892 research outputs found
The Consequences of Work-family Conflict and The Importance of Social Supports to Reduce Work-family Conflict Among Employees
Conflicts that occur due to overlap between work and family matters are important topics in todayās organizational context. Work-family conflict can be defined as a form of role conflict where the demands of work and family cannot be aligned in several ways. Some previous studies have mentioned that work-family conflicts negatively affect individuals such as emotional fatigue that ultimately lead to stress and disturb the psychological well-being. From that perspective, social support can help to reduce the stressful experience that is caused by work-family conflicts and improve the psychological well-being. There are two elements of social support originating from (1) work domain support; such as organization, supervisor and co-workers whereas, (2) non-work domain supports: can come from spouse, family members and friends. Thus, these two elements of social support seemed to be important elements to ease the burden of stressful experience among employees especially in work- family conflict
The Advantages Comparative of Economic Sectors in Pinrang Regency at 2016 ā 2020
Purpose: Ā The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the sectors that have had a comparative advantage in Pinrang Regency in the last 5 years, using the location matching (LQ) method.
Theoretical framework:Ā The comparative advantage was Salvator (1997). Ricardo explained that if two countries trade with each other and export goods with a comparative advantage, they will be lucky.
Design/methodology/approach: Ā To determine the base sectors, it was carried out using the LQ formula where this technique presented a relative comparison between the capabilities of a sector with the same sector in Pinrang Regency/City.
Findings: Ā The results of this research are expected to be a source of scientific research for economic operators, especially in the field of regional planning. According to the results of the cocin-n (LQ) location, the primary sector of Pinrang Regency is agriculture. In addition to healthcare, food manufacturing, food manufacturing, electricity and electricity have become a source of transportation, a car factory, one of industrial and industrial facilities.
Research, Practical & Social implications: Ā The equitable distribution of regional economic development should take into account the problems and opportunities for specialization in the process of economic development in the area, with the comparative advantages of each area.
Originality/value: Ā The Queen of Pinrang is one of the 24 regenerations of South Sulawesi province. This area is an independent environment and the Government has the authority to establish governance and progress and provide services to the community to properly plan, manage and utilize the economic potential of the region
Kemahiran Menvisualisasi Ruang Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Bagi Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tahap keupayaan menvisualisasi ruang atau spatial visualisation bagi pelajar yang mengambil mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual. Aspek-aspek yang dikaji adalah untuk melihat tahap kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang berdasarkan imej mental, proses menvisualisasi dan keupayaan menvisualisasi. Selain itu, hubungan di antara pencapaian kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang dengan pencapaian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Pendidikan Seni Visual dan perbezaan antara pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan terhadap tahap pencapaian kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan dalam penyelidikan ini ialah kajian kuantitatif. Ujian Kemahiran Menvisualisasi Ruang atau Spatial Visualisation Ability Test Instrument (SVATI) serta pencapaian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Pendidikan Seni Visual merupakan instrumen yang telah digunakan. Kajian ini melibatkan 145 orang pelajar tingkatan 4 SMK Datin Onn Jaafar, Batu Pahat, Johor yang mengambil mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual. Seterusnya dapatan kajian telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 20 untuk menganalisis skor min, Kolerasi Pearson dan juga kaedah ujian-T (independent-sample-t-test). Daripada hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap keupayaan menvisualisasi ruang imej mental, proses menvisualisasi dan keupayaan menvisualisasi bagi keseluruhan responden berada pada tahap baik dan terdapat hubungan positif yang sederhana di antara tahap kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang dengan tahap pencapaian Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Pendidikan Seni Visual. Di samping itu, dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang antara pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Hasil penyelidikan diharapkan dapat memberi kesedaran terhadap kemahiran menvisualisasi ruang terhadap pelajar
Monetary Policy, Debt and the Cyclical Behavior of Inventories
An earlier study on the determinants of inventories investment has been proposed by Lovel (1961). However, the study fails to mention the effects of financial variables. The puzzle prevails on account of imperfect capital markets. This implies that interest rate generally affects inventory investment indirectly through the debt channel. For instance, in the period of tight monetary policy, increasing interest rates have a negative impact on the present value of firmsā collateralizable net worth. In addition, they also weaken firmsā balance sheets as interest expenses also rise up. In imperfect capital markets, this fact indicates an increase in the amount of external financing that firms need, a rise in the premium on external financing that they face, and a reduction in their accumulation of assets, their spending and their production. Given the low adjustment cost that characterizes firms, it will be inventories that firms will initially reduce. Therefore, this paper is contributes to the issue of monetary policy transmission in Malaysia. Our specific attention is limited to the channel of monetary policy on a firmās inventory. Using micro data, we try to take into account the relevance of the firmās balance sheet conditions in the transmission of monetary policy
Do moral philosophies influence auditorsā ethical judgments? / Maheran Zakaria, Hasnah Haron and Ishak Ismail
The increasing number of financial scandals resulting from auditorsā unethical judgment has led to public distrust on the morality of auditors. Hence, the message is clear; to be relevant, auditors must be ethical in their behavior and judgments. As such, it is important to understand and investigate factors that influence auditorsā ethical judgments. This paper attempts to examine the influence of two moral philosophies namely deontology and teleology evaluations on auditorsā ethical judgments. A total of 940 questionnaires were sent to audit firms in Malaysia. About 250 auditors responded with 224 questionnaires were usable. By using Structural Equation Modeling of AMOS 16.0, the study found that there were significant relationships between these two philosophies namely deontology and teleology evaluations on auditorsā ethical judgments. Findings of this study will be useful for Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), the government, audit firms and institutions of higher learning in their effort to improve auditorsā ethical judgments which can uphold the credibility and viability of the auditing profession
Penglibatan komuniti dalam menangani kegiatan jenayah di kawasan kejiranan melalui pendekatan skim rondaan sukarela (SRS)
Neighborhood Observation is a local communities network with an awareness of crime occurring around the neighborhood and reporting suspicious crime activities to the police. Therefore, in monitoring the crime, the government has encouraged
community involvement in the "Voluntary Patrol Scheme" (SRS) to curb crime. Although the involvement of the community in the SRS has helped the police many times, the crime rate in Malaysia has grown steadily over the years, leading to
increased levels of security and peace. Based on that increase, does the question of whether community involvement, lack of knowledge or the role of local leadership in SRS cause or influence SRS's effectiveness in reducing neighborhood crime
rates?.In this regard, in answering the questions and problems of this study, focussing on the influence factors of community involvement, knowledge and leadership with SRS effectiveness in reducing neighborhood crime rates should be researched.The method of this study is a mixed method. The data were collected through questionnaire (366 SRS members) and interviews (District Unity Officer). Data obtained in this study were then analyzed using SPSS18.0 computer package
using two methods of statistical analysis namely descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inference (pearson correlation, multiple regression, FA and SEM.The results showed that high levels of respondents'
knowledge of SRS, involvement in SRS and leadership as well as involvement of authorities and RTs in SRS were effective in reducing crime rates. Based on regression analysis, FA and SEM found levels of knowledge of SRS, involvement in SRS, views on SRS leadership have a strong impact and influence on the effectiveness of SRS in reducing crime rates. This shows that the implementation of community policing in the SRS in Kedah has given positive results to the public, the
private sector and the PDRM.Thus, the findings from this study have contributed to policy or policy in the area of community policing related to the surveillance and gathering of information and knowledge of new forms of cooperation between law
enforcement and the community especially SRS in crime prevention activities
Organizational commitment and the new workforce: a review of antecedents, outcomes and relevance
Organizational commitment is an important organizational concept in the study of employee work behavior, especially withdrawal behavior. It was the focus of employee behavioral study for about four decades until in the late
1990s when people began to question the usefulness or the relevancy of the construct especially among the new workforce. This article reviews the concept of organizational commitment, and the development of multiple-dimensional constructs. This article also reviews its antecedents and outcomes. There is a long list of possible antecedents, but these can be categorized into organizational variables (e.g., organizational support, organizational dependability, leadership), job related variables (e.g., job characteristics, empowerment,role conjlict and ambiguity), and individual variables (e.g., age, gender,educational levels). The outcome variables which are consistently related to organizational commitment are turnover intention and absenteeism, and to a certain extent, work performance. The issue of the relevance of commitment was also reviewed, and this paper concludes that it is too early to write off organizational commitment, as recent empirical evidence indicated that organizational commitment is still a useful concept in the study of professionals,and the new workforce. This article suggests that future research in organizational commitment needs to focus especially on organizations undergoing downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, and among the new workforce
such as Generation-X employees, knowledge workers, and telecommuters
Instrumen kebolehpasaran graduan
Masalah pengangguran dikalangan graduan di Malaysia berada pada tahap yang tidak memuaskan dan perlu diatasi dengan segera.Pelbagai langkah telah diambil oleh kerajaan untuk mengatasi masalah ini termasuklah melaksanakan penilaian kemahiran kebolehpasaran terhadap pelajar IPT melalui instrumen My3S. Langkah ini dilihat sebagai antara langkah yang baik. Bagaimana pun, berdasarkan kaedah penilaian yang dijalankan, kajian ini berpendapat bahawa hasil yang diperolehi tidak akan dapat menilai dengan tepat kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang dimiliki oleh pelajar mahu pun graduan IPT.Kekurangan tersebut cuba diatasi oleh kajian ini melalui pembangunan instrumen yang lebih bersifatārealistikā menggunakan kaedah SJT.Bagaimana pun, sebelum instrumen dibangunkan, perbincangan dilakukan terlebih dahulu berkenaan instrumen kebolehpasaran graduan yang telah wujud di Malaysia.Kemudian, perbincangan dan perbandingan turut dilakukan kepada kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang dikatakan perlu kepada graduan serta kaedah pengukuran instrumen yang kebanyakannya digunakan untuk membuat penilaian.Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang perlu diuji oleh kajian ini dan bagi membuktikan kelebihan kaedah SJT berbanding kaedah yang lain. Apabila telah dibuktikan, Bab Tiga dibangunkan untuk SJT supaya penerangan yang lebih terperinci dapat diberikan berkenaan kaedah tersebut.Penerangan yang diberikan terdiri daripada lima bahagian iaitu definisi, sejarah SJT, ciri, prosedur pembangunan dan kekuatan SJT. Seterusnya, Instrumen Kebolehpasaran Graduan dibangunkan melalui proses pembangunan instrumen yang disarankan oleh Merten (2005).Bagaimana pun, oleh kerana kaedah SJT terlibat, proses pembangunan instrumen turut merujuk kepada kajian Motowildo et al. (1990) dan Weekley et al. (2006). Seterusnya, instrumen ini dilaksanakan kepada seribu dua ratus orang responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar tempatan tahun akhir UUM dari pelbagai program pengajian. Data yang telah diperolehi dianalisis terlebih dahulu menggunakan kaedah EDA. Kemudian, pemarkahan dilakukan dan analisis diteruskan dengan ujian hipotesis. Berikutnya skor norma dibangunkan melalui kaedah Simulasi Persampelan BCA Bootstrap.Hasil kajian berjaya menunjukkan tahap kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang dimiliki oleh pelajar tempatan tahun akhir UUM.Daripada hasil kajian tersebut, separuh daripada responden dilihat memiliki kemahiran di tahap yang baik dan memuaskan.Bagaimana pun, hasil bagi Kemahiran Keusahawanan menunjukkan terdapat hanya tiga puluh peratus responden sahaja yang memiliki kemahiran tersebut di tahap yang baik dan memuaskan.Secara tidak langsung, keputusan ini dapat memberi gambaran awal kepada pihak UUM untuk memberi fokus untuk meningkatkan Kemahiran Keusahawan pelajar pada masa hadapan.Seterusnya, nilai skor norma juga berjaya diperolehi.Nilai ini boleh digunakan oleh pihak UUM bagi membuat penilaian dan perbandingan kemahiran kebolehpasaran yang dimiliki oleh pelajar tempatan tahun akhir UUM pada masa hadapan
Health Examination of Cultured Red Hybrid Tilapia from Setiu Marine Pond Farm Terengganu
A total of 26 tilapia fishes from Setiu Marine Pond, Terengganu were examined for parasites and bacteria (Streptococcus agalactiae) infection. Along with fish host sampling, physiochemical parameters of the fish pond were also being recorded. The fish were examine for ecto- and endo-parasites, followed by bacterial examination from obvious lesions and selected organs such as liver, heart and spleen. The main parasites that were recorded were protozoan parasites from the external part of the fishes. Only one helminth was found from the intestine of the fish. All fish were negative for S. agalactiae infection. The correlation between the prevalence in relation to size class and gender of fish were weak to moderate but not statistically significant. Overall, the fish cultured in the marine pond shows an excellent health condition, this might be related to the optimum physiochemical parameters recorded in the pond during the sampling period
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