34 research outputs found

    BatchDeconvolution : a Fiji plugin for increasing deconvolution workflow

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    Deconvolution microscopy is a very useful, software-based technique allowing to deblur microscopy images and increase both lateral and axial resolutions. It can be used along with many of fluorescence microscopy imaging techniques. By increasing axial resolution, it also enables three-dimensional imaging using a basic wide-field fluorescence microscope. Unfortunately, commercially available deconvolution software is expensive, while freely available programs have limited capabilities of a batch file processing. In this work we present BatchDeconvolution, a Fiji plugin that bridges two programs that we used subsequently in an image deconvolution pipeline: PSF Generator and DeconvolutionLab2, both from Biomedical Imaging Group, EPFL. Our software provides a simple way to perform a batch processing of multiple microscopy files with minimal working time required from the user

    3D visualization of extracellular vesicle uptake by endothelial cells

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    Abstract Background Extracellular vesicles are small vesicles that contain cytoplasmic and membrane components from their paternal cells. They enter target cells through uptake to transfer their biological cargo. In this study, we investigated the process of endothelial EV internalization and created a 3D visualization of their intracellular distribution. Methods and results Two immortalized endothelial cell lines that express h-TERT (human telomerase) were used for EV release: microvascular TIME and macrovascular HUVEC. EVs were isolated from the cell culture medium via differential centrifugation and used for the uptake experiments. The size distribution of the EVs was measured using TRPS technology on a qNano instrument. Internalization of EVs was observed using a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal laser microscope after staining of the EVs with PKH26. EVs were observed intracellularly and distributed in the perinuclear region of the target cells. The distribution patterns were similar in both cell lines. Conclusion The perinuclear localization of the internalized EVs shows their biological stability after their uptake to the endothelial cells. The 3D visualization allows the determination of a more accurate location of EVs relative to the donor cell nucleus

    Increasing AFM colloidal probe accuracy by optical tweezers

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    A precise determination of the cantilever spring constant is the critical point of all colloidal probe experiments. Existing methods are based on approximations considering only cantilever geometry and do not take into account properties of any object or substance attached to the cantilever. Neglecting the influence of the colloidal sphere on the cantilever characteristics introduces significant uncertainty in a spring constant determination and affects all further considerations. In this work we propose a new method of spring constant calibration for ‘colloidal probe’ type cantilevers based on the direct measurement of force constant. The Optical Tweezers based calibration method will help to increase the accuracy and repeatability of the AFM colloidal probe experiments

    The aqueous environment as an active participant in the protein folding process

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    © 2018 The Authors Existing computational models applied in the protein structure prediction process do not sufficiently account for the presence of the aqueous solvent. The solvent is usually represented by a predetermined number of H2O molecules in the bounding box which contains the target chain. The fuzzy oil drop (FOD) model, presented in this paper, follows an alternative approach, with the solvent assuming the form of a continuous external hydrophobic force field, with a Gaussian distribution. The effect of this force field is to guide hydrophobic residues towards the center of the protein body, while promoting exposure of hydrophilic residues on its surface. This work focuses on the following sample proteins: Engrailed homeodomain (RCSB: 1enh), Chicken villin subdomain hp-35, n68h (RCSB: 1yrf), Chicken villin subdomain hp-35, k65(nle), n68h, k70(nle) (RCSB: 2f4k), Thermostable subdomain from chicken villin headpiece (RCSB: 1vii), de novo designed single chain three-helix bundle (a3d) (RCSB: 2a3d), albumin-binding domain (RCSB: 1prb) and lambda repressor-operator complex (RCSB: 1lmb)

    Early events during human coronavirus OC43 entry to the cell

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    AbstractThe Coronaviridae family clusters a number of large RNA viruses, which share several structural and functional features. However, members of this family recognize different cellular receptors and exploit different entry routes, what affects their species specificity and virulence. The aim of this study was to determine how human coronavirus OC43 enters the susceptible cell. Using confocal microscopy and molecular biology tools we visualized early events during infection. We found that the virus employs caveolin-1 dependent endocytosis for the entry and the scission of virus-containing vesicles from the cell surface is dynamin-dependent. Furthermore, the vesicle internalization process requires actin cytoskeleton rearrangements. With our research we strove to broaden the understanding of the infection process, which in future may be beneficial for the development of a potential therapeutics.</jats:p

    Decreased expression of the Slc31a1 gene and cytoplasmic relocalization of membrane CTR1 protein in renal epithelial cells : a potent protective mechanism against copper nephrotoxicity in a mouse model of Menkes disease

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    Kidneys play an especial role in copper redistribution in the organism. The epithelial cells of proximal tubules perform the functions of both copper uptake from the primary urine and release to the blood. These cells are equipped on their apical and basal membrane with copper transporters CTR1 and ATP7A. Mosaic mutant mice displaying a functional dysfunction of ATP7A are an established model of Menkes disease. These mice exhibit systemic copper deficiency despite renal copper overload, enhanced by copper therapy, which is indispensable for their life span extension. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of Slc31a1 and Slc31a2 genes (encoding CTR1/CTR2 proteins) and the cellular localization of the CTR1 protein in suckling, young and adult mosaic mutants. Our results indicate that in the kidney of both intact and copper-injected 14-day-old mutants showing high renal copper content, CTR1 mRNA level is not up-regulated compared to wild-type mice given a copper injection. The expression of the Slc31a1 gene in 45-day-old mice is even reduced compared with intact wild-type animals. In suckling and young copper-injected mutants, the CTR1 protein is relocalized from the apical membrane to the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of proximal tubules, the process which prevents copper transport from the primary urine and, thus, protects cells against copper toxicity

    Exacerbation of neonatal hemolysis and impaired renal iron handling in heme oxygenase 1-deficient mice

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    In most mammals, neonatal intravascular hemolysis is a benign and moderate disorder that usually does not lead to anemia. During the neonatal period, kidneys play a key role in detoxification and recirculation of iron species released from red blood cells (RBC) and filtered out by glomeruli to the primary urine. Activity of heme oxygenase 1 (HO1), a heme-degrading enzyme localized in epithelial cells of proximal tubules, seems to be of critical importance for both processes. We show that, in HO1 knockout mouse newborns, hemolysis was prolonged despite a transient state and exacerbated, which led to temporal deterioration of RBC status. In neonates lacking HO1, functioning of renal molecular machinery responsible for iron reabsorption from the primary urine (megalin/cubilin complex) and its transfer to the blood (ferroportin) was either shifted in time or impaired, respectively. Those abnormalities resulted in iron loss from the body (excreted in urine) and in iron retention in the renal epithelium. We postulate that, as a consequence of these abnormalities, a tight systemic iron balance of HO1 knockout neonates may be temporarily affected

    Adhesive protein-mediated crosstalk between <i>Candida albicans</i> and <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i> in dual species biofilm protects the anaerobic bacterium in unfavorable oxic environment

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    Abstract The oral cavity contains different types of microbial species that colonize human host via extensive cell-to-cell interactions and biofilm formation. Candida albicans —a yeast-like fungus that inhabits mucosal surfaces—is also a significant colonizer of subgingival sites in patients with chronic periodontitis. It is notable however that one of the main infectious agents that causes periodontal disease is an anaerobic bacterium— Porphyromonas gingivalis. In our study, we evaluated the different strategies of both pathogens in the mutual colonization of an artificial surface and confirmed that a protective environment existed for P. gingivalis within developed fungal biofilm formed under oxic conditions where fungal cells grow mainly in their filamentous form i.e. hyphae. A direct physical contact between fungi and P. gingivalis was initiated via a modulation of gene expression for the major fungal cell surface adhesin Als3 and the aspartic proteases Sap6 and Sap9. Proteomic identification of the fungal surfaceome suggested also an involvement of the Mp65 adhesin and a “moonlighting” protein, enolase, as partners for the interaction with P. gingivalis. Using mutant strains of these bacteria that are defective in the production of the gingipains—the proteolytic enzymes that also harbor hemagglutinin domains—significant roles of these proteins in the formation of bacteria-protecting biofilm were clearly demonstrated