6 research outputs found

    Produk makanan halal : amalan kepenggunaan masyarakat Islam di Shah Alam / Zakiah Samori, Amal Hayati Ishak and Nurul Himmah Kassan

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    Kepentingan aspek halal dalam setiap keperluan sehahan pengguna Islam umumnya dan juga produk makanan khusunya mendapat perhatian kerajaan Malaysia. Isu makanan adalah satu perkara yang penting dalam Islam dan mesti dititikberatkan oleh setiap individu Muslim kerana la melibatkan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani. Kajian ini melihat amalan kepenggunaan Masyarakat Islam di Shah Alam terhadap produk makanan halal. Populasi kajian terdiri daripada masyarakat Islam sekitar Shah Alam. Kajian ini dilengkapi dengan kaedah perpustakaan dan berbentuk tinjauan dengan pengedaran borang soal selidik sebagai medium utama untuk mendapatkan data. Seramai 641 responden telah terlibat dalam menjayakan kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati sebahagian besar responden sedar dan prihatin mengenai kepentingan produk makanan halal dengan mengambil langkah tertentu seperti meneliti logo halal yang diiktiraf JAKIM sebelum membuat pembelian. Manakala tahap kefahaman responden terhadap produk halal pula berada pada tahap sederhana kerana mereka belum lagi menguasai terma-terma saintifik yang berkaitan dengan kod-kod kandungan yang diharamkan dalam sesuatu produk. Hasil kajian ini dapat memberi informasi kepada masyarakat Islam supaya mengambil berat tentang sumber makanan halal. Dapatan hasil penyelidikan ini akan dijadikan panduan asas kepada UiTM dan JAKIM bagi mengenai pasti tahap keprihatinan masyarakat Islam terhadap makanan halal dan logo halal serta mengenai pasti kaedah yang sesuai bagi memantapkan lagi kesedaran mereka terhadap produk makanan halal contohnya pangkalan data produk halal

    Al-Azdawī on the early qiblah orientation based on thematic analysis of al-Hadīth and astrometry

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    After the expansion reached Transoxania- a classical name of Central Asia, al- Bazdawī realized a significant distortion of Qiblah azimuth, hence a need to revise the orientation procedure, based on contextual understanding of al-Ḥadīth. Consequently, al- Bazdawī wrote a treatise to inform that the later Ḥanafīs took the Qiblah in Transoxania as due west, and that the Shāfi„īs took it as due south. This study has employed thematic analysis on al-Ḥadīth used in all the arguments, which were understood mainly by early scholars, textually, without considering it contextually, based on the astronomical aspects. This includes the study of asbāb wurūd al-ḥadīth, authenticity, reviewing al-Bazdawī‟s treatise and mathematical analysis. The outcome of the study suggests that the application of topical ḥadīth on qiblah must critically be applied based on scientific and astronomical calculation. In conclusion, ḥadīth is one of the scientific miracles of the prophet Muhammad that must be applied within its context. Simple application based on textual understanding can lead towards the significant error in „ibādah, both technically and fundamentally

    Current trends on halal tourism: cases on selected Asian countries

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    Halal tourism is one of the new phenomenon emerged from the growth of Halal industry. As Halal matters advancing tourism industry, many Muslim and non-Muslim countries are set to capture the Muslim tourists market by providing the tourism products, facilities and infrastructures to cater their needs. While affirming this new phenomenon, there remain a shortage of theoretical publications and research in this area. On top of that, when it comes to the real concept of Halal tourism and its trends, it has nevertheless been found that lack of research has been conducted in providing and determining the so called concept. Thus, due to the scarcity of literature and specific studies in this area this paper aims to explore and illustrate the concept of Halal tourism within the Islamic context with special reference to Quranic verse and Hadith (primary sources in Islam). Meanwhile, to appreciate the existing implementation on this concept, this paper will further provide cases on current trend of Halal tourism in selected countries in Asia. This study adopted qualitative research method and employ library research for data collection technique. The outcomes of this study include the current development of Halal tourism concept and comparison on Halal tourism cases in Asia. On top of that, it would also discover its opportunities and potentials for Muslim and non-Muslim countries to embark on the same journey


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    <p>Nowadays, a lot of halal related issues arouse a bad image to religion and many parties includes halal industry players and consumers, directly or indirectly. The meat cartel scandals issuehas shocked Malaysia in the previous year. In conjunction to the issue, many Muslim consumers had lost their confidence towards the consumption of halal meat imports. The unfolding scandal over fake halal documentation, fake halal logos, and fake halal meat has really affected the halal meat import industry since consumer confidence is decreasing and honest businesses are working hard to convince customers of their compliance with halal requirements. Transparency in the implementation of a halal traceability system on the meat import supply chain helped prevents any violations or fraudulent cases. The aims of this studyis to discover the challenges of implementing a halal traceability system among halal meat import suppliers. This research adopts a qualitative method and the data was collected through a semi-structured interview. The thematic analyses was conducted on transcribed and coded data interview. The results of the study showed that time consumption, cost implementation, and lack of digital expertise have become challenges for halal meat import suppliers in implementing a halal traceability system.</p><p> </p&gt

    Al Bazdawī on the early qiblah orientation based on thematic analysis of Al hadīth and astrometry

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    After the expansion reached Transoxania- a classical name of Central Asia, al-Bazdawī realized a significant distortion of Qiblah azimuth, hence a need to revise the orientation procedure, based on contextual understanding of al-Ḥadīth. Consequently, al-Bazdawī wrote a treatise to inform that the later Ḥanafīs took the Qiblah in Transoxania as due west, and that the Shāfi„īs took it as due south. This study has employed thematic analysis on al-Ḥadīth used in all the arguments, which were understood mainly by early scholars, textually, without considering it contextually, based on the astronomical aspects. This includes the study of asbāb wurūd al-ḥadīth, authenticity, reviewing al-Bazdawī‟s treatise and mathematical analysis. The outcome of the study suggests that the application of topical ḥadīth on qiblah must critically be applied based on scientific and astronomical calculation. In conclusion, ḥadīth is one of the scientific miracles of the prophet Muhammad that must be applied within its context. Simple application based on textual understanding can lead towards the significant error in „ibādah, both technically and fundamentally

    Heritage tourism at the historical town of Malacca: examining opportunities, evaluating challenges

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    Heritage tourism is one of the growing tourism products in Malaysia. Good marketing will increase the demand on heritage tourism and gives benefits to Malaysia tourism industry. This study seeks to explore the marketing strategies used by museums to market their product and examine the challenges faced in promoting and marketing the heritage tourism product. Data was collected using semi-structured interview method. Respondents consist of four museums including curators and operation assistant. Because of the respondent was selected at the location this study employs typical sampling. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis of Braun and Clark. Findings show that market segmentation, promotion and products/services were the marketing strategy employed by museums in this study. These museums faced several internal issues such as issues on employee and high operational cost as well as the external challenges includes changing environment. It is recommended that future research should be conducted at other state in Malaysia or other types of museum such as private museums so that knowledge on heritage tourism could be enriched