35 research outputs found

    Tumor microenvironmental changes induced by the sulfamate carbonic anhydrase IX inhibitor S4 in a laryngeal tumor model

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) plays a pivotal role in pH homeostasis, which is essential for tumor cell survival. We examined the effect of the CAIX inhibitor 4-(3'(3",5"-dimethylphenyl)-ureido)phenyl sulfamate (S4) on the tumor microenvironment in a laryngeal tumor model by analyzing proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis, hypoxia, metabolism and CAIX ectodomain shedding. METHODS: SCCNij202 tumor bearing-mice were treated with S4 for 1, 3 or 5 days. CAIX ectodomain shedding was measured in the serum after therapy. Effects on tumor cell proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis, hypoxia (pimonidazole) and CAIX were investigated with quantitative immunohistochemistry. Metabolic transporters and enzymes were quantified with qPCR. RESULTS: CAIX ectodomain shedding decreased after treatment with S4 (p<0.01). S4 therapy did neither influence tumor cell proliferation nor the amount of apoptosis and necrosis. Hypoxia (pimonidazole) and CAIX expression were also not affected by S4. CHOP and MMP9 mRNA as a reference of intracellular pH did not change upon treatment with S4. Compensatory mechanisms of pH homeostasis at the mRNA level were not observed. CONCLUSION: As the clinical and biological meaning of the decrease in CAIX ectodomain shedding after S4 therapy is not clear, studies are required to elucidate whether the CAIX ectodomain has a paracrine or autocrine signaling function in cancer biology. S4 did not influence the amount of proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis and hypoxia. Therefore, it is unlikely that S4 can be used as single agent to influence tumor cell kill and proliferation, and to target primary tumor growth

    Ectodomain shedding of the hypoxia-induced carbonic anhydrase IX is a metalloprotease-dependent process regulated by TACE/ADAM17

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    Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) is a transmembrane protein whose expression is strongly induced by hypoxia in a broad spectrum of human tumours. It is a highly active enzyme functionally involved in both pH control and cell adhesion. Its presence in tumours usually indicates poor prognosis. Ectodomain of CA IX is detectable in the culture medium and body fluids of cancer patients, but the mechanism of its shedding has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we analysed several cell lines with natural and ectopic expression of CA IX to show that its ectodomain release is sensitive to metalloprotease inhibitor batimastat (BB-94) and that hypoxia maintains the normal rate of basal shedding, thus leading to concomitant increase in cell-associated and extracellular CA IX levels. Using CHO-M2 cells defective in shedding, we demonstrated that the basal CA IX ectodomain release does not require a functional TNFα-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17), whereas the activation of CA IX shedding by both phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate and pervanadate is TACE-dependent. Our results suggest that the cleavage of CA IX ectodomain is a regulated process that responds to physiological factors and signal transduction stimuli and may therefore contribute to adaptive changes in the protein composition of tumour cells and their microenvironment

    Alternative splicing variant of the hypoxia marker carbonic anhydrase IX expressed independently of hypoxia and tumour phenotype

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    CA IX is a hypoxia-induced, cancer-associated carbonic anhydrase isoform with functional involvement in pH control and cell adhesion. Here we describe an alternative splicing variant of the CA9 mRNA, which does not contain exons 8–9 and is expressed in tumour cells independently of hypoxia. It is also detectable in normal tissues in the absence of the full-length transcript and can therefore produce false-positive data in prognostic studies based on the detection of the hypoxia- and cancer-related CA9 expression. The splicing variant encodes a truncated CA IX protein lacking the C-terminal part of the catalytic domain. It shows diminished catalytic activity and is intracellular or secreted. When overexpressed, it reduces the capacity of the full-length CA IX protein to acidify extracellular pH of hypoxic cells and to bind carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. HeLa cells transfected with the splicing variant cDNA generate spheroids that do not form compact cores, suggesting that they fail to adapt to hypoxic stress. Our data indicate that the splicing variant can functionally interfere with the full-length CA IX. This might be relevant particularly under conditions of mild hypoxia, when the cells do not suffer from severe acidosis and do not need excessive pH control

    Why we need sustainable networks bridging countries, disciplines, cultures and generations for Aquatic Biomonitoring 2.0: A Perspective Derived From the DNAqua-Net COST Action

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    Aquatic biomonitoring has become an essential task in Europe and many other regions as a consequence of strong anthropogenic pressures affecting the health of lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater. A typical assessment of the environmental quality status, such as it is required by European but also North American and other legislation, relies on matching the composition of assemblages of organisms identified using morphological criteria present in aquatic ecosystems to those expected in the absence of anthropogenic pressures. Through decade-long and difficult intercalibration exercises among networks of regulators and scientists in European countries, a pragmatic biomonitoring approach was developed and adopted, which now produces invaluable information. Nonetheless, this approach is based on several hundred different protocols, making it susceptible to issues with comparability, scale and resolution. Furthermore, data acquisition is often slow due to a lack of taxonomic experts for many taxa and regions and time-consuming morphological identification of organisms. High-throughput genetic screening methods such as (e)DNA metabarcoding have been proposed as a possible solution to these shortcomings. Such "next-generation biomonitoring", also termed "biomonitoring 2.0", has many advantages over the traditional approach in terms of speed, comparability and costs. It also creates the potential to include new bioindicators and thereby further improves the assessment of aquatic ecosystem health. However, several major conceptual and technological challenges still hinder its implementation into legal and regulatory frameworks. Academic scientists sometimes tend to overlook legal or socioeconomic constraints, which regulators have to consider on a regular basis. Moreover, quantification of species abundance or biomass remains a significant bottleneck to releasing the full potential of these approaches. Here, we highlight the main challenges for next-generation aquatic biomonitoring and outline principles and good practicCOST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology(CA15219). COST Action DNAqua-Net (CA15219), supported by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programm

    Hypoxia upregulates expression of human endosialin gene via hypoxia-inducible factor 2

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    Endosialin is a transmembrane glycoprotein selectively expressed in blood vessels and stromal fibroblasts of various human tumours. It has been functionally implicated in angiogenesis, but the factors that control its expression have remained unclear. As insufficient delivery of oxygen is a driving force of angiogenesis in growing tumours, we investigated whether hypoxia regulates endosialin expression. Here, we demonstrate that endosialin gene transcription is induced by hypoxia predominantly through a mechanism involving hypoxia-inducible factor-2 (HIF-2) cooperating with the Ets-1 transcription factor. We show that HIF-2 activates the endosialin promoter both directly, through binding to a hypoxia-response element adjacent to an Ets-binding site in the distal part of the upstream regulatory region, and indirectly, through Ets-1 and its two cognate elements in the proximal promoter. Our data also suggest that the SP1 transcription factor mediates responsiveness of the endosialin promoter to high cell density. These findings elucidate important aspects of endosialin gene regulation and provide a rational frame for future investigations towards better understanding of its biological significance