43 research outputs found

    Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices

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    The aim of the present investigation was to understand the swelling behaviour of HPMC and PEO-based matrices and to evaluate the impact of porosity on the swelling kinetics. It was noticed that the HPMC has higher swelling rates but both undergo diffusion oriented swelling mechanism. It could also the concluded that the porosity has a marked influence in the development of gel layer on the surface of these matrices

    Le Bassin Triasique de la Branche Castellane de la Chame Ibérique.III. Histoire.

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    [FR] Sur la base de résultats pétrographiques minéralogiques et géochimiques on replace les différents faciés dans un contexta stratigraphique. La genése des minéraux et l'évolution du bassin sont discutées at comparées avec celles des autres bassins triasiques d'Europe Occidentale et d'Afrique du Nord.[ES] A partir da los resultados petrográficos, mineralógicos y geoquimicos, se sitúan las diferentes facies en un contexto estratigráfico. Se discutan la génesis de los minerales y la evolución de la cuenca y se comparan con las de otras cuencas triásicas de Europa Occidental y Africa del Norte.[EN] The different facies are situated within a stratigraphic frame basad on the petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical results. The genesis of the minarals and the evolution of the basin are discussed and are comparad with those of other Triassic basins from Western Europe and North Africa.Peer reviewe

    La cuenca Triásica de la Rama Castellana de la Cordillera Ibérica.I. Petrografía y Mineralogía

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    [ES] Se han estudiado los depósitos triásicos de la Rama Castellana de la Cordillera Ibérica a partir de las columnas representativas de cinco áreas, complementadas con la información de dos sondeos. Se describe la petrografía de los diferentes niveles y la composición de la fracción arcillosa. Los resultados permiten establecer correlaciones en la cuenca y estudiar las variaciones da facies en el espacio y en el tiempo. El estudio comparado de los minerales arcillosos y no arcillosos proporciona criterios para las reconstrucciones litoestratigráficas y paleogeográficas.[EN] The Triassic depositc of the Castillian branch of the Iberian Range haya baen studied basad on vas-ious columns, which represent fiva áreas, and on two boreholes. Ihe petrography of the diffes-ent levels and the composition of the argillaceous fraction are déscribed. The astablishment of correlations within the basin and the study of variations of facies in time and space haya baen made according to the results obtained. The comparison between argillaceous aud non-argillaceous mines-als has set up criteria fos- the lithosts-atigs-aphic and paleogeographic reconstructions.[FR] Les depóts triasiques de la branche castellane de la Chaina Ibérique ont cité citudiés á partir de cinq coupes de tas-ram et de deux forages. La petrographie des différents niveaux et la composition de la fraction argileuse sont décrites. Ces résultats pes-mettent d’établir des cos-rélations dans l’espaca et dans le temps. L’étuda cos-rélative des minéraux non argileux et des minéraux argileus fournit de bons rapés-es á la fois sts-atigraphiques et paléogéographiques.Peer reviewe

    Mixing weighted values of non-atomic games

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    Weighted values of non-atomic games were introduced by Hart and Monderer (1997). They study these values by using two approaches: the potential approach and the asymptotic approach. In this study we develop the random order approach (the mixing value, Aumann and Shapley, 1974) to weighted values and prove that these values coincide with the asymptotic weighted values of Hart and Monderer in pNA.Non-atomic games · Aumann-Shapley value · weighted values

    Modificaciones del efecto bloqueante Alfa de la Clorpromazina en asociaciones con diversos depresores del S.N.C.

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    The alpha blocking effects of chlorpromazine (secondary effect) when associated to perphenazine (a phenothiazine neuroleptic), clothiapine (a estructural analogue of chlorpromazine) and diazepan (and anxiolytic) were studied in rat vas deferens preparations. Results showed that all three drugs, when associated with chlorpromazine, enhanced the alpha blocking effects of the latter when adrenaline was used as the agonist, as shown by the rise in the ED50 of chlorpromazine.En el presente trabajo se estudian las modificaciones en el efecto bloqueante alfa de la clorpromazina (efecto secundario), al asociarla con perfenazina (neuroléptico fenotiazínico), con clotiapina (análogo estructural de la clorpromazina) y diazepam (ansiolítico), utilizando como modelo experimental conducto deferente de rata. Se llega a la conclusión que éstos tres fármacos al asociarlos a la clorpromazina incrementan el efecto bloqueante alfa de la misma al utilizar como agonista, la adrenalina, en el sentido de modificar su DE50

    Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of paepalantine, an isocoumarin isolated from the capitula of Paepalanthus bromelioides, in the trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid model of rat colitis

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    The preventative intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of paepalantine, an isocoumarin isolated from the capitula of Paepalarithus bromelioides, was tested in the trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis. This was performed in two different experimental settings, i. e. when the colonic mucosa is intact or when the mucosa is in process of recovery after an initial insult. The results obtained revealed that the paepalantine pretreatment, at doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg, significantly attenuated the colonic damage induced by TNBS in both situations, as it was evidenced both histologically and biochemically. This beneficial effect was associated with an improvement in the colonic oxidative status, since paepalantine prevented the glutathione depletion that occurred as a consequence of the colonic inflammation. In addition, the intestinal anti-inflammatory effect exerted by this isocoumarin was associated with an inhibition of colonic nitric oxide activity, which is upregulated as a consequence of the inflammatory process. In conclusion, the preventative effect exerted by paepalantine in the TNBS model of rat colitis is probably related with its antioxidant properties