7 research outputs found

    Performance Assessment: Kajian Bagi Efektivitas Peningkatan Profesionalitas Guru Teknologi Dan Kejuruan

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    Tanpa bermaksud mengesampi ngkan faktor determi nan lain, guru diakui sebagai faktor sentral atas keberhasi lan kual itas pendidi kan, bahkan Davies & Ellison (1992) menyebut guru sebagai key person in the classroom. Ol eh sebab itu sangatl ah waj ar j i ka guru dituntut profesional di dalam menjalankan tugasnya, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana profesionalitas seorang guru perlu dilakukan penilaian yang efektif agar diperoleh hasil yang efektif pula. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana efektivitas Performance Assessment sebagai sarana peningkatan profesional itas guru teknologi dan kej uruan? Bagai mana ci ri-ci ri guru teknol ogi dan kej uruan yang profesional ?. Metode yang di gunakan dal am penul isan arti kel i ni adalah mel al ui kaj i an terhadap hasil studi yang pernah dilakukan, melalui riset kepustakaan, dan anal isis kritis terhadap konsep­konsep Performance Assessment, dan mengkaji kriteria guru yang professional. Hasil kajian menunj ukkan bahwa Performance Assessment secara konseptual mampu meni ngkatkan profesional itas guru teknol ogi dan kej uruan. Hal i ni disebabkan karena Performance Assessmentdianggap l ebi h otenti k, peni laiannya l ebih mencermi nkan kemampuan yang sebenarnya. Kaj ian i ni j uga mampu mendiskri psi kan bagai mana kri teri a guru teknol ogi dan kej uruan yang professional

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Instalasi Listrik melalui Pendekatan Learning Cycle Five “E” (LC 5 E)

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    The objective of this study was to improve the students' motivation and achievement in the course of Electrical Installation through the 5 E learning cycle (5 E LC) at the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The approach used in this study was the 5 stages of the 5 E learning cycle consists of Engagement, Exploration, Explain, Extend, and Evaluation. This study is categorised as Classroom Action Research (CAR). It referred to the model of CAR offered by Kemmis and Taggart. The data was collected using documentation, questionnaires, observation and tests. The data was analysed descriptively. The results of the study showed the 5 E learning cycle could improve the students' achievement, learning activities, and learning motivation. The mean score of learning achievement was 79. It was higher compared to the minimum target that was 60. The improvement of learning activities in the first cycle, second cycle and third cycle were 1.25, 2.42, and 2.92 respectively. The improvement of learning motivation in the first cycle, second cycle and third cycle were 2.5, 2.8, and 3.2 respectively

    Model Pendidikan Karakter Untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    : This study aims to develop a model of character education for vocational school in Yogyakarta by using norms and local wisdoms of Yogyakarta as the approach to examine the appropriateness of the model developed. The steps taken to formulate the character education are: (i) doing literature research, (ii conducting interviews, and (iii) formulate a model of character education. The instrument used to obtain the data is a list of interview questions. The formulation of the character education model developed consists of objectives, contents, methods, environments, tools, educators, and students as character education participants

    Unit Automatic Main Failure (Amf) Power System Sebagai Sarana Up-dating Kompetensi Guru-guru Smk Jurusan Listrik

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    Prediction of electrical energy crisis in Indonesia clearly will cause losses for electricity consumers. The impact caused the activities disturb include production systems, loss of business opportunities, and loss of property intellectuals (for example, data lost), especially for the scientists and academics. Customers require backup supply of electricity when PLN have some trouble. However, switching supplies electricity to Genset, if done in a conventional addition that requires the existence of the operator, but also through a complex procedure and takes a long time. Therefore need to use an automation tool that supplies electricity more practical and economical, and can be used as a medium of education, and will solve the problem of scarcity of human resources automation field, such as the electricity supply at this time. Expected performance of these tools is able to activate the genset manually or automatically in case of interruption of supply electricity, the Power Loss, Under Voltage, Lower Voltage, frequency interference. All activities since the design to the test conducted in the Laboratory of Electrical Installation and Laboratory Data Communications, Department of Educational Electrical Engineering FT UNY. The method of this experiment is a Research and Development, and experimental data taken according to the research instrument. The data obtained and analyzed using descriptive. The result that activity is the Unit of AMF Power System based on microcontroller that is ready as a medium of education, both in the Department of Educational Electrical Engineering FT UNY and Technical High School. However, this tool only can detect the interference of Under Voltage and Upper Voltage, while the interference of frequency and the condition of fuel can not be carried out due to various technical constraints. Alamat Korespondensi: Zamtinah Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro-Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Karangmalang Yogyakarta. 55281. HP. 081328797306 e-mail: [email protected]

    Pengaruh Informasi Kerja dan Pengalaman Praktik Industri pada Kesiapan Kerja Siswa Smk

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    This research aims to find out the influence of employment-world information and industry practice experience toward the readiness of work-mental of the students in vocational school. The population of this research is all the third grade students of electrical engineering, SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The data obtained was analyzed by using the technique of two predictors' double regression with significant rate of 5%. The analysis result shows that: (1) the level of work mental readiness of the third grade students of Electrical Engineering, SMKN 3 Yogyakarta is very high with mean value 82.32; (2) There is influence of employment-world towards the readiness of work-mental at the significance rate of 5% with the regression coefficient of (b) = 0.418 and the amount of the effective information contribution of employment-world is 16.956%; (3) Ther is influence of industrial practice experience towards the readiness of work-mental at the significance rate of 5% with regression coefficient (b)= 0.641 and the amount of the effective information contribution of work-world is 25.725%; (4) There is a united influence between employment-world information and industrial practice experience toward the readiness of work-mental at the significance rate of 5% with the determination coefficient of 0.427. analysis result of two predictors regression found F=39.842

    Wajib Belajar Sembilan Tahun Bagi Masyarakat Tidak Mampu

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    Pada tahuo 1994 nanti, pemerintah akan memberlakukanprogram wajib be~ajar 9 tahuo.. · yaitu pendidikan dasarminimal yang harus dialami oleh setiap warga negara. Programpemerataan kesempatan belajar ini dimaksudkan agarsetiap warga' negara Indonesia menjadi anggota masyarakatyang tahu akan kewajiban dan haknya, memiliki keterampilanuntuk mengatasi kesulitan dan meningka'tkan kualitas hidupoya.Program ini sangat esensial terutama bagi masyarakattidak mampu yang sebagian besar tinggal di pedesaan karenaanak-anak usia sekolah yang tidak memperoleh kesempatanmenikmati perididikan formal SD dan SLTP sebagian besarberasal dari masyarakat ini. Mengingat kondisi sosial e"konomimasyarakat pedesaan yang kurang begitu menguntungkan,yaitu seperti kemikinan,rendahnyakesadarantentangpendidikan,kondisil.ingkungandanlainIainnya,makapelaksanaanwajibbelajar9tahv.nhen,daknyadirencanakandenganmempertimbangkankon sikondisitersebutsehinggaprogramwajibbelajardapatterlaks  :adenganbaikdanmemberimanfaatyangsebesarbesarnyabagipeninglli;,tankesejahteraanmasyarakatpedesaan.Disampingitu.sistempendidikan(wajar9tahun)yanghendakditerapkanhendaknyasejalandBnberorientasipadaltebutuhanmasyarakatkarenapendidikanbagima:kinan, rendahnya kesadaran tentang pendidikan,kondisi l.ingkungan dan lain-Iainnya, maka pelaksanaanwajib belajar 9 tahv.n hen,daknya direncanakan dengan mempertimbangkankon~si-kondisi tersebut sehingga programwajib belajar dapat terlaks~~:a dengan baik dan memberimanfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi peninglli;,tan kesejahteraanmasyarakat pedesaan. Di samping itu. sistem pendidikan(wajar 9 tahun) yang hendak diterapkan hendaknya sejalandBn berorientasi pada ltebutuhan masyarakat karena pendidikanbagi ma:yarakat desa harus menyajikan model yang hidup.berfaedah, diperlukan dan cocok dengan situasi kebud:-.)'aanpedesaan setempat. baik lokal maupun regional