362 research outputs found

    Interprétations masculines et attentes féminines à l’égard des hommes dans le travail social

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    La sociologie des rapports de sexes s’est construite autour de deux grandes orientations : l’une insistant sur les conditions de la permanence de la structure des rapports de sexe, partant du principe que la domination masculine est une constante « transhistorique », l’autre prenant le parti de regarder du côté des changements, du côté de ce qui se transforme dans les rapports entre les sexes, tant dans la sphère productive que reproductive. L’article présenté ici s’inscrit dans cette mouvance en s’intéressant à une minorité professionnelle masculine : les hommes assistants sociaux. Nous pouvons souligner la rareté des recherches portant sur les hommes qui exercent des professions dites  « féminines », alors que les femmes qui investissent des secteurs masculins ont suscité de multiples réflexions. Notons actuellement quelques travaux sur les hommes dans les professions de soin. Le champ du travail social est propice à une réflexion autour de la division sexuelle du travail quand on sait que les professions qui le constituent sont pour partie fortement féminisées. Le service social, dont la féminité est une constante historique en est un exemple signifiant. Finalement cet article tente de montrer en quoi une présence masculine dans un monde dominé par les femmes contribue à transformer et/ou à reproduire les stéréotypes sexués liés à cette profession et par là même conduit à interroger les enjeux de la mixité à l’heure où la société se dote de lois pour construire les conditions favorables à la mixité.The sociology of relationships between the sexes has been constructed around two major school of thought : the one accenting the conditions of structural permanence of relationship between sexes, based on the principle that male domination is a transhistorical constant, the other taking the position of looking for what changes, what is transformed, in the relationships between the sexes, in both productive and reproductive sphere. The article here presented follows this tendency by studying a male professional minority : male social workers.  We can emphasize the rarity of research on men exercising so-called feminine professions, whereas women occupying masculine sectors have given rise to a great deal of thoughts. At present let’s note,  some works about men in “care”. The field of social work is conducive to a reflection on sexual division of work, when professions which compose it, are known to be in part highly feminised. The social service of which the feminine nature is an historical constant, is a significant example. Finally, this article attempts to demonstrate in what way a masculine presence in a world dominated by women, contributes to the transformation and/or reproduction of the sexual stereotypes linked to that profession and thus leads to a questioning of the stakes of the sexual desegregation at the moment when the society endows itself with laws in order to construct conditions favourable for sexual desegregation

    Looking inside Late Variscan tectonics: structural and metamorphic heterogeneity of the Eastern Southalpine Basement (NE Italy)

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    The Eastern Southalpine Basement on the southern side of the Brixen granodiorite pluton is comprised of two rock volumes separated by a shear zone and characterised by contrasting thermo-mechanical..

    Geometric and Kinematic modeling of the thrust fronts in the Montello-Cansiglio area from geologic and geodetic data (Eastern Southalpine Chain, NE Italy)

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    Questo lavoro è dedicato allo studio delle geometrie e dei ratei di deformazione di breve e medio termine delle strutture compressive attive facenti parte dei fronti esterni della Catena Sudalpina, nel settore dell’anticlinale del Montello. Il metodo adottato utilizza informazioni derivate dall’analisi di una linea geodetica di primo ordine dell’IGM, combinate con osservazioni geofisiche, geologiche e geomorfologiche di superficie e di sottosuolo. La linea geodetica presa in esame mostra lungo alcuni suoi segmenti dei movimenti verticali relativi, positivi rispetto ai segmenti adiacenti (maggiori sollevamenti). Questi segnali geodetici, ottenuti dal confronto delle quote dei capisaldi misurate durante due distinte campagne separate da un intervallo di tempo di circa 50 anni, avvengono in corripondenza dell’attraversamento di faglie cieche e sono stati quindi interpretati come dovuti all’attività di queste strutture sepolte. Per l’interpretazione, è stata costruita una sezione geologica che segue la traccia della linea di livellazione, ed è stato quindi modelizzato il segnale geodetico adottando un metodo diretto. Nel modello, le geometrie di partenza delle faglie sono state prese dalla sezione geologica, e sono state poi modificate per riprodurre il segnale geodetico. Una volta fissate le geometrie delle faglie, gli uplift rate sono stati convertiti in slip e shortening rate e comparati con: 1- i ratei di medio e lungo termine derivati dalle osservazioni geologiche e geomorfologiche per evidenziare eventuali cambiamenti nel tempo; e 2- con i tassi di convergenza GPS per studiare la partizione delle deformazione tra i diversi fronti. Infine sono state usate relazioni analitiche ed empiriche per stimare la massima magnitudo e i tempi di ricorrenza dei potenziali futuri terremoti


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    U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dating of andesite from the Dolomite area (NE Italy): geochronological evidence for the early onset of Permian Volcanism in the eastern part of the southern Alps

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    The Athesian Volcanic District (AVD), a thick sequence of andesitic to rhyolitic lava and ignimbrite, overlies both the Variscan basement of the Dolomites and, where present, the continental basal conglomerate of Upper Carboniferous(?) to Early Permian age. This volcanic activity is known to mark the margin of the intra-Pangea megashear system between Gondwana and Laurasia, the onset age of which is determined in this study. SHRIMP U-Pb dating on zircon from Ponte Gardena/Waidbruck (Isarco/Eisack valley) basaltic andesite yields an age of 290.7 ± 3 Ma, providing the oldest record of andesite volcanic activity yet documented in the AVD. Two younger dates (279.9 ± 3.3 and 278.6 ± 3.1 Ma) obtained for the andesitic necks of M. dei Ginepri (Eores/Aferer valley) and Col Quaterna (western Comelico), respectively, probably represent a second pulse of andesite magmatic activity. Near Chiusa/Klausen, the volcanoclastic deposits at the bottom of the Funes/Villnoss valley volcano-sedimentary complex only contain detrital zircons, dated at 469 ± 6 Ma; these probably derive from erosion of Paleozoic porphyroids. Other zircons from the same sediments and inherited cores of magmatic andesite crystals give Paleoproterozoic (1953.6 ± 22.1, 1834.6 ± 69.3, 1773.6 ± 25.1 Ma), Early Neoproterozoic (1015 ± 14 Ma) and Late Neoproterozoic (728.4 ± 9.6, 687.6 ± 7.6 Ma) ages. These ancient detrital and inherited zircon ages fit the model that envisages the Dolomite region as being tectonically coherent with Africa, at least until the Lower Permian

    Epidemiological profile of ameloblastoma at Erasto Gaertner Hospital

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    Ameloblastoma is the most common benign tumor of odontogenic origin, and represents about 11% of all odontogenic tumors. It is characterized by being locally aggressive and having high recurrence rates. Objective: To evaluate the occurrence of ameloblastoma in the Erasto Gaertner Hospital in patients from 1972 to 2012. In addition, to assess the main treatments, the most prevalent histological variants, the recurrence rate, the anatomical location of the lesion and patient profile. Material and methods: A retrospective study of patients diagnosed with ameloblastoma at the Erasto Gaertner Hospital between the years 1972-2012 was performed. Epidemiological data were collected such as gender, age, race, lesion location, type of surgical procedure, follow-up and recurrence rate; and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 40 patients were selected for the study. The most affected age group was between the third and fifth decade of life, with 19 cases (47.5%), followed by the second and fourth decade, with 14 cases (35%); the sixth decade, with 5 cases (12.5%) and seventh decade with 1 case (2.5%). The patients’ ages ranged from 13 to 66 years, with an average age 34.9 years. The mandible was the most affected site, with 38 cases (95%) of cases, and maxilla had only 2 cases (5%). Thirty-eight patients were treated with radical surgery and 5 patients presented recurrence after 1 year of follow-up. Both cases that occurred in maxilla presented recurrence. Conclusion: Recurrence of ameloblastoma decreases significantly when surgery is performed properly, with wide excision and margin. Combination of full tumor resection and reconstruction was the best approach observed in this study. In addition, we recommend a long period of clinical and radiographic follow-up

    Secondary alveolar bone graft in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate submitted to premaxilla repositioning: retrospective study

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    Introduction and Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the closure of oronasal communication, to report the importance of secondary alveolar bone graft repositioning of the premaxilla in patients with bilateral complete cleft lip and palate. Material and methods: This retrospective study analyzed the medical records obtained from the Cleft Lip and Palate Integral Care Center/ Association of Rehabilitation and Social Development of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients (CAIF/AFISSUR), Curitiba – Paraná – Brazil, to obtain statistical data involving 26 records of patients who underwent this surgery in the period between January/2010 – January/2014. Results and Conclusion: The benefits observed were: premaxilla stability, aided by the union of pre-maxillary segments; integrity of oronasal structure; aesthetic improvement; better bone support for the teeth adjacent to the cleft; support for the bridge of the nose reducing facial asymmetry and facilitating future rhinoplasty; orthodontic treatment without the limitation of the bone defect; closure of oronasal communication in 88% of patients


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    O mercado leiteiro vem crescendo exponencialmente no Brasil, sendo necessário ampliar os conhecimentosem como garantir a qualidade do produto e seus derivados, objetivando assim, melhor e maior venda. Oobjetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite na produção equalidade de queijos minas padrão. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de propriedades da região do MeioOeste Catarinense, diretamente de tanques de resfriamento. As amostras foram separadas em gruposconforme análise de CCS do leite: até 200.000 CS/mL (baixa), 201.000 a 500.000 CS/mL (média) e acima de501.000 CS/mL (alta). O queijo foi elaborado a partir das amostras nas dependências do Instituto FederalCatarinense, campus Concórdia, assim como suas análises, incluindo rendimento do queijo. As análisesfísico-químicas realizadas foram de acidez titulável, determinação da gordura (método de Gerber), umidade epH. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises microbiológicas: coliformes termotolerantes (a 45°C), Salmonellae Estafilococos Coagulase Positiva (ECP). Todas as análises foram realizadas a partir do 2° dia defabricação, sendo repetidas após o período de 20 dias. Os resultados encontrados nos queijos para asanálises físico-químicas do leite não houve diferença significativa para EST, ESD, proteína e lactose ao secomparar os três grupos. Já para gordura, houve diferença entre o leite de baixa CCS (4,60 ± 0,14) com oleite de alta CCS (3,96 ± 0,09), ou seja, com o aumento da CCS e uma maior infecção na glândula mamária,a produção dos componentes do leite será afetada, acarretando em uma queda na porcentagem de gordura.A acidez apresentou uma diferença estatística entre o leite de baixa CCS (16,29 ± 0,52) com o de alta CCS(13,58 ± 0,02). A mastite influencia na alcalinização do pH do leite, mantendo-o semelhante ao do sangue,porque com a lesão causada pela mastite no úbere, há um aumento na permeabilidade capilar, havendo umapassagem de constituintes do sangue para o leite, influenciando assim, na mudança do pH do mesmo. Paraas análises microbiológicas, em baixa CCS foi encontrado Estafilococos Coagulase Positiva em 20 dias,sendo que a média CCS foi negativa para ambos os dias e alta CCS apresentou Estafilococos CoagulasePositiva em 02 dias; a presença de Salmonella sp. e coliformes termotolerantes (a 45°C) foi negativa emtodos as análises. Por fim, com base nos resultados, conclui-se que diferentes valores de CCS podeminfluenciar nos resultados das análises físico-químicas da matéria-prima e do produto final. O queijo                                             produzido com o leite de baixa CCS possuiu qualidade e durabilidade estável, onde a composição físico-química trouxe resultados desejados em um produto. O queijo de alta CCS apresentou uma composição                                               físico-química inferior ao de baixa CCS. Para as análises microbiológicas, o valor de CCS não interferiu napresença ou ausência dos micro-organismos pesquisados nas amostras