Spuren geben uns Auskunft über die Art und Weise, wie diese Bevölkerungen ihren Lebensunterhalt bestritten, sowohl was die Hauptnahrungsquellen angeht als auch die zweitrangigen Nahrungsquellen. Bezeugt sind Viehzucht, Jagd, Landwirtschaft und das Sammeln essbarer Pflanzen. Es ist erkennbar, dass zunächst die lokalen und regionalen Nahrungsquellen intensiv ausgebeutet wurden. Die aktuellen Daten erlauben es leider nicht, die Frage nach der Siedlungsdauer zu beantworten (saisonal oder ganzjährig).Excavations of several settlements belonging to the Vlaardingen culture in the Netherlands have yielded amongst other things animal bones and botanical remains. These remains yield information about the subsistence of the Vlaardingen people, in terms of both primary and secondary products. They provide evidence of husbandry, hunting, agriculture and the gathering of edible plants. It seems that first and foremost sources were exploited that were locally or regionally available. Unfortunately from the present dataset the question of permanent/ seasonal occupation, that is habitation during the whole year or not, cannot be answered.Les fouilles sur plusieurs lieux d’habitation de Group de Vlaardingen dans les Pays-Bas ont livré inter alii des restes botaniques et d’animaux. Ces reliques donnent de l’information sur la subsistance, quant aux produits primaires et secondaires. Ils sont indicatifs pour l’élevage, la chasse, l’agriculture et le recueil de plantes mangeables. Il semble que les sources exploitées sont notablement d’origine locale ou régionale. Malheureusement les données archéobotaniques et – zoologiques actuelles ne permettent pas des conclusions sur la durée de l’habitation (pendant toute l’année ou une saison).Brinkkemper Otto, Drenth Erik, Zeiler Jørn T. An outline of the subsistence of the Vlaardingen culture from the Netherlands. In: Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial 28, 2011. pp. 207-220

    Est, plangebied Est : inventariserend veldonderzoek door middel van proefsleuven

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    Lit.opg. en verklarende woordenlijst

    Vindplaats Schaapweg, gemeente Rijswijk : een archeologische waardering

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    Lit.opg. en verklarende woordenlijst

    Plantaardige en dierlijke resten uit een beerput aan de Hofstraat in IJsselstein (1480-1520)

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    Opdrachtgever: Gemeente Kampen. - Ook verschenen als ArchaeoBone Rapport 29

    Archeobotanisch en -zoölogisch onderzoek aan een 10e-13e eeuwse boerenhoeve te Swalmen-Nieuwenhof (L.)

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    Opdrachtgever: Archeologisch Diensten Centrum, Bunschoten