20 research outputs found

    Formulation, pilot-scale preparation, physicochemical characterization and digestibility of a lentil protein-based model infant formula powder

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    Background: Infant formula is a human milk substitute for consumption during the first months of life. The protein component of such products is generally of dairy origin. Alternative sources of protein, such as those of plant origin, are of interest due to dairy allergies, intolerances, and ethical and environmental considerations. Lentils have high levels of protein (20–30%) with a good amino acid profile and functional properties. In this study, a model lentil protein-based formula (LF), in powder format, was produced and compared to two commercial plant-based infant formulae (i.e., soy; SF and rice; RF) in terms of physicochemical properties and digestibility. Results: The macronutrient composition was similar between all the samples; however, RF and SF had larger volume-weighted mean particle diameters (D[4,3] of 121–134 ∼m) than LF (31.9 ∼m), which was confirmed using scanning electron and confocal laser microscopy. The larger particle sizes of the commercial powders were attributed to their agglomeration during the drying process. Regarding functional properties, the LF showed higher D[4,3] values (17.8 ∼m) after 18 h reconstitution in water, compared with the SF and RF (5.82 and 4.55 ∼m, respectively), which could be partially attributed to hydrophobic protein–protein interactions. Regarding viscosity at 95 °C and physical stability, LF was more stable than RF. The digestibility analysis showed LF to have similar values (P <0.05) to the standard SF. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that, from the nutritional and physicochemical perspectives, lentil proteins represent a good alternative to other sources of plant proteins (e.g., soy and rice) in infant nutritional products

    A genome-wide screening uncovers the role of CCAR2 as an antagonist of DNA end resection

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    There are two major and alternative pathways to repair DNA double-strand breaks: non-homologous end-joining and homologous recombination. Here we identify and characterize novel factors involved in choosing between these pathways; in this study we took advantage of the SeeSaw Reporter, in which the repair of double-strand breaks by homology-independent or -dependent mechanisms is distinguished by the accumulation of green or red fluorescence, respectively. Using a genome-wide human esiRNA (endoribonuclease- prepared siRNA) library, we isolate genes that control the recombination/endjoining ratio. Here we report that two distinct sets of genes are involved in the control of the balance between NHEJ and HR: those that are required to facilitate recombination and those that favour NHEJ. This last category includes CCAR2/DBC1, which we show inhibits recombination by limiting the initiation and the extent of DNA end resection, thereby acting as an antagonist of CtIP

    TTF-1 and RET promoter SNPs: Regulation of RET transcription in Hirschsprung's disease

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the coding regions of receptor tyrosine kinase gene (RET) are associated with Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR, aganglionic megacolon). These SNPs, individually or combined, may act as a low penetrance susceptibility locus and/or be in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with another susceptibility locus located in RET regulatory regions. Because two RET promoter SNPs have been found associated with HSCR, in LD with HSCR-associated RET coding region haplotypes, their implication in the transcriptional regulation of RET is of major interest. Analysis of 172 sporadic HSCR patients also revealed the presence of HSCR-associated RET promoter SNPs in LD with the main coding region RET haplotype observed in Chinese patients. By using a weighted logistic regression approach, we determined that of all SNPs tested in our study, the promoter SNPs are the most correlated to the disease. Functional analysis of the RET promoter SNPs in the context of additional 5′ regulatory regions demonstrated that the HSCR-associated alleles decrease RET transcription. These SNPs overlap a TTF-1 binding site and TTF-1-activated RET transcription is also decreased by the HSCR-associated SNPs. Moreover, we identified an HSCR patient with a Gly322Ser TTF-1 mutation that compromises activation of transcription from HSCR-associated RET promoter haplotypes. Interestingly, we show that the pattern of RET and TTF-1 expression is coincident in developing human gut. We also present a detailed profile of the RET gene in our population, which provides an insight into the higher incidence of the disease in China. © Oxford University Press 2005; all rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Efficacy of Azithromycin in the Treatment of Community-acquired Pneumonia, Including Patients with Macrolide-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection

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    Background and Objective The growing problem of drug resistance among respiratory pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae, (S. pneumoniae) has complicated initial empiric therapy of CAP. This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a 3-day course of azithromycin in adults with mild to moderately severe CAP, and to determine whether in vitro macrolide resistance among strains of S. pneumoniae is related to clinical efficacy/failure. Methods An open-label, non-comparative study was undertaken at 3 university-affiliated hospitals in Japan. Patients were eligible if they were 18 years or older and had mild or moderately severe CAP. All patients received azithromycin 500 mg/day for three days, and clinical and microbiological responses were evaluated 1 and 2 weeks after initiating therapy. Results A total of 78 patients received the study medication, 59 of whom had sufficient data available for efficacy analysis. Overall, a good clinical response with azithromycin was achieved in 49 patients (83.1%) and a microbiological response was achieved in 78.3%. Azithromycin resistance, based on CLSI criteria, was demonstrated in 85.7% (12/14) of S. pneumoniae isolates, and the presence of ermB genes was found in 50.0% (7/14). However, among patients in whom S. pneumoniae was isolated (n=17), a good clinical response was achieved in 76.5% (13/17), and the microbiological response rate was 64.3% (9/14). Furthermore, 6 of 7 patients in whom high-level resistance was documented (MICs >256 μg/mL and carrying ermB genes) exhibited good clinical responses. Azithromycin was well tolerated; adverse events, mainly of a gastrointestinal nature, were recorded in 6 patients (7.7%). Conclusion Most patients responed well to azithromycin, indicating that azithromycin might be clinically effective for the treatment of CAP with macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae. However, a larger study is necessary to prove the efficacy against macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae

    Transcriptional repression by Pax5 (BSAP) through interaction with corepressors of the Groucho family

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    Pax5 (BSAP) functions as both a transcriptional activator and repressor during midbrain patterning, B-cell development and lymphomagenesis. Here we demonstrate that Pax5 exerts its repression function by recruiting members of the Groucho corepressor family. In a yeast two-hybrid screen, the groucho-related gene product Grg4 was identified as a Pax5 partner protein. Both proteins interact cooperatively via two separate domains: the N-terminal Q and central SP regions of Grg4, and the octapeptide motif and C-terminal transactivation domain of Pax5. The phosphorylation state of Grg4 is altered in vivo upon Pax5 binding. Moreover, Grg4 efficiently represses the transcriptional activity of Pax5 in an octapeptide-dependent manner. Similar protein interactions resulting in transcriptional repression were also observed between distantly related members of both the Pax2/5/8 and Groucho protein families. In agreement with this evolutionary conservation, the octapeptide motif of Pax proteins functions as a Groucho-dependent repression domain in Drosophila embryos. These data indicate that Pax proteins can be converted from transcriptional activators to repressors through interaction with corepressors of the Groucho protein family

    Mechanical cues control mutant p53 stability through a mevalonate-RhoA axis

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    Tumour-associated p53 missense mutants act as driver oncogenes affecting cancer progression, metastatic potential and drug resistance (gain-of-function)1. Mutant p53 protein stabilization is a prerequisite for gain-of-function manifestation; however, it does not represent an intrinsic property of p53 mutants, but rather requires secondary events2. Moreover, mutant p53 protein levels are often heterogeneous even within the same tumour, raising questions on the mechanisms that control local mutant p53 accumulation in some tumour cells but not in their neighbours2,3. By investigating the cellular pathways that induce protection of mutant p53 from ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, we found that HDAC6/Hsp90-dependent mutant p53 accumulation is sustained by RhoA geranylgeranylation downstream of the mevalonate pathway, as well as by RhoA- and actin-dependent transduction of mechanical inputs, such as the stiffness of the extracellular environment. Our results provide evidence for an unpredicted layer of mutant p53 regulation that relies on metabolic and mechanical cues

    Analysis of Centrosome and Dna Damage Response In Plk4 Associated Seckel Syndrome

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    Microcephalic primordial dwarfism (MPD) is a group of autosomal recessive inherited single-gene disorders with intrauterine and postnatal global growth failure. Seckel syndrome is the most common form of the MPD. Ten genes are known with Seckel syndrome. Using genome-wide SNP genotyping and homozygosity mapping we mapped a Seckel syndrome gene to chromosomal region 4q28.1-q28.3 in a Turkish family. Direct sequencing of PLK4 (polo-like kinase 4) revealed a homozygous splicing acceptor site transition (c.31-3 A>G) that results in a premature translation termination (p.[=,Asp11Profs*14]) causing deletion of all known functional domains of the protein. PLK4 is a master regulator of centriole biogenesis and its deficiency has recently been associated with Seckel syndrome. However, the role of PLK4 in genomic stability and the DNA damage response is unclear. Evaluation of the PLK4-Seckel fibroblasts obtained from patient revealed the expected impaired centriole biogenesis, disrupted mitotic morphology, G2/M delay, and extended cell doubling time. Analysis of the PLK4-Seckel cells indicated that PLK4 is also essential for genomic stability and DNA damage response. These findings provide mechanistic insight into the pathogenesis of the severe growth failure associated with PLK4-deficiency.WoSScopu