974 research outputs found


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    This paper examines, from the perspective of EU law, the issue of conflicts of jurisdiction in internet defamation cases. Due to the ubiquitous nature of internet, damages to reputation may, in principle, occur in every State where the defamatory content is accessible. Given the absence of a uniform applicable law, there is the risk of forum shopping (known as libel tourism).This has a chilling effect on the authors’ freedom of speech. They may prefer to limit the circulation of a book (or article) rather than being exposed to the risk of a multiplicity of claims in several States. It is therefore necessary to identify a rule for assuming jurisdiction that operates a balance between the authors’ freedom of speech and the victims’ right to reputation. Starting from article 7 no. 2 and recital 16 of EU Regulation No. 1215/2012, this article, first of all, analyses the rules governing jurisdiction in internet defamation cases under EU law. Recital 16 seems to authorize judges to assume jurisdiction on the basis of a concrete evaluation of the case at hand without selecting any general criteria. In order to identify the parameters on which such a concrete evaluation should be based, the article analyses the jurisdictional rules that have been used in English law and US law in internet defamation cases. The best solution could be to attribute jurisdiction only to the State or States where the author has expressly targeted his work


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhipendapatan keluarga nelayan dan mengetahui jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan olehistri nelayan serta pengaruh. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan April 2016. Metodeyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan wawancara dengananalisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu denganRandom Sampling dengan responden yaitu istri nelayan. Analisis data menggunakanRegresi Linear Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yangberpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan pendapatan keluarga nelayan adalah tingkatpendapatan istri, pendapatan suami, pendidikan istri dan jam kerja istridengan pvalue0,000?0,05. Pekerjaan istri nelayan yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatanpendapatan keluarga nelayan adalah PNS dan pekerjaan jualan di warung.Kata kunci: Pendapatan, Nelayan, Pasie Lhok, Kembang Tanjong

    Il ricorso alle anti-suit injunctions per risolvere i conflitti internazionali di giurisdizione ed il ruolo dell’international comity

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    The present article analyses the anti-suit injunction, an eq- uitable tool used by common law courts in order to restrain a party from commencing or continuing a national judgement or an arbitral proceeding abroad, the issuance of which is seen by many foreign courts as an offence and an attempt to their sovereignty. After having described the develop- ment and the main features of the anti-suit injunction, this article focuses on the possibility and the opportunity for English courts to issue anti-suit injunctions in jurisdictional conflicts within the European boarders and in the international context. With particular regard to intra-EU conflicts of jurisdiction, this article mainly focuses on the effects of the new Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012, whose Recital 12, according to certain scholars, might be interpreted as rec- ognising again the power of English courts to issue anti-suit injunctions af- ter the Court of Justice of the European Union forbade the use of such or- ders under Regulation (EC) No 44/2001. This article argues that, in a context of global economy, anti-suit in- junctions should be used only in exceptional circumstances, in particular when their issuance is in accordance with the principle of international co- mity, which is proposed as the criterion that should usually guide common law judges when considering issuing an anti-suit injunction. In light of the above, the article eventually tries to make a practical as- sessment of the situations in which the use of anti-suit injunctions is per- mitted by the principle of international comity


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    This article analyzes the possibility to award punitive damages in international arbitration. First of all, it studies the functions of punitive damages in US litigation and the reasons behind the growing interest for this remedy in civil law countries and in the doctrine of international arbitration. Secondly, this article argues that, notwithstanding the fact that arbitration has become the natural judge of interna- tional commercial disputes, the competence of international arbitrators cannot be extended to remedies of quasi-criminal nature, such as punitive damages. The work finally briefly analyzes the possibility to award punitive damages in international investment arbitration and demonstrates that it is not possible to observe, in international law, a remedy which could be compared to punitive damages as recognized in national law systems

    Law and morals in the application of the public policy exception under the twin regulations 1103 and 1104 of 2016

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    This paper discusses the interactions between fundamental principles of domestic legal systems and non-legal standards in the application of the public policy Generalklausel within the context of the twin Regulations 1103 and 1104 of 2016. In particular, this paper argues that public policy is composed of legal principles only and that there is no space for extra legal standards when the circulation of foreign deeds, decisions and laws is in discussion. This consideration has two consequences. Firstly, the role of good morals within contemporary private international law is extremely redu
