813 research outputs found

    Correlated decay of triplet excitations in the Shastry-Sutherland compound SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2

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    The temperature dependence of the gapped triplet excitations (triplons) in the 2D Shastry-Sutherland quantum magnet SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 is studied by means of inelastic neutron scattering. The excitation amplitude rapidly decreases as a function of temperature while the integrated spectral weight can be explained by an isolated dimer model up to 10~K. Analyzing this anomalous spectral line-shape in terms of damped harmonic oscillators shows that the observed damping is due to a two-component process: one component remains sharp and resolution limited while the second broadens. We explain the underlying mechanism through a simple yet quantitatively accurate model of correlated decay of triplons: an excited triplon is long-lived if no thermally populated triplons are near-by but decays quickly if there are. The phenomenon is a direct consequence of frustration induced triplon localization in the Shastry--Sutherland lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    A study of the gravitational wave form from pulsars II

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    We present analytical and numerical studies of the Fourier transform (FT) of the gravitational wave (GW) signal from a pulsar, taking into account the rotation and orbital motion of the Earth. We also briefly discuss the Zak-Gelfand Integral Transform. The Zak-Gelfand Integral Transform that arises in our analytic approach has also been useful for Schrodinger operators in periodic potentials in condensed matter physics (Bloch wave functions).Comment: 6 pages, Sparkler talk given at the Amaldi Conference on Gravitational waves, July 10th, 2001. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    On Fields with Finite Information Density

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    The existence of a natural ultraviolet cutoff at the Planck scale is widely expected. In a previous Letter, it has been proposed to model this cutoff as an information density bound by utilizing suitably generalized methods from the mathematical theory of communication. Here, we prove the mathematical conjectures that were made in this Letter.Comment: 31 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Synthesis and Characterization of Zno Nanoparticles Using Hydrothermal and Sol-Gel Techniques for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    في هذا البحث تم تخليق جسيمات نانوية نقية من أكسيد الزنك باستخدام طريقتي الهيدروثيرمال وطريقة الصول جل. من فحوصات حيود الاشعة السينية تبين أن متوسط حجم الحبيبة تتراوح بين من 25 الي 28 نانومتر وتاخذ شكلا كرويا. فحوصات طيف الامتصاص بينت أن العينات جميعها لها اعلي امتصاص في منطقة الاشعة الفوق بنفسجية. وتم حساب فجوة الطاقة للعينات فوجد انها تساوي 3.13 eV و3.16 eV للعينة التي حضرت بطريقة الهيدروثيرمال والصول جل على الترتيب. تم تحضير عينات لخلايا شمسية صبغية وتم استخدام 3 انواع من الاصباغ الكيمياءية كمتحسسات ضوئية. فحوصات الاشعة الفوق بنفسجية بينت ان صبغة الايوزين الاصفر   Eosin Yتعطي اعلي امتصاص مقارنة بالاصباغ المستخدمة الاخري. تم رسم منحني الخواص لجميع العينات للخلايا الشمسية المحضرة وتم حساب جميع البارامترات اللازمة لتقييم اداء الخلية. العينة المصبوغة بصبغةEosin Y اعطت اعلي كفاءة Jsc = 4.25 (mA/cm2)، Voc = 0.51 V and η=1.08 %ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were synthesized using hydrothermal and sol-gel techniques using zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn (CH3COO)2.2H2O) as a row material and methanol as a solvent. The structural properties of ZnO NPs were studied using EDX, XRD, TEM, and the optical properties were characterized using UV-VIS and PL spectroscopies. The synthesized ZnO NPs showed high purity and revealed a wurtzite (hexagonal) crystal structure with particle size (D) ranged from 25 nm to 28 nm. The UV-VIS absorption spectra of ZnO NPs samples and sensitizing dyes were performed. The obtained ZnO NPs exhibited the direct optical bandgap 3.15 eV. Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were fabricated using synthesized ZnO NPs as a semiconducting layer, which was dyed with different low cost dyes such as Eosin B (EB), Eosin Y (EY) and Rhodamine B (RB) that was used to sensitize the photoanode (ZnO NPs). The experimental results showed a significant efficiency for the fabricated DSSCs of synthesized ZnO NPs via sol gel technique comparing to hydrothermal technique. The EY dye exhibited the best performance among others, where a conversion efficiency showed a noteworthy improvement from 0.12 to 1.08 %

    A Monitoring System for Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Epidemiology Studies in Afghanistan

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    In the last few years, tick-borne diseases have been reported as a resurging in the Middle East. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is endemic in the Middle East, including Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Recent studies have explored the causal link between environmental and disease incidence patterns by correlating remote sensing indicators (surface temperature, rainfall, and vegetation indices of plant photosynthetic activity) with spatially explicit epidemiological data. We combined the monitoring of environmental data at monthly temporal resolutions with available reports of confirmed CCHF cases to identify the environmental properties of endemic regions and quantify those properties to CCHF risk. We also conducted a sero-prevalence survey in a sample of households (human and animal specimens) in 9 villages in Engil district surrounding Herat province, in western Afghanistan. We present analysis results from our study villages and validate the associated environmental conditions as predictive for human disease occurrences. Risk prediction is critical for anticipating the type and potential impact of disease threats for timely response action

    efam: an expanded, metaproteome-supported HMM profile database of viral protein families

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    Motivation: Viruses infect, reprogram and kill microbes, leading to profound ecosystem consequences, from elemental cycling in oceans and soils to microbiome-modulated diseases in plants and animals. Although metagenomic datasets are increasingly available, identifying viruses in them is challenging due to poor representation and annotation of viral sequences in databases. Results: Here, we establish efam, an expanded collection of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profiles that represent viral protein families conservatively identified from the Global Ocean Virome 2.0 dataset. This resulted in 240 311 HMM profiles, each with at least 2 protein sequences, making efam >7-fold larger than the next largest, panecosystem viral HMM profile database. Adjusting the criteria for viral contig confidence from 'conservative' to 'eXtremely Conservative' resulted in 37 841 HMM profiles in our efam-XC database. To assess the value of this resource, we integrated efam-XC into VirSorter viral discovery software to discover viruses from less-studied, ecologically distinct oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) marine habitats. This expanded database led to an increase in viruses recovered from every tested OMZ virome by similar to 24% on average (up to similar to 42%) and especially improved the recovery of often-missed shorter contigs (<5 kb). Additionally, to help elucidate lesser-known viral protein functions, we annotated the profiles using multiple databases from the DRAM pipeline and virion-associated metaproteomic data, which doubled the number of annotations obtainable by standard, single-database annotation approaches. Together, these marine resources (efam and efam-XC) are provided as searchable, compressed HMM databases that will be updated bi-annually to help maximize viral sequence discovery and study from any ecosystem