11 research outputs found

    Sensory event-related potential morphology predicts age in premature infants

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    Objective: We investigated whether sensory-evoked cortical potentials could be used to estimate the age of an infant. Such a model could be used to identify infants who deviate from normal neurodevelopment. Methods: Infants aged between 28- and 40-weeks post-menstrual age (PMA) (166 recording sessions in 96 infants) received trains of visual and tactile stimuli. Neurodynamic response functions for each stimulus were derived using principal component analysis and a machine learning model trained and validated to predict infant age. Results: PMA could be predicted accurately from the magnitude of the evoked responses (training set mean absolute error and 95% confidence intervals: 1.41 [1.14; 1.74] weeks, p = 0.0001; test set mean absolute error: 1.55 [1.21; 1.95] weeks, p = 0.0002). Moreover, we show that their predicted age (their brain age) is correlated with a measure known to relate to maturity of the nervous system and is linked to long-term neurodevelopment. Conclusions: Sensory-evoked potentials are predictive of age in premature infants and brain age deviations are related to biologically and clinically meaningful individual differences in nervous system maturation. Significance: This model could be used to detect abnormal development of infants’ response to sensory stimuli in their environment and may be predictive of neurodevelopmental outcome

    Defining the filter parameters for phase-amplitude coupling from a bispectral point of view

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    BACKGROUND: Two measures of cross-frequency coupling are phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) and bicoherence. The estimation of PAC with meaningful bandwidth for the high-frequency amplitude is crucial in order to avoid misinterpretations. While recommendations on the bandwidth of PAC's amplitude component exist, there is no consensus yet. Theoretical relationships between PAC and bicoherence can provide insights on how to set PAC's filters. NEW METHOD: To illustrate this, PAC estimated from simulated and empirical data are compared to the bispectrum. We used simulations replicated from earlier studies and empirical data from human electro-encephalography and rat local field potentials. PAC's amplitude component was estimated using a filter bandwidth with a ratio of (1) 2:1, (2) 1:1, or (3) 0.5:1 relative to the phase frequency. RESULTS: For both simulated and empirical data, PAC was smeared over a broad frequency range and not present when the estimates comprised a 2:1- and 0.5:1-ratio, respectively. In contrast, the 1:1-ratio accurately avoids smearing and results in clear signals of cross-frequency coupling. Bicoherence estimates were found to be essentially identical to PAC calculated with the recommended frequency setting. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S): Earlier recommendations on filter settings of PAC lead to estimates which are smeared in the frequency domain, which makes it difficult to identify cross-frequency coupling of neural processes operating in narrow frequency bands. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that smearing of PAC estimates can be avoided with a different choice of filter settings by theoretically relating PAC to bicoherence

    Cortical contributions to locomotor primitives in toddlers and adults

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    The neural locomotor system strongly relies on spinal circuitries. Yet, the control of bipedal gait is accompanied by activity in motor cortex. In human gait control, the functional interaction between these cortical contributions and their spinal counterparts are largely elusive. We focused on four spinal activation patterns during walking and explored their cortical signatures in toddlers and adults. In both groups, cortico-spinal coherence analysis revealed activity in primary motor cortex to be closely related to two of the four spinal patterns. Their corresponding muscle synergies are known to develop around the onset of independent walking. By hypothesis, the cortex hence contributes to the emergence of these synergies. In contrast, the other two spinal patterns investigated here resembled those present during newborn stepping. As expected, they did not show any cortical involvement. Together, our findings suggest a crucial role of motor cortex for independent walking in humans

    Body Weight Control Is a Key Element of Motor Control for Toddlers’ Walking

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    New-borns can step when supported for about 70–80% of their own body weight. Gravity-related sensorimotor information might be an important factor in developing the ability to walk independently. We explored how body weight support alters motor control in toddlers during the first independent steps and in toddlers with about half a year of walking experience. Sixteen different typically developing children were assessed during (un)supported walking on a running treadmill. Electromyography of 18–24 bilateral leg and back muscles and vertical ground reaction forces were recorded. Strides were grouped into four levels of body weight support ranging from no (<10%), low (10–35%), medium (35–55%), and high (55–95%) support. We constructed muscle synergies and muscle networks and assessed differences between levels of support and between groups. In both groups, muscle activities could be described by four synergies. As expected, the mean activity decreased with body weight support around foot strikes. The younger first-steps group showed changes in the temporal pattern of the synergies when supported for more than 35% of their body weight. In this group, the muscle network was dense with several interlimb connections. Apparently, the ability to process gravity-related information is not fully developed at the onset of independent walking causing motor control to be fairly disperse. Synergy-specific sensitivity for unloading implies distinct neural mechanisms underlying (the emergence of) these synergies

    The human sensorimotor cortex fosters muscle synergies through cortico-synergy coherence

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    In neuromotor control, the dimensionality of complex muscular activation patterns is effectively reduced through the emergence of muscle synergies. Muscle synergies are tailored to task-specific biomechanical needs. Traditionally, they are considered as low-dimensional neural output of the spinal cord and as such their coherent cortico-muscular pathways have remained underexplored in humans. We investigated whether muscle synergies have a higher-order origin, especially, whether they are manifest in the cortical motor network. We focused on cortical muscle synergy representations involved in balance control and examined changes in cortico-synergy coherence accompanying short-term balance training. We acquired electromyography and electro-encephalography and reconstructed cortical source activity using adaptive spatial filters. The latter were based on three muscle synergies decomposed from the activity of nine unilateral leg muscles using non-negative matrix factorization. The corresponding cortico-synergy coherence displayed phase-locked activity at the Piper rhythm, i.e., cortico-spinal synchronization around 40 Hz. Our study revealed the presence of muscle synergies in the motor cortex, in particular, in the paracentral lobule, known for the representation of lower extremities. We conclude that neural oscillations synchronize between the motor cortex and spinal motor neuron pools signifying muscle synergies. The corresponding cortico-synergy coherence around the Piper rhythm decreases with training-induced balance improvement

    Development of running is not related to time since onset of independent walking, a longitudinal case study

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    Introduction: Children start to run after they master walking. How running develops, however, is largely unknown. Methods: We assessed the maturity of running pattern in two very young, typically developing children in a longitudinal design spanning about three years. Leg and trunk 3D kinematics and electromyography collected in six recording sessions, with more than a hundred strides each, entered our analysis. We recorded walking during the first session (the session of the first independent steps of the two toddlers at the age of 11.9 and 10.6 months) and fast walking or running for the subsequent sessions. More than 100 kinematic and neuromuscular parameters were determined for each session and stride. The equivalent data of five young adults served to define mature running. After dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis based on the average pairwise correlation distance to the adult running cluster served as a measure for maturity of the running pattern. Results: Both children developed running. Yet, in one of them the running pattern did not reach maturity whereas in the other it did. As expected, mature running appeared in later sessions (>13 months after the onset of independent walking). Interestingly, mature running alternated with episodes of immature running within sessions. Our clustering approach separated them. Discussion: An additional analysis of the accompanying muscle synergies revealed that the participant who did not reach mature running had more differences in muscle contraction when compared to adults than the other. One may speculate that this difference in muscle activity may have caused the difference in running pattern

    Development of running is not related to time since onset of independent walking, a longitudinal case study

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    INTRODUCTION: Children start to run after they master walking. How running develops, however, is largely unknown. METHODS: We assessed the maturity of running pattern in two very young, typically developing children in a longitudinal design spanning about three years. Leg and trunk 3D kinematics and electromyography collected in six recording sessions, with more than a hundred strides each, entered our analysis. We recorded walking during the first session (the session of the first independent steps of the two toddlers at the age of 11.9 and 10.6 months) and fast walking or running for the subsequent sessions. More than 100 kinematic and neuromuscular parameters were determined for each session and stride. The equivalent data of five young adults served to define mature running. After dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis based on the average pairwise correlation distance to the adult running cluster served as a measure for maturity of the running pattern. RESULTS: Both children developed running. Yet, in one of them the running pattern did not reach maturity whereas in the other it did. As expected, mature running appeared in later sessions (>13 months after the onset of independent walking). Interestingly, mature running alternated with episodes of immature running within sessions. Our clustering approach separated them. DISCUSSION: An additional analysis of the accompanying muscle synergies revealed that the participant who did not reach mature running had more differences in muscle contraction when compared to adults than the other. One may speculate that this difference in muscle activity may have caused the difference in running pattern

    A customised cold-water immersion protocol favours one-size-fits-all protocols in improving acute performance recovery

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether a customised cold-water immersion (CWIc) protocol was more effective in enhancing acute performance recovery than a one-size-fits-all CWI (CWIs) or active recovery (AR) protocol. On three separate testing days, 10 healthy, physically active, non-smoking males completed the same fatiguing protocol (60 squat jumps and a 2′30″ all-out cycling time-trial) followed by CWIc (12°C, 10–17 min), CWIs (15°C, 10 min) or AR (60 W, 10 min). Outcome measures to assess acute recovery were heart rate variability (HRV) as HRVrecovery, muscle power (MP) as absolute and relative decline, and muscle soreness (MS) at 0 and 24 h. HRVrecovery for CWIc was significantly higher compared to CWIs (p = .026, r = 0.74) and AR (p = .000, r = 0.95). The relative decline in MP after CWIc was significantly lower than after CWIs (p = .017, r = 0.73). MS 0 h and MS 24 h post-intervention were not different after CWIc compared to CWIs and AR (p > .05). The findings of the present study demonstrated that CWIc outperforms CWIs and AR in the acute recovery of cardiovascular (HRV) and CWIs in neuromuscular (MP) performance with no differences in MS. To optimise the effects of CWI, contributions of the protocol duration and water temperature should be considered to guarantee an optimal customised dose

    Neuromuscular control before and after independent walking onset in children with cerebral palsy

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    Early brain lesions which produce cerebral palsy (CP) may affect the development of walking. It is unclear whether or how neuromuscular control, as evaluated by muscle synergy analysis, differs in young children with CP compared to typically developing (TD) children with the same walking ability, before and after the onset of independent walking. Here we grouped twenty children with (high risk of) CP and twenty TD children (age 6.5–52.4 months) based on their walking ability, supported or independent walking. Muscle synergies were extracted from electromyography data of bilateral leg muscles using non-negative matrix factorization. Number, synergies’ structure and variability accounted for when extracting one (VAF1 ) or two (VAF2 ) synergies were compared between CP and TD. Children in the CP group recruited fewer synergies with higher VAF1 and VAF2 compared to TD children in the supported and independent walking group. The most affected side in children with asymmetric CP walking independently recruited fewer synergies with higher VAF1 compared to the least affected side. Our findings suggest that early brain lesions result in early alterations of neuromuscular control, specific for the most affected side in asymmetric CP.Biomechatronics & Human-Machine Contro