116 research outputs found

    The Consequences of Work-family Conflict and The Importance of Social Supports to Reduce Work-family Conflict Among Employees

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    Conflicts that occur due to overlap between work and family matters are important topics in today’s organizational context. Work-family conflict can be defined as a form of role conflict where the demands of work and family cannot be aligned in several ways. Some previous studies have mentioned that work-family conflicts negatively affect individuals such as emotional fatigue that ultimately lead to stress and disturb the psychological well-being. From that perspective, social support can help to reduce the stressful experience that is caused by work-family conflicts and improve the psychological well-being. There are two elements of social support originating from (1) work domain support; such as organization, supervisor and co-workers whereas, (2) non-work domain supports: can come from spouse, family members and friends. Thus, these two elements of social support seemed to be important elements to ease the burden of stressful experience among employees especially in work- family conflict

    Core Self-evaluations and Psychological Health among Nurses: The Mediating Role of Work-family Conflict

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    Changes in the workforce demographics have led many individuals, particularly women, to experience work-family conflict as they juggle between their work and family roles. However, not much is known about the role of work-family conflict in the relationship between positive personality traits, namely, core self-evaluations and psychological health, among nurses. Thus, this study presents a model which examines the impact of core self-evaluations on nurses’ psychological health (i.e., psychological distress and life satisfaction) and whether work-family conflict will have a mediating influence on such relationship. Based on the ecological systems theory and the conservation of resources theory, the model proposes that core self-evaluations will have a direct effect on work-family conflict, life satisfaction and psychological distress in nurses. In addition, it is hypothesised that core self-evaluations will have an indirect effect on life satisfaction and psychological distress through work-family conflict. Finally, this model highlights the importance of core self-evaluations as personal resources that can protect nurses from work-family conflict and enhance their psychological health

    Teachers' work-family conflict efficacy in Malaysia: scale validation

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    The current research study aims to construct-validate the measurement scale of work-family conflict Self-efficacy of Malaysian married female teachers’. The study attempted to see if the same one-factor structure, which characterized teacher work-family conflict efficacy (WFCE), existed among Malaysian teachers. The sample was chosen among 245 married female teachers from secondary schools in Hulu Langat district. Data was collected using self-report questionnaires measuring WFCE. The data was analyzed using the Confirmatory factor Analysis (CFA) procedures and the results confirmed that the one-factor measurement model of WFC efficacy and the six observed variables or items were found to represents teachers’ WFC efficacy construct. Further discussion on the theoretical, methodological and implications were also explained

    Effects of family functioning on socioemotional behaviour of children in low income family

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    This study examines the effects of family functioning on socioemotional behavior of children in low income family. Participants comprised of 518 parents of children aged four to six years old of low income family. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Family functioning was measured using Malaysian Family Strengths Scale, while socioemotional behavior of children was measured using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The findings of the study revealed that high level of family functioning contributed to low level of socioemotional behavior problems of children. Mothers and fathers of low income family had similar perception in family functioning and children socioemotional behavior. This study highlights the importance of enhancing family functioning in order to reduce emotional problems, conduct problems and peer problems and also incerasing prosocial behavior of children in low income family

    Kemurungan dan Keamatan Sokongan Sosial dengan Kepuasan Hidup dalam kalangan Pelajar Universiti di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perkaitan antara kemurungan dan keamatan sokongan sosial (keluarga, kawan, orang yang penting) dengan kepuasan hidup dalam kalangan pelajar universiti awam di Selangor, Malaysia. Terdapat 368 orang pelajar yang terlibat dalam kajian ini yang telah dipilih melalui teknik persampelan rawak mudah. Tiga alat pengukuran telah digunakan iaitu Beck Depression Inventory oleh Beck et al. (1961) untuk mengukur kemurungan, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support oleh Zimet et al. (1988) mengukur keamatan sokongan sosial (keluarga, kawan, orang yang penting) dan kepuasan hidup diukur dengan Satisfaction With Life Scale yang dibangunkan oleh Diener et al. (1985). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kemurungan mempunyai perkaitan signifikan negatif dengan kepuasan hidup (r = -0.598, p=0.000). Selain itu, ketiga-tiga jenis keamatan sokongan sosial iaitu sokongan keluarga, sokongan kawan dan sokongan orang yang penting mempunyai perkaitan signifikan dengan kepuasan hidup (r = 0.534, p = 0.000), (r = 0.399, p = 0.000) dan (r= 0.421, p = 0.000) masing- masing. Tambahan lagi, hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tiada perbezaan signifikan antara faktor jantina dengan kepuasan hidup. Kesimpulannya, hasil kajian ini menjelaskan bahawa pentingnya hubungan sosial antara keluarga dan orang sekeliling supaya tidak cenderung ke arah kemurungan seterusnya meningkatkan kepuasan hidup

    The notion of liberalisation on the Anti-Hadith Movement and its impact on society: Idea liberalisasi dalam Gerakan Anti Hadith dan impaknya kepada masyarakat

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    In the 18th century, the West pioneered a surge of modernisation as a force of imperialism created the idea of Islamic-oriented liberalisation in the West’s conquest countries. This Western European-led modernisation stems from the network of a capitalist economy, technological issues, social influence, and changes in political power worldwide. This perpetuated questions among Muslim philosophers about the weakness of Muslims and their decline, compared to the exponential growth of Western Civilisation. At the same time, rationalism and historical criticisms aided the reign of colonialists, becoming the prime motivation of European Orientalists to take a critical approach towards the study of hadiths in Islamic countries. There is a scarcity of Muslim scholars who are influenced and fascinated by Western Orientalists’ ‘new’ Islamic discourse and thinking, who then adapt them as an alternative solution to Muslim issues worldwide. Therefore, this article elaborates on Islamic liberalisation efforts, especially those that touch on the issues of hadiths raised by a group well-established as the Anti-Hadith Movement (AHM). Among the issues raised include the relevance of the hadiths’ teaching in a modern era as well as the authority of hadiths play-acting as a medium driving progress or regression. The outcome of the study finds that AHM invites implications and confusion to society in the form of Western thinking, as well as the civilisation that shapes Islamic modern thinking

    A new algorithm for solving higher order IVPs of ODEs

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    In this paper, aPk-1E(CkE)m scheme of 3-point block method for solving general higher order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) directly is considered. This direct multistep integration method is implemented with variable step size strategy and the approximation solution will be computed at three points simultaneously. Several tested problems of higher order initial value problems (IVPs) of ODEs are taken into account to emphasize the main features of the proposed method

    Antisocial behaviour in Malaysian adolescents: assessing measurement equivalence across gender differences

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    It is unclear whether group differences reported in literature emerged based on true differences or due to measurement bias across gender. The present study aimed to assess the measurement equivalence of three constructs (physical aggression, social aggression, and rule breaking) derived from Subtypes of Antisocial Behaviour (STAB) measure across gender. A sample of 1191 school-going adolescents (41.80 % males and 57.70 % females) was used to test seven types of equivalence: configural, metric, scalar, latent variances, latent mean, latent covariances, and functional equivalence. Physical aggression demonstrated configural invariance, invariance of latent variance, invariance of latent covariance, and functional equivalence, but not metric and scalar invariances. Social aggression and rule-breaking constructs demonstrated equivalence at all levels. Females scored lower on physical aggression, social aggression, and rule breaking compared to males, indicating true gender differences in antisocial behaviour. Assessments of measurement equivalence should be conducted before drawing substantive inferences about gender differences in antisocial behaviour among adolescents

    Faktor Personaliti dan Kepuasan Kerja dalam kalangan Anggota Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA), Polis Diraja Malaysia di Selangor

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara personaliti dan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan anggota Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA), Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), di Selangor. Secara khususnya, kajian ini bertujuan untuk i) menghuraikan sosio-demografi anggota PGA; ii) mengenal pasti ciri personaliti dan tahap kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan anggota PGA; iii) menentukan perbezaan tahap kepuasan kerja berdasarkan tempoh perkhidmatan anggota PGA; dan v) menentukan hubungan antara ciri personaliti dengan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan anggota PGA. Seramai 300 orang responden terdiri daripada anggota PGA berpangkat Konstabel hingga Sub-Inspektor yang bertugas di Batalion 4 dan Batalion 19, Briged Tengah, Cheras, Selangor terlibat dalam kajian ini. Responden dipilih melalui kaedah persampelan pelbagai peringkat (multi-stage sampling). Data dikumpul menggunakan borang soal selidik yang ditadbir sendiri oleh responden yang mengandungi tiga bahagian iaitu latar belakang responden, Indeks Kepuasan Kerja (IKK) dan Big Five Inventory (BFI). Data kajian yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 22. Hasil kajian bagi tret personaliti menunjukkan majoriti responden mempunyai ciri personaliti ektraversi, kesetujuan, berhemah dan terbuka kepada pengalaman pada tahap tinggi manakala ciri neurotisisme berada pada tahap rendah. Bagi kepuasan kerja, majoriti responden mempersepsikan kepuasan kerja pada tahap sederhana. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kepuasan kerja responden adalah berbeza mengikut tempoh perkhidmatan di mana responden yang berkhidmat melebihi 20 tahun mempunyai tahap kepuasan tertinggi. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan ciri personaliti ektraversi, kesetujuan dan berhemah mempunyai hubungan negatif yang signifikan manakala ciri neurotisisme mempunyai hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja. Hubungan negatif antara ciri personaliti ekstraversi, kesetujuan dan berhemah dengan kepuasan kerja menunjukkan bahawa responden yang mempunyai skor rendah bagi ciri-ciri tersebut seperti dominan, konservertif, tidak ramah, kasar dan rasa curiga lebih berpuas hati dengan tugasan sebagai PGA. Manakala responden yang mempunyai tinggi ciri neurotisisme seperti bimbang, berjaga-jaga dan cemas lebih berpuas hati dengan tugasnya berbanding yang rendah ciri neurotisisme. Justeru, setiap anggota polis yang ingin diserap ke PGA perlu membuat ujian personaliti agar yang terpilih adalah anggota yang sesuai

    Solving second-order delay differential equations by direct Adams-Moulton method

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    This paper will consider the implementation of fifth-order direct method in the form of Adams-Moulton method for solving directly second-order delay differential equations (DDEs). The proposed direct method approximates the solutions using constant step size. The delay differential equations will be treated in their original forms without being reduced to systems of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Numerical results are presented to show that the proposed direct method is suitable for solving second-order delay differential equations