72 research outputs found

    Multimodal evoked potential in monitoring activity relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis

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    The aim of the study was to examine multimodal evoked potential in patients with or without relapse multiple sclerosis during 12 month. Material and Methods. The study included 32 patients with established diagnosis of clinically significant multiple sclerosis, a relapsing-remitting course. The EDSS score was evaluated. All patients underwent a study of multimodal evoked potential. All examined patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the relapse multiple sclerosis by the end of the year. Results. Multimodal evoked potentials show ambiguous data on the activity of multiple sclerosis. The greatest correlation with subsequent activity of multiple sclerosis is shown by stem evoked potentials. Conclusion. This study is the initial stage in the search for a tool for predicting the course of the disease in patients with multiple sclerosis. An increase in the group of subjects and inclusion in the analysis of structural changes in the central nervous system according to magnetic resonance imaging probably will increase the information content of predictions

    Jet color chemistry and anomalous baryon production in AAAA-collisions

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    We study anomalous high-pTp_T baryon production in AAAA-collisions due to formation of the two parton collinear gqgq system in the anti-sextet color state for quark jets and gggg system in the decuplet/anti-decuplet color states for gluon jets. Fragmentation of these states, which are absent for NNNN-collisions, after escaping from the quark-gluon plasma leads to baryon production. Our qualitative estimates show that this mechanism can be potentially important at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Eur.Phys.J. versio

    Early detection of cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    The aim of the study was to examine cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis with an emphasis on the speed and efficiency of information processing. It was supposed to reveal the patterns of these disorders depending on the duration and severity of the disease. Material and methods. The study included 50 patients with established diagnosis of clinically significant multiple sclerosis, a relapsing-remitting course. The EDSS score was evaluated. Cognitive functions were assessed using SDMT and PASAT-3 tests. All patients underwent a study of cognitive evoked potential. All examined patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the duration of the disease. Results. Cognitive screening tests PASSAT and SDMT showed no correlation with the duration of the disease severity and cannot serve as a tool for screening early signs of cognitive impairment in young patients with multiple sclerosis. A significant increase in latency of the P300 potential was obtained with increasing duration and severity of the disease, which correlates with the severity of cognitive dysfunction. Conclusion. This study is the initial step in the search for a tool for screening early manifestations of cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis. In the future it is planned to expand the research with the modernization of its design.</p

    Phenomenology of Jet Quenching in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We derive an analytical expression for the quenching factor in the strong quenching limit where the pTp_T spectrum of hard partons is dominated by surface emission. We explore the phenomenological consequences of different scaling laws for the energy loss and calculate the additional suppression of the away-side jet.Comment: Substantially modified manuscrip


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    Unification is one of the possible ways to reduce the cost price and labor intensity. Unification of technological processes can not be mass one at using unique technologies. This is an issue of the expedient and of theeconomic security. Unification of the materials of sealing elements is one of the possible directions of unification at unique technological processes of manufacturing powerful liquid rocket engines

    Toward the Semiclassical Theory of the High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Sudden deposition of energy at the early stage of high energy heavy ion collisions makes virtual gluon fields real. The same is true for virtual vacuum fields underunder the topological barrier, excited to real states atat or aboveabove the barrier, gluomagnetic clusters of particular structure related to the sphaleronssphalerons of the electroweak theory. Semiclassically, these states play the role of the {\em ``turning points''}. After being produced they explode into a spherical shell of coherent field which then turn into several outgoing gluons. Furthermore, this explosions promptly produce quark pairs, as seen from explicit solution of the Dirac equation. The masses of such clusters depend on their size, and are expected to peak at M3GeVM\sim 3 GeV. After we briefly review those consepts in a non-technical manner, we discuss what observable consequences the production of such clusters would make in the context of heavy ion collisions, especially at the RHIC energies. We discuss entropy and especially quark production, event-by-event fluctuations in collective effects like radial and elliptic flows and J/ψJ/\psi suppression. Coherent fields and their geometry increase the jet quenching, and we also point out the existene of ``explosive edge'' which jump-start collective effects and may affect unusual phenomena seen at RHIC at large ptp_t.Comment: Third version, substantially changed adding new sections and eliminating large part on jet quenching of the paper which brunched into a separate pape

    Coisotropic deformations of associative algebras and dispersionless integrable hierarchies

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    The paper is an inquiry of the algebraic foundations of the theory of dispersionless integrable hierarchies, like the dispersionless KP and modified KP hierarchies and the universal Whitham's hierarchy of genus zero. It stands out for the idea of interpreting these hierarchies as equations of coisotropic deformations for the structure constants of certain associative algebras. It discusses the link between the structure constants and the Hirota's tau function, and shows that the dispersionless Hirota's bilinear equations are, within this approach, a way of writing the associativity conditions for the structure constants in terms of the tau function. It also suggests a simple interpretation of the algebro-geometric construction of the universal Whitham's equations of genus zero due to Krichever.Comment: minor misprints correcte

    Multimode solutions of first-order elliptic quasilinear systems obtained from Riemann invariants

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    Two new approaches to solving first-order quasilinear elliptic systems of PDEs in many dimensions are proposed. The first method is based on an analysis of multimode solutions expressible in terms of Riemann invariants, based on links between two techniques, that of the symmetry reduction method and of the generalized method of characteristics. A variant of the conditional symmetry method for constructing this type of solution is proposed. A specific feature of that approach is an algebraic-geometric point of view, which allows the introduction of specific first-order side conditions consistent with the original system of PDEs, leading to a generalization of the Riemann invariant method for solving elliptic homogeneous systems of PDEs. A further generalization of the Riemann invariants method to the case of inhomogeneous systems, based on the introduction of specific rotation matrices, enables us to weaken the integrability condition. It allows us to establish a connection between the structure of the set of integral elements and the possibility of constructing specific classes of simple mode solutions. These theoretical considerations are illustrated by the examples of an ideal plastic flow in its elliptic region and a system describing a nonlinear interaction of waves and particles. Several new classes of solutions are obtained in explicit form, including the general integral for the latter system of equations

    Dependence of energy loss of jets on the initial thermodynamic state of deconfined matter at RHIC

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    The dependence of the radiative energy loss of fast partons on the initial thermodynamic parameters is studied for deconfined matter to be expected at RHIC. We demonstrate that the specific QCD radiation pattern with a quadratic dependence of the energy loss on the propagated distance leads to a strong increase of the energy loss with increasing initial entropy of deconfined matter supposed its life-time is less than the average time to pass through the medium. This is in contrast to a parameterization with constant energy loss per unit length of propagation. For a sufficiently high initial temperature a two-regime behavior of the energy loss as a function of the initial parton momentum occurs. The angular structure of the energy loss of hard jets with respect to the initial temperature is also discussed for RHIC conditions.Comment: 10 pages with fig

    The color gauge invariance and a possible origin of a mass gap in QCD

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    The general scale parameter, having the dimensions of mass squared, is dynamically generated in the QCD gluon sector. It is introduced through the difference between the regularized full gluon self-energy and its value at some finite point. It violates transversality of the full gluon self-energy. The Slavnov-Taylor identity for the full gluon propagator, when it is given by the corresponding equation of motion, is also violated by it. So in order to maintain both transversality and the identity it should be disregarded from the very beginning, i.e., put formally zero everywhere. However, we have shown how to preserve the above-mentioned identity at non-zero mass squared parameter. This allows one to establish the structure of the full gluon propagator when it is explicitly present. Its contribution does not survive in the perturbation theory regime when the gluon momentum goes to infinity. At the same time, its contribution dominates the structure of the full gluon propagator when the gluon momentum goes to zero. We have also proposed a method how to restore transversality of the relevant gluon propagator in a gauge invariant way, while keeping the mass squared parameter "alive".Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, no tables, some final additional material is added minor correction introduced and references rearrange