1,816 research outputs found

    Lyapunov 1-forms for flows

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    In this paper we find conditions which guarantee that a given flow Φ\Phi on a compact metric space XX admits a Lyapunov one-form ω\omega lying in a prescribed \v{C}ech cohomology class ξHˇ1(X;R)\xi\in \check H^1(X;\R). These conditions are formulated in terms of the restriction of ξ\xi to the chain recurrent set of Φ\Phi. The result of the paper may be viewed as a generalization of a well-known theorem of C. Conley about the existence of Lyapunov functions.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. This revised version incorporates a few minor improvement

    Imaging of single infrared, optical, and ultraviolet photons using distributed tunnel junction readout on superconducting absorbers

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    Single-photon imaging spectrometers of high quantum efficiency in the infrared to ultraviolet wavelength range, with good timing resolution and with a vanishing dark count rate are on top of the wish list in earth-bound astronomy, material and medical sciences, or quantum information technologies. We review and present improved operation of a cryogenic detector system potentially offering all these qualities. It is based on a superconducting absorber strip read out with superconducting tunnel junctions. The detector performance is discussed in terms of responsivity, noise properties, energy and position resolution. Dynamic processes involved in the signal creation and detection are investigated for a basic understanding of the physics, and for possible application-specific modifications of device characteristics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    A Theology of Religious Change

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    Zehnder, David, J. “A Theology of Religious Change.” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2011. 218 pp. This essay sets up a dialogue between the sociology and psychology of religious change (conversion’s human side) and conversion (theologically defined) to prove that empirical research into change experience, ideology as an attracting force to religion, and social networks’ influence on conversion does not threaten theology’s assertions but can help to clarify theology’s tasks in communicating to various audiences. Science helps theology through a correlational model of interaction developed in the study. The correlational method first asks of science: Why do people change religiously? Once science has clarified change’s psycho-social motivations, theology is prepared to ask what resources it has to communicate its tenets to people developing faith under those motivations. The underlying principle is that theologians and church leaders must consider their audience if they are to communicate effectively. Using social science is one method to learn how theology becomes meaningful to audiences on several levels of analysis. Though very practical in spirit, the study is designed ultimately to provide a richer understanding of salvation than anything currently available and to inform the question that has continually puzzled theology: Why does a person comes to believe the gospel

    Million frames per second infrared imaging system

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    An infrared imaging system has been developed for measuring the temperature increase during the dynamic deformation of materials. The system consists of an 8×8 HgCdTe focal plane array, each with its own preamplifier. Outputs from the 64 detector/preamplifiers are digitized using a row-parallel scheme. In this approach, all 64 signals are simultaneously acquired and held using a bank of track and hold amplifiers. An array of eight 8:1 multiplexers then routes the signals to eight 10 MHz digitizers, acquiring data from each row of detectors in parallel. The maximum rate is one million frames per second. A fully reflective lens system was developed, consisting of two Schwarszchild objectives operating at infinite conjugation ratio. The ratio of the focal lengths of the objectives determines the lens magnification. The system has been used to image the distribution of temperature rise near the tip of a notch in a high strength steel sample (C-300) subjected to impact loading by a drop weight testing machine. The results show temperature rises at the crack tip up to around 70 K. Localization of temperature, and hence, of deformation into "U" shaped zones emanating from the notch tip is clearly seen, as is the onset of crack propagation

    Loop quantum gravity induced modifications to particle dynamics

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    The construction of effective Hamiltonians arising from Loop Quantum Gravity and incorporating Planck scale corrections to the dynamics of photons and spin 1/2 particles is summarized. The imposition of strict bounds upon some parameters of the model using already existing experimental data is also reviewed.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, talk presented at the X Mexican School of Particles and Fields, latex, aipproc style 6x

    Generation of three-dimensional prototype models based on cone beam computed tomography

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to generate three-dimensional models based on digital volumetric data that can be used in basic and advanced education. Methods: Four sets of digital volumetric data were established by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Accuitomo, J. Morita, Kyoto, Japan). Datasets were exported as Dicom formats and imported into Mimics and Magic software programs to separate the different tissues such as nerve, tooth and bone. These data were transferred to a Polyjet 3D Printing machine (Eden 330, Object, Israel) to generate the models. Results: Three-dimensional prototype models of certain limited anatomical structures as acquired volumetrically were fabricated. Conclusions: Generating three-dimensional models based on CBCT datasets is possible. Automated routine fabrication of these models, with the given infrastructure, is too time-consuming and therefore too expensiv

    Leader corruption depends on power and testosterone

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    We used incentivized experimental games to manipulate leader power-the number of followers and the discretion leaders had to enforce their will. Leaders had complete autonomy in deciding payouts to themselves and their followers. Although leaders could make prosocial decisions to benefit the public good they could also abuse their power by invoking antisocial decisions, which reduced the total payouts to the group but increased leader's earnings. In Study 1 (N = 478), we found that both amount of followers and discretionary choices independently predicted leader corruption. In Study 2 (N = 240), we examined how power and individual differences (e.g., personality, hormones) affected leader corruption over time; power interacted with testosterone in predicting corruption, which was highest when leader power and baseline testosterone were both high. Honesty predicted initial level of leader antisocial decisions; however, honesty did not shield leaders from the corruptive effect of power

    Aortic calcification and femoral bone density are independently associated with left ventricular mass in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Background Vascular calcification and reduced bone density are prevalent in chronic kidney disease and linked to increased cardiovascular risk. The mechanism is unknown. We assessed the relationship between vascular calcification, femoral bone density and left ventricular mass in patients with stage 3 non-diabetic chronic kidney disease in a cross-sectional observational study. Methodology and Principal Findings A total of 120 patients were recruited (54% male, mean age 55±14 years, mean glomerular filtration rate 50±13 ml/min/1.73 m2). Abdominal aortic calcification was assessed using lateral lumbar spine radiography and was present in 48%. Mean femoral Z-score measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry was 0.60±1.06. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging was used to determine left ventricular mass. One patient had left ventricular hypertrophy. Subjects with aortic calcification had higher left ventricular mass compared to those without (56±16 vs. 48±12 g/m2, P = 0.002), as did patients with femoral Z-scores below zero (56±15 vs. 49±13 g/m2, P = 0.01). In univariate analysis presence of aortic calcification correlated with left ventricular mass (r = 0.32, P = 0.001); mean femoral Z-score inversely correlated with left ventricular mass (r = −0.28, P = 0.004). In a multivariate regression model that included presence of aortic calcification, mean femoral Z-score, gender and 24-hour systolic blood pressure, 46% of the variability in left ventricular mass was explained (P<0.001). Conclusions In patients with stage 3 non-diabetic chronic kidney disease, lower mean femoral Z-score and presence of aortic calcification are independently associated with increased left ventricular mass. Further research exploring the pathophysiology that underlies these relationships is warranted

    Nonsolar astronomy with the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI)

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    The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) is a NASA Small Explorer satellite designed to study hard x-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flares. In addition, its high-resolution array of germanium detectors can see photons from high-energy sources throughout the Universe. Here we discuss the various algorithms necessary to extract spectra, lightcurves, and other information about cosmic gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, and other astrophysical phenomena using an unpointed, spinning array of detectors. We show some preliminary results and discuss our plans for future analyses. All RHESSI data are public, and scientists interested in participating should contact the principal author