36 research outputs found

    The effect of nutrients on pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Senecio plants and their interactions with herbivores and pathogens

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    The aim of this review is to combine the knowledge of studies on effects of nutrients on pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in Senecio with those studies of effects of PAs on herbivores and pathogens in order to predict the effects that nutrients may have on herbivores and pathogens via changes in PAs. We discuss whether these predictions match with the outcome of studies where the effect of nutrients on herbivores and insects were measured. PA concentrations in S. jacobaea, S. vulgaris and S. aquaticus were mostly reduced by NPK fertilization, with genotype-specific effects occurring. Plant organs varied in their response to increased fertilization; PA concentrations in flowers remained constant, while shoot and roots were mostly negatively affected. Biomass change is probably largely responsible for the change in concentrations. Nutrients affect both the variety and the levels of PAs in the plant. The reduced PA concentrations after NPK fertilization was expected to benefit herbivores, but no or negative responses from insect herbivores were observed. Apparently other changes in the plant after fertilization are overriding the effect of PAs. Pathogens do seem to benefit from the lower PA concentrations after fertilization; they were more detrimental to fertilized plants than to unfertilized control plants. Future studies should include the effect of each element of nutrients separately and in combinations in order to gain more insight in the effect of specific nutrients on PA content in Senecio plants

    How to introduce medical ethics at the bedside - Factors influencing the implementation of an ethical decision-making model

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    BACKGROUND: As the implementation of new approaches and procedures of medical ethics is as complex and resource-consuming as in other fields, strategies and activities must be carefully planned to use the available means and funds responsibly. Which facilitators and barriers influence the implementation of a medical ethics decision-making model in daily routine? Up to now, there has been little examination of these factors in this field. METHODS: A medical ethics decision-making model called METAP was introduced on three intensive care units and two geriatric wards. An evaluation study was performed from 7 months after deployment of the project until two and a half years. Quantitative and qualitative methods including a questionnaire, semi-structured face-to-face and group-interviews were used. RESULTS: Sixty-three participants from different professional groups took part in 33 face-to-face and 9 group interviews, and 122 questionnaires could be analysed. The facilitating factors most frequently mentioned were: acceptance and presence of the model, support given by the medical and nursing management, an existing or developing (explicit) ethics culture, perception of a need for a medical ethics decision-making model, and engaged staff members. Lack of presence and acceptance, insufficient time resources and staff, poor inter-professional collaboration, absence of ethical competence, and not recognizing ethical problems were identified as inhibiting the implementation of the METAP model. However, the results of the questionnaire as well as of explicit inquiry showed that the respondents stated to have had enough time and staff available to use METAP if necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Facilitators and barriers of the implementation of a medical ethics decision-making model are quite similar to that of medical guidelines. The planning for implementing an ethics model or guideline can, therefore, benefit from the extensive literature and experience concerning the implementation of medical guidelines. Lack of time and staff can be overcome when people are convinced that the benefits justify the effort

    Plant defences mediate interactions between herbivory and the direct foliar uptake of atmospheric reactive nitrogen

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    Reactive nitrogen from human sources (e.g., nitrogen dioxide, NO2) is taken up by plant roots following deposition to soils, but can also be assimilated by leaves directly from the atmosphere. Leaf uptake should alter plant metabolism and overall nitrogen balance and indirectly influence plant consumers; however, these consequences remain poorly understood. Here we show that direct foliar assimilation of NO2 increases levels of nitrogen-based defensive metabolites in leaves and reduces herbivore consumption and growth. These results suggest that atmospheric reactive nitrogen could have cascading negative effects on communities of herbivorous insects. We further show that herbivory induces a decrease in foliar uptake, indicating that consumers could limit the ability of vegetation to act as a sink for nitrogen pollutants (e.g., smog from mobile emissions). Our study suggests that the interactions of foliar uptake, plant defence and herbivory could have significant implications for understanding the environmental consequences of reactive nitrogen

    Tibial or hip BMD predict clinical fracture risk equally well: results from a prospective study in 700 elderly Swiss women.

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    SUMMARY: In a randomly selected cohort of Swiss community-dwelling elderly women prospectively followed up for 2.8 +/- 0.6 years, clinical fractures were assessed twice yearly. Bone mineral density (BMD) measured at tibial diaphysis (T-DIA) and tibial epiphysis (T-EPI) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was shown to be a valid alternative to lumbar spine or hip BMD in predicting fractures. INTRODUCTION: A study was carried out to determine whether BMD measurement at the distal tibia sites of T-EPI and T-DIA is predictive of clinical fracture risk. METHODS: In a predefined representative cohort of Swiss community-dwelling elderly women aged 70-80 years included in the prospective, multi-centre Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture risk (SEMOF) study, fracture risk profile was assessed and BMD measured at the lumbar spine (LS), hip (HIP) and tibia (T-DIA and T-EPI) using DXA. Thereafter, clinical fractures were reported in a bi-yearly questionnaire. RESULTS: During 1,786 women-years of follow-up, 68 clinical fragility fractures occurred in 61 women. Older age and previous fracture were identified as risk factors for the present fractures. A decrease of 1 standard deviation in BMD values yielded a 1.5-fold (HIP) to 1.8-fold (T-EPI) significant increase in clinical fragility fracture hazard ratio (adjusted for age and previous fracture). All measured sites had comparable performance for fracture prediction (area under the curve range from 0.63 [LS] to 0.68 [T-EPI]). CONCLUSION: Fracture risk prediction with BMD measurements at T-DIA and T-EPI is a valid alternative to BMD measurements at LS or HIP for patients in whom these sites cannot be accessed for clinical, technical or practical reasons

    Selektive Lasertrabekuloplastik bei Patienten unter maximaler Lokaltherapie: eine retrospektive Analyse

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    Hintergrund: Hauptziel der Glaukomtherapie ist nach wie vor die erfolgreiche Augendrucksenkung. Ziel dieser retrospektiven Studie war es, die Wirksamkeit der selektiven Lasertrabekuloplastik (SLT) bei Patienten unter maximaler Augendruck senkender Therapie zu untersuchen. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde in der Analyse darauf gelegt, ob präoperativ bekannte Faktoren einen Einfluss auf den IOD-senkenden Effekt haben. Material und Methode: Inkludiert wurden Patienten mit der Diagnose einer okulären Hypertension oder eines Offenwinkelglaukoms (primäres Offenwinkelglaukom, Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom, Pigmentdispersionsglaukom und Normaldruckglaukom), die im Zeitraum von 3/2008 bis 12/2010 aufgrund unzureichender Drucksenkung unter maximaler Lokaltherapie einer SLT unterzogen wurden und die einen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von mindestens 3 Monaten hatten. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte präoperativ, sowie einen Tag, einen Monat und drei Monate nach SLT und dann dreimonatlich bis zu 2,5 Jahre. Hauptmessparameter waren Ausmaß der IOD-Senkung sowie Erfolgsraten (³ 20 % Augendruck-Senkung). Eine Re-SLT wurde nicht als Misserfolg gewertet. Resultate: Einhunderteinunddreißig Augen von 98 Patienten (58 Frauen, mittleres Alter 71,6 ± 11,2 Jahre, mittlerer Nachbeobachtungszeitraum 1,05 ± 0,67 Jahre) wurden inkludiert. Mittlerer Augendruck vor SLT war 19,6 ± 4,9 mmHg. Bis 1,75 Jahre nach SLT war der Augendruck stets signifikant reduziert (16,6 ± 3,6; p = 0,044). Bis 2 Jahre nach SLT hatten Patienten mit höherem Ausgangs-Augendruck eine signifikant stärkere Drucksenkung (R2  = 0,358; p = 0,009). Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschied in der Überlebensanalyse sowohl zwischen phaken bzw. pseudophaken Patienten als auch zwischen Patienten mit bzw. ohne Prostaglandintherapie (p = 0,671 und p = 0,994). Zwölf Augen hatten eine zweite SLT (mittlere Zeit bis zur Re-SLT 1,03 ± 0,55 Jahre). Fünfzehn Augen benötigten eine weitere Augendruck senkende Operation (mittlere Zeit bis zum Versagen der SLT 0,84 ± 0,52 Jahre). Schlussfolgerung: SLT kann auch bei Patienten unter maximaler Lokaltherapie noch eine signifikante Drucksenkung bewirken, wobei das Ausmaß der Drucksenkung über die Zeit abnimmt. Die Augendruck senkende Wirkung ist bei Patienten mit höherem präoperativen Augendruck stärker ausgeprägt