1,599 research outputs found

    An Extensive Questionnaire about Metacognition during Emergency Remote Teaching Involving More Than 3000 Engineering Students

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    By 11 March 2020, the phrase “COVID-19” had officially entered everyday life across most of the word. Each level of education suddenly faced new changes and new challenges. Emergency remote teaching became widespread, and new methodologies to deliver classes and courses were adopted by educational institutions. In this paper, we focus on the impact of the remote learning experience of engineering students enrolled at the Politecnico di Milano. The subjects were recruited from all engineering courses from the first to the fifth year and were asked to complete a multidimensional survey. The survey featured 66 items regarding the participants’ perceptions of the challenges of emergency remote teaching compared with pre-COVID-19 in-person teaching. The questionnaire addressed six dimensions: the organization of emergency remote teaching, subjective well-being, metacognition, self-efficacy, identity, and socio-demographic information. In this paper, we describe the entire survey and discuss a preliminary analysis. Using Cronbach’s alpha test, a confirmatory factor analysis, and the t-test, we performed a more in-depth analysis concerning the outcomes of metacognition and self-efficacy. The data analysis suggested a small, unexpected change in the metacognition strategies. The students, in some regards, improved their learning strategies. Some other answers underlined their appreciation of the courses’ organization and the lack of relationships with their peers and teachers

    Traffic Congestion Analysis Using SIR Epidemic Model

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    In this work, we propose a mathematical model to represent traffic congestion in the street under some consideration. A congestion problem in a city highway becomes a critical issue since congestion at one point affected congestion propagation on the other points. We focus on the propagation of traffic propagation by adopting the concept of disease spread using the SIR model. We consider that the disease in traffic problems is congestion. Meanwhile, vehicles that enter the highway are susceptible to congestion. In contrast, vehicles free from traffic jams represent individuals free from disease. The SIR model can explain the spread of congestion by looking at the congestion variable as an infected variable. We discuss and analyze the existence and stability of the equilibrium points. The local stability equilibrium point is verified using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. At the same time, the global stability is analyzed using Lyapunov function. The numerical simulation is provided in the last section to validate the discussion results

    Can music be figurative? Exploring the possibility of crossmodal similarities between music and visual arts

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    According to both experimental research and common sense, classical music is a better fit for figurative art than jazz. We hypothesize that similar fits may reflect underlying crossmodal structural similarities between music and painting genres. We present two preliminary studies aimed at addressing our hypothesis. Experiment 1 tested the goodness of the fit between two music genres (classical and jazz) and two painting genres (figurative and abstract). Participants were presented with twenty sets of six paintings (three figurative, three abstract) viewed in combination with three sound conditions: 1) silence, 2) classical music, or 3) jazz. While figurative paintings scored higher aesthetic appreciation than abstract ones, a gender effect was also found: the aesthetic appreciation of paintings in male participants was modulated by music genre, whilst music genre did not affect the aesthetic appreciation in female participants. Our results support only in part the notion that classical music enhances the aesthetic appreciation of figurative art. Experiment 2 aimed at testing whether the conceptual categories ‘figurative’ and ‘abstract’ can be extended also to music. In session 1, participants were first asked to classify 30 paintings (10 abstract, 10 figurative, 10 ambiguous that could fit either category) as abstract or figurative and the to rate them for pleasantness; in session 2 participants were asked to classify 40 excerpts of music (20 classical, 20 jazz) as abstract or figurative and to rate them for pleasantness. Paintings which were clearly abstract or figurative were all classified accordingly, while the majority of ambiguous paintings were classified as abstract. Results also show a gender effect for painting’s pleasantness: female participants rated higher ambiguous and abstract paintings. More interestingly, results show an effect of music genre on classification, showing that it is possible to classify music as figurative or abstract, thus supporting the hypothesis of cross-modal similarities between the two sensory-different artistic expressions

    Thrombin Inhibitors from Different Animals

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    Venous and arterial thromboembolic diseases are still the most frequent causes of death and disability in high-income countries. Clinical anticoagulants are inhibitors of enzymes involved in the coagulation pathway, such as thrombin and factor Xa. Thrombin is a key enzyme of blood coagulation system, activating the platelets, converting the fibrinogen to the fibrin net, and amplifying its self-generation by the activation of factors V, VIII, and XI. Thrombin has long been a target for the development of oral anticoagulants. Furthermore, selective inhibitors of thrombin represent a new class of antithrombotic agents. For these reasons, a number of specific thrombin inhibitors are under evaluation for possible use as antithrombotic drugs. This paper summarizes old and new interests of specific thrombin inhibitors described in different animals

    Peer learning in higher education: An example of practices

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    Nowadays, academic institutions face the challenges of an increasing number of student enrolments as well as dropouts. An important factor which allows predicting learner dropout is the number of university educational credits gained across the first term in the first academic year. Since active methods enhance students’ learning more than traditional lectures, a possible effect of their implementation in an academic course might be an increase in the pass rate in final examinations, thus contributing to moderate the learners’ dropouts. In this perspective, a case study was implemented to examine whether integrating peer learning into traditional physics lectures through the use of technology may have positive effects on student learning in large size classes. This study aimed at 1) outlining how this educational method was implemented in the context of an academic physics course at Politecnico di Milano, and 2) illustrating some preliminary results regarding the final achievement of the students involved in this teaching methodology


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    The recent collapse of bridges in Italy has prompted numerous studies on monitoring and maintenance. Many structures in Italy have been in service for over 50 years, necessitating new approaches to ensure their safety. To address this issue, Italy's Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici (Superior Council of Public Works) has developed the Guidelines for Risk Classification and Management, proposing a multi-level approach to bridge management within a complex geomorphological environment. The guidelines outline a multi-level process that includes surveying the structures, conducting detailed inspections, and assigning risk classes based on hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. Current inspection processes are time-consuming and costly. Therefore, alternative monitoring technologies are crucial. Unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with cameras, laser technologies, and GPS systems offer flexible and cost-effective solutions for visual inspection. These technologies enable the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, such as size, material properties, and overall condition. In this context, efficient data management and exploration systems are necessary to handle the vast amount of geo-referenced information. Multi-epoch databases play a crucial role in documenting the conditions of bridges and supporting a maintenance and structural health monitoring workflow. These databases can be utilized within a Bridge Management System to aid road managers in decision-making processes. Additionally, 3D exploration platforms provide visual analysis and highlight areas of interest within the structure. This work presents a multi-epoch geo-database that adheres to the Italian guidelines, offering optimized data management and queryability for 2D and 3D information. The entire process is designed using open-source and reproducible solutions

    Enhanced drug delivery capabilities from stents coated with absorbable polymer and crystalline drug

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    Current drug eluting stent (DES) technology is not optimized with regard to the pharmacokinetics of drug delivery. A novel, absorbable-coating sirolimus-eluting stent (AC-SES) was evaluated for its capacity to deliver drug more evenly within the intimal area rather than concentrating drug around the stent struts and for its ability to match coating erosion with drug release. The coating consisted of absorbable poly-lactide-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) and crystalline sirolimus deposited by a dry-powder electrostatic process. The AC-SES demonstrated enhanced drug stability under simulated use conditions and consistent drug delivery balanced with coating erosion in a porcine coronary implant model. The initial drug burst was eliminated and drug release was sustained after implantation. The coating was absorbed within 90 days. Following implantation into porcine coronary arteries the AC-SES coating is distributed in the surrounding intimal tissue over the course of several weeks. Computational modeling of drug delivery characteristics demonstrates how distributed coating optimizes the load of drug immediately around each stent strut and extends drug delivery between stent struts. The result was a highly efficient arterial uptake of drug with superior performance to a clinical bare metal stent (BMS). Neointimal thickness (0.17 ± 0.07 mm vs. 0.28 ± 0.11 mm) and area percent stenosis (22 ± 9% vs. 35 ± 12%) were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) by the AC-SES compared to the BMS 30 days after stent implantation in an overlap configuration in porcine coronary arteries. Inflammation was significantly reduced in the AC-SES compared to the BMS at both 30 and 90 days after implantation. Biocompatible, rapidly absorbable stent coatings enable the matching of drug release with coating erosion and provide for the controlled migration of coating material into tissue to reduce vicissitudes in drug tissue levels, optimizing efficacy and reducing potential toxicity.Micell Technologies, Inc.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 GM49039

    A preliminary assessment of the potential health and genetic impacts of releasing confiscated passerines into the wild: A reduced-risk approach

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    The illegal capture and trade of wild birds have long been threats to biodiversity. The rehabilitation and release of confiscated animals may be a useful conservation tool in species management. However, differences between populations regarding health (e.g., different pathogens) and adaptation (e.g., local adaptation) must be taken into account, since both can negatively impact the recipient population. In this pilot study, we used two of the most illegally trafficked Brazilian wild passerine species, namely the red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) and green-winged saltator (Saltator similis) as case studies and assessed some of the health threats that the release of confiscated passerines may pose to free-living birds. We also investigated the level of difference in mitochondrial genetic structure among populations living in different ecoregions. Blood, feces, and oropharyngeal swabs from confiscated (n = 115) and free-living (n = 120) passerines from the release sites were tested for the Newcastle disease virus, Salmonella spp., and Mycoplasma gallisepticum. These are considered major avian diseases by the Brazilian National Avian Health Program. We analyzed mtDNA to study the difference in genetic structure between populations using samples from 127 free-living passerines. We found no evidence of the Newcastle disease virus or Salmonella spp. in confiscated or free-living passerines from either species. However, the levels of infection with M. galissepticum detected in our study for red-crested cardinals and green-winged saltators calls for a high degree of caution in captive release programs. The difference in genetic structure between populations occurring in different regions was low, and was not significant between those from the Pampa/Subtropical Grasslands region. These results suggest that it may be possible to establish a cost-effective and sensitive protocol for releasing confiscated songbirds, provided that further genome-wide studies indicate that the functional genetic diversity among (at least some of the) populations is also low.Fil: Cruz, Cláudio E. F.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Funkler, Gustavo R.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasil. Laboratório Porto Belo; BrasilFil: Zani, André L. S.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Wagner, Paulo G. C.. Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres; BrasilFil: Andretta, Ines. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Segura, Luciano Noel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Fagundes, Nelson J. R.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasi