2 research outputs found

    The Influence of Real-Time Visual Feedback Training on Vocal Control

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    Trained singers have better vocal control when compared to singers without vocal training. The development of precise vocal control, like any motor skill, requires practice with some form of feedback, such as auditory feedback. In addition to auditory feedback, singing training programs use online visual feedback to improve performance accuracy. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the recent body of literature concerning the cognitive processing of vocal control, and apply this knowledge practically to develop an effective real-time visual feedback training program that enhances vocal control. In the first of two studies, non-singers and singers were randomly assigned to one of two training conditions: one condition with visual feedback of vocal performance, and the other condition with no feedback. Changes in vocal control as a function of training condition were assessed by comparing measures of pitch accuracy, vocal variability, and responses to sudden frequency-altered perturbations in participants’ pitch feedback, before and after training. In the second study, training sessions were doubled and tested with another group of non-singers, with results from this second study compared to the first study. Overall, there was no effect of real-time visual feedback training or length of training on measures of vocal control. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of vocal control, and assist in improving singing training programs

    A Video of Myself Helps Me Learn : A Scoping Review of the Evidence of Video-Making for Situated Learning

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    Nursing, dance and studio-based arts, engineering, and athletic therapy are viewed as practice-oriented professions in which the teaching and situated learning of practical skills are central. In order to succeed, students must perform a series of performance-based assessments, which seemingly require an “able” body to enact complex tasks in situated and/or simulation-based contexts (for example, “safe nursing practice”). Our interdisciplinary research seeks to intervene within the culture of professional learning by investigating what we know about the use of smartphone video recording for situated, practice-based learning, and for supporting interactive video-based assessment as a means of accommodation and extending access for students, including students with performance anxiety, mature students, ESL learners, students with disabilities, and students in remote communities. In this paper we employ a scoping review methodology to present our findings related to students’ and instructors’ perspectives on the use of smartphone video to demonstrate and document practical knowledge and practice-oriented competencies across fields in the arts and sciences. We also examine broader research, as well as the ethical and design implications for the development of our technology-based toolbox project – an online resource created to advance pedagogies deploying smartphones as tools for practical skills acquisition - and for accommodation - within multidisciplinary practical learning environments