22 research outputs found

    Application of Black-Bridge Satellite Imagery for the Spatial Distribution of Salvage Cutting in Stands Damaged by Wind

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    Salvage logging is performed to remove the fallen and damaged trees after a natural disturbance, e.g., fire or windstorm. From an economic point of view, it is desirable to remove the most valuable merchantable timber, but usually, the process depends mainly on topography and distance to forest roads. The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the Black-Bridge satellite imagery for the spatial distribution of salvage cutting in southern Poland after the severe windstorm in July 2015. In particular, this study aimed to determine which factors influence the spatial distribution of salvage cutting. The area of windthrow and the distribution of salvage cutting (July–August 2015 and August 2015–May 2016) were delineated using Black-Bridge satellite imagery. The distribution of the polygons (representing windthrow and salvage cutting) was verified with maps of aspect, elevation and slope, derived from the Digital Terrain Model and the distance to forest roads, obtained from the Digital Forest Map. The analysis included statistical modelling of the relationships between the process of salvage cutting and selected geographical and spatial features. It was found that the higher the elevation and the steeper the slope, the lower the probability of salvage cutting. Exposure was also found to be a relevant factor (however, it was difficult to interpret) as opposed to the distance to forest roads

    Possibilities of novel technologies application for purposes of tourism of people with special needs

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    This article aims at investigating the extent to which the available opportunities are being exploited, including current and potential possibilities of novel technologies application for purposes of tourism of people with special needs. The research methods used were: logical-compartmental analysis and observation. Main results of analysis: Development of the knowledge-based economy, studies in it, and implementation of their results in practice, bring many untapped opportunities, including wider application of e-tourism in meeting requirements and needs of disabled people, elderly people or other groups, which have rarely been taken into consideration as separate groups within economic analyses. Practical implications: There is a need for working out novel business models, including the area of e-tourism for people with special needs, which will take into consideration national requirements and domestic possibilities

    Special Endurance of Young Gymnasts: The Role of Aerobic Capacity in Fatigue Development in the Training

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    In artistic gymnastic alteration of all component of coordination capacities may related to fatigue. So the resistance to fatigue is a specific endurance component, which has direct relation to the techniques of gymnastic exercises. We supposed that changes of motor actions precise in the process of fatigue development during training sessions might presumably have a negative impact on the quality of performing complex gymnastic elements and combinations and set the goal to determine the significance level of aerobic capacity for special endurance. Twelve young skilled gymnasts aged 15-18 years measured the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max). During the training sessions specially designed tests of specific endurance were carried out, heart rate (HR) was measured and the quality of the presentation of the combinations was evaluated (by the sum of the judges' ratings of all the elements). The interrelation between VO2 max, HR in progress of gymnastic combinations and the quality of their performance were analyzed. Results showed that a higher aerobic capacity contributes to a relatively lower HR when performing intense gymnastic combinations and a slower development. Iof “coordination fatigue” t may be of special importance for young athletes at the stage of advanced specialization when a great volume of complex combinations is learned and thus, high volume of training loads is performed. According to obtained data use of the proposed endurance tests is of great importance for control of maintenance of aerobic capacities by young athletes. Account of the factors of “coordination fatigue” development, related to aerobic capacities, may be of special importance for young gymnasts at the stage of advanced specialization when a great volume of complex combinations is learned and thus, high volume of training loads is performed

    Turystyka i rekreacja osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami

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    This article aims at investigating the extent to which the available opportunities are being exploited, including current and potential possibilities of novel technologies application for purposes of tourism of people with special needs. The research methods used were: logical-compartmental analysis and observation. Main results of analysis: Development of the knowledge-based economy, studies in it, and implementation of their results in practice, bring many untapped opportunities, including wider application of e-tourism in meeting requirements and needs of disabled people, elderly people or other groups, which have rarely been taken into consideration as separate groups within economic analyses. Practical implications: There is a need for working out novel business models, including the area of e-tourism for people with special needs, which will take into consideration national requirements and domestic possibilities.Artykuł podejmuje próbę oceny, na ile wykorzystywane są obecnie możliwości oferowane przez nowoczesne technologie w zakresie turystyki i rekreacji osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami. Metody badawcze: metody analizy logiczno-porównawczej, metoda obserwacji. Główne wyniki analiz: Rozwój gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, badania w tym obszarze oraz implementacja ich wyników w praktyce niosą ze sobą dużo niewykorzystanych jeszcze możliwości, w tym w obszarze szerszego wykorzystania e-turystyki w zaspokajaniu specjalnych potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych, osób w podeszłym wieku czy innych grup, dotychczas rzadko uwzględnianych jako odrębne grupy w analizie ekonomicznej. Implikacje praktyczne: Potrzebne są nowe modele biznesowe, w tym w obszarze e-turystyki dla osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami, uwzględniające potrzeby i możliwości w tym zakresie


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    Stroke due to paradoxical embolism can be a complication of certain peripheral venous procedures in patients with coexisting patent foramen ovale. There is an established link between venous sclerotherapy and stroke, however there are no known reports of this complication following peripheral arteriovenous embolization.We present a case of a 36-year- old woman who experienced symptoms of disorientation and apraxia following a hypoxic event during percutaneous alcohol embolization of a large arteriovenous malformation in her right gluteal region. An MRI scan revealed multiple foci of restricted diffusion in both cerebral hemispheres corresponding to acute ischemic stroke lesions. As the subsequent work-up revealed patent foramen ovale, we speculate on the pathomechanism of stroke and conclude with a recommendation to screen for patent foramen ovale in patients undergoing peripheral venous procedures including arteriovenous malformation embolization

    Elbow Joint Position and Force Senses in Young and Adult Untrained People and Gymnasts

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    Joint position (JPS) and force senses (FS) are the proprioception modalities. While the development of JPS was investigated both in children/adult and athlete/untrained conditions, there is a lack of insight into the development of FS. Overall, 28 gymnasts and 25 untrained controls underwent proprioception testing. They were divided into two groups: 9 to 11-year-old boys (13 gymnasts and 10 non-athletes) and 18 to 25-year-old adults (15 gymnasts and 15 non-athletes). The testing was performed at an isokinetic dynamometer and included elbow JPS and FS (20% and 50% maximal voluntary contraction) tasks. Children had two times higher error in JPS (p < 0.01) and 50% higher errors in FS of both flexor (p < 0.001) and extensor muscles (p < 0.05) in comparison with adults. Only in the 50% maximal voluntary contraction task, gymnasts showed 33% lower error than the controls (p < 0.01). Untrained boys presented 54%, 132%, and 169% higher error for elbow flexor performance than young gymnasts, untrained adults, and adult gymnasts, respectively (p < 0.01). The 9 to 11-year-old participants were characterized by a lower precision of JPS and FS performance in comparison with adults. Gymnastic training can possibly accelerate the development of FS when higher loads are considered

    Stroke following peripheral arterio venius malformation alcohol embolization - should we look for persisted foramen ovale in advance?

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    Stroke due to paradoxical embolism can be a complication of certain peripheral venous procedures in patients with coexisting patent foramen ovale. There is an established link between venous sclerotherapy and stroke, however there are no known reports of this complication following peripheral arteriovenous embolization.We present a case of a 36-year- old woman who experienced symptoms of disorientation and apraxia following a hypoxic event during percutaneous alcohol embolization of a large arteriovenous malformation in her right gluteal region. An MRI scan revealed multiple foci of restricted diffusion in both cerebral hemispheres corresponding to acute ischemic stroke lesions. As the subsequent work-up revealed patent foramen ovale, we speculate on the pathomechanism of stroke and conclude with a recommendation to screen for patent foramen ovale in patients undergoing peripheral venous procedures including arteriovenous malformation embolization