153 research outputs found

    Accessing the molecular frame through strong-field alignment of distributions of gas phase molecules

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    A rationale for creating highly aligned distributions of molecules is that it enables vector properties referenced to molecule-fixed axes (the molecular frame) to be determined. In the present work, the degree of alignment that is necessary in order for this to be achieved in practice is explored. Alignment is commonly parametrised in experiments by a single parameter, , which is insufficient to enable predictive calculations to be performed. Here it is shown that, if the full distribution of molecular axes takes a Gaussian form, this single parameter can be used to determine the complete set of alignment moments needed to characterise the distribution. In order to demonstrate the degree of alignment that is required in order to approach the molecular frame, the set of alignment moments corresponding to a few chosen values of are used to project a model molecular frame photoelectron angular distribution into the laboratory frame. These calculations show that needs to approach 0.9 in order to avoid significant blurring to be caused by averaging

    Path integral Monte Carlo simulations for rigid rotors and their application to water

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    In this work the path integral formulation for rigid rotors, proposed by M\"user and Berne [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 77}, 2638 (1996)], is described in detail. It is shown how this formulation can be used to perform Monte Carlo simulations of water. Our numerical results show that whereas some properties of water can be accurately reproduced using classical simulations with an empirical potential which, implicitly, includes quantum effects, other properties can only be described quantitatively when quantum effects are explicitly incorporated. In particular, quantum effects are extremely relevant when it comes to describing the equation of state of the ice phases at low temperatures, the structure of the ices at low temperatures, and the heat capacity of both liquid water and the ice phases. They also play a minor role in the relative stability of the ice phases.Comment: to appear in Molecular Physics (2011

    Interaction between polar molecules subject to a far-off-resonant optical field: Entangled dipoles up- or down-holding each other

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    We show that the electric dipole-dipole interaction between a pair of polar molecules undergoes an all-out transformation when superimposed by a far-off resonant optical field. The combined interaction potential becomes tunable by variation of wavelength, polarization and intensity of the optical field and its dependence on the intermolecular separation exhibits a crossover from an inverse-power to an oscillating behavior. The ability thereby offered to control molecular interactions opens up avenues toward the creation and manipulation of novel phases of ultracold polar gases among whose characteristics is a long-range entanglement of the dipoles' mutual orientation. We devised an accurate analytic model of such optical-field-dressed dipole-dipole interaction potentials, which enables a straightforward access to the optical-field parameters required for the design of intermolecular interactions in the laboratory.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.104

    Controlling the quantum stereodynamics of ultracold bimolecular reactions

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    Chemical reaction rates often depend strongly on stereodynamics, namely the orientation and movement of molecules in three-dimensional space. An ultracold molecular gas, with a temperature below 1 uK, provides a highly unusual regime for chemistry, where polar molecules can easily be oriented using an external electric field and where, moreover, the motion of two colliding molecules is strictly quantized. Recently, atom-exchange reactions were observed in a trapped ultracold gas of KRb molecules. In an external electric field, these exothermic and barrierless bimolecular reactions, KRb+KRb -> K2+Rb2, occur at a rate that rises steeply with increasing dipole moment. Here we show that the quantum stereodynamics of the ultracold collisions can be exploited to suppress the bimolecular chemical reaction rate by nearly two orders of magnitude. We use an optical lattice trap to confine the fermionic polar molecules in a quasi-two-dimensional, pancake-like geometry, with the dipoles oriented along the tight confinement direction. With the combination of sufficiently tight confinement and Fermi statistics of the molecules, two polar molecules can approach each other only in a "side-by-side" collision, where the chemical reaction rate is suppressed by the repulsive dipole-dipole interaction. We show that the suppression of the bimolecular reaction rate requires quantum-state control of both the internal and external degrees of freedom of the molecules. The suppression of chemical reactions for polar molecules in a quasi-two-dimensional trap opens the way for investigation of a dipolar molecular quantum gas. Because of the strong, long-range character of the dipole-dipole interactions, such a gas brings fundamentally new abilities to quantum-gas-based studies of strongly correlated many-body physics, where quantum phase transitions and new states of matter can emerge.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Impact of shortened crop rotation of oilseed rape on soil and rhizosphere microbial diversity in relation to yield decline

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    Oilseed rape (OSR) grown in monoculture shows a decline in yield relative to virgin OSR of up to 25%, but the mechanisms responsible are unknown. A long term field experiment of OSR grown in a range of rotations with wheat was used to determine whether shifts in fungal and bacterial populations of the rhizosphere and bulk soil were associated with the development of OSR yield decline. The communities of fungi and bacteria in the rhizosphere and bulk soil from the field experiment were profiled using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) and sequencing of cloned internal transcribed spacer regions and 16S rRNA genes, respectively. OSR cropping frequency had no effect on rhizosphere bacterial communities. However, the rhizosphere fungal communities from continuously grown OSR were significantly different to those from other rotations. This was due primarily to an increase in abundance of two fungi which showed 100% and 95% DNA identity to the plant pathogens Olpidium brassicae and Pyrenochaeta lycopersici, respectively. Real-time PCR confirmed that there was significantly more of these fungi in the continuously grown OSR than the other rotations. These two fungi were isolated from the field and used to inoculate OSR and Brassica oleracea grown under controlled conditions in a glasshouse to determine their effect on yield. At high doses, Olpidium brassicae reduced top growth and root biomass in seedlings and reduced branching and subsequent pod and seed production. Pyrenochaeta sp. formed lesions on the roots of seedlings, and at high doses delayed flowering and had a negative impact on seed quantity and quality
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