37 research outputs found


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    Normal ageing is often accompanied by loss of appetite and decrease in food intake. Weight loss of senescence is called anorexia of ageing. As an outstanding scientist and physician of Traditional Persian Medicine, Avicenna has introduced an unconventional approach to seniors. He also believed that the elderly should consider special schemes in order to maintain their health. These schemes include consideration of nutrition, mental states, sleep, bathing, and physical activities, and even choosing some appropriate hobbies. The elderly should consume foods and fruits with laxative and stool-softening properties to prevent constipation. They would also do better to decrease the amount of food eaten at meals, but at the same time increasing the number of meals to compensate for low food intake. Moreover, they should maintain their vital force and avoid any activities that tax the body. Furthermore, considering the principles of hifz-al-sehah can help secure long and healthy lives for the elderly.Normalno starenje često je popraćeno gubitkom apetita i smanjenjem unosa hrane. Gubitak težine pri starenju često se naziva anoreksija starenja. Kao izniman znanstvenik i liječnik tradicionalne perzijske medicine Avicena je uveo nekonvencionalan pristup starijima. On je također vjerovao da se stariji trebaju držati posebnih obrazaca kako bi održali svoje zdravlje. Ti obrasci uključuju prehranu, mentalna stanja, spavanje, kupanje, fizičku aktivnost pa čak i odabir nekih odgovarajućih hobija. Stariji bi trebali konzumirati hranu i voće koji omekšavaju stolicu i imaju laksativna svojstva kako bi se spriječila konstipacija. Također će si činiti dobro ako smanje količinu hrane pojedene u obroku, ali istovremeno povećaju broj obroka kako bi kompenzirali smanjeni unos hrane. Štoviše, oni bi trebali održavati svoju vitalnu snagu i izbjegavati sve aktivnosti koje opterećuju tijelo. Osim toga uzimajući u obzir principe hifz-al-sehah, stariji si mogu osigurati dug i zdrav život

    An overview of multi-ingredient kidney stone dissolving formulations from Traditional Persian Pharmacy

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    Kidney stone, as a third important urinary tract disease, is a common disease affecting 10-15% of the world population. Effective medical treatment for the disease is not yet well established. On the other hand, there is an increasing global demand to manage and control various diseases with natural medicine and medicaments originating from Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Traditional Persian medicine (TPM), as one of the most popular schools in CAM, suggests numerous clinical interventions for kidney stones. This review provides various related compound formulations for kidney/bladder stones from the standpoints of Persian scholars. These remedies have been cited in a series of traditional pharmaceutical manuscripts of Persian medicine, namely Qarābādin or prescription. More than fifty multi-ingredient formulations for kidney/bladder stones have been found by reviewing five main Persian pharmacopeias. Various dosage forms have been reported for the management of kidney/bladder stones, such as Majoon (confection), Sharāb (syrup), Jawārish (semisolid confection), Qors (Tablet), and Safoof (oral powder). Considering the positive pharmacological or biological activities of the constituents of filtered formulations, many of those can be re-formulated and either experimentally or clinically evaluated to be introduced as new natural remedies in this field

    Evaluation of possible preventive activity of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. against osteoporosis, an in vivo study

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    Evaluation of possible preventive activity of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. against osteoporosis, an in vivo study</p

    Assessment of the Cytotoxic Activity of Triphala: A Semisolid Traditional Formulation on HepG2 Cancer Cell Line

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    Cancer chemotherapies may result in resistance, and therefore, contemporary treatments including natural products may find an increasing consideration. As per Persian medicine (PM), many natural products have been used for malignant and chronic diseases. Triphala, with a combination of Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia bellirica Retz., Phyllanthus emblica L., and honey, is a multi-ingredient traditional formulation attributed to anticancer activities in PM. This study is aimed at evaluating the cytotoxic activity of this preparation on HepG2, the human liver cancer cell line. Hydroalcoholic extracts were prepared from the formulation and its components. Compared with the control and Cisplatin, the extracts were tested using MTT assay at different concentrations. All concentrations of the preparation, as well as Cisplatin, were effective significantly against HepG2 cells. All extract preparations at multiple concentrations were significantly effective as evidenced by MTT assay when compared to the control group. The IC50 level for Triphala extract was 77.63±4.3 μg/ml. Based on the results, Triphala and its components have cytotoxic activity on the HepG2 cancer cell line and they can reduce the survival rate significantl

    Antiseizure Effects of Peganum harmala L. and Lavandula angustifolia

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    Peganum harmala L. and Lavandula angustifolia are two traditional herbs with probable antiseizure effects. This study evaluated the effects of these two herbal extracts on pentylenetetrazol- (PTZ-) induced seizures in mice. We prepared hydroalcoholic extracts using P. harmala seeds and the aerial parts of L. angustifolia and then randomly divided 190 mice into 19 groups. Normal saline (10 mg/kg), diazepam (2 mg/kg), P. harmala (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 mg/kg), and L. angustifolia (200, 400, 600, and 800 mg/kg) were intraperitoneally (IP) administrated 30 min before an IP administration of PTZ (90 mg/kg). Animals were observed for behavioral changes for one hour. In addition, the effects of flumazenil and naloxone on the antiseizure activity of P. harmala and L. angustifolia were assessed. P. harmala showed antiseizure activity at the dose of 10 mg/kg; it prolonged the seizure latency and decreased the seizure duration. The mortality protection rate was 90% for this herbal extract. L. angustifolia (600 mg/kg) prolonged the seizure latency and decreased both seizure duration and mortality. Neither flumazenil nor naloxone significantly reversed the antiseizure activities of P. harmala and L. angustifolia. In mice, the hydroalcoholic extracts of P. harmala and L. angustifolia showed antiseizure activity against PTZ-induced seizures. We could not delineate the exact antiseizure mechanisms of these extracts in the current study

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Geriatric management in medieval Persian medicine

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    In Iran, a large group of patients are elderly people and they intend to have natural remedies as treatment. These remedies are rooted in historical of Persian and humoral medicine with a backbone of more than 1000 years. The current study was conducted to draw together medieval pharmacological information related to geriatric medicine from some of the most often manuscripts of traditional Persian medicine. Moreover, we investigated the efficacy of medicinal plants through a search of the PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases. In the medieval Persian documents, digestible and a small amount of food such as chicken broth, honey, fig and plum at frequent intervals as well as body massage and morning unctioning are highly recommended. In the field of pharmacotherapy, 35 herbs related to 25 families were identified. Plants were classified as tonic, anti-aging, appetizer, memory and mood enhancer, topical analgesic and laxative as well as health improvement agents. Other than historical elucidation, this paper presents medical and pharmacological approaches that medieval Persian practitioners applied to deal with geriatric complications