184 research outputs found


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    Setiap pembangunan pasti bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan rakyat, namun tidak bisa dipungkiri setiap pembangunan mempunyai sisi yang lain, seperti dua sisi mata uang yang berbeda. Misalnya dalam hal pembangunan suatu pabrik pupuk di suatu daerah, pasti bertujuan sebagai solusi agar masyarakat terpenuhi kebutuhan pupuknya, disamping itu juga bisa menyerap tenaga kerja lebih banyak. Namun pasti ada hal yang sudah pasti mendatangkan masalah baru, yaitu tentang limbah pabrik yang suatu waktu akan mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat setempat. Masyarakat tersebut menjadi korban dari suatu kebijakan pembangunan, disisi lain urbanisasi menjadi pemicu masalah sosial di kota kota besar, sehingga terjadi pelanggaran hukum dari akibat sempitnya lapangan kerja. Paradoksnya suatu pembangunan yang menimbulkan masalah baru inilah yang disebut dengan victimisasi dimana secara sadar atau tidak sadar masyarakat menjadi korban dari kebijakan publik. Selain itu juga terjadi tindak pidana yang lainnya yang merupakan imbas dari sempitnya lapangan kerja, seperti terjadinya prostitusi dan perdagangan manusia

    Synchrotron Polarization at High Galactic Latitude

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    We present preliminary results from mapping the high-latitude Galactic polarization with the Effelsberg Telescope at λ\lambda21 cm. Structures on the resulting maps are mostly on the scale of several degrees. The results show detection of polarization over most of the field, at the level of tens of percent of the synchrotron emission. The evidence of more structure in Stokes Q and U rather than in Q2+U2\sqrt{Q^2+U^2} suggests the existence of Faraday rotation.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of "The Cosmic Microwave Background and its Polarization", New Astronomy Reviews, (eds. S. Hanany and K.A. Olive

    Some aspects of the biology of 'ikan kelabau' Osteochilus melanopleura (Bleeker)

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    This study reports on the biology of 'ikan kelabau', Osteochilus melanopleura, a popular indigenous food fish. The length-weight relationship of this fish can be expressed by the equation, Log W = 3.0596 Log L -4.5330. The condition factor was higher during the dry season than during the wet. None of the stomachs examined were empty, suggesting that the fish feeds actively throughout the year. The guts of the juvenile fishes showed substantial quantities of green algae and phytoplankton. Both the maturing and adult 'ikan kelabau' are predominantly herbivores. There is no significant variation in the kinds of good consumed by the various size groups. It was observed that females reached sexual maturity at 290 mm (total length) and the males at 260 mm. This was verified by the histological examination of the gonads. The developmental stages of the oocytes indicated that spawning took place during the wet months between November and March with a peak in February. The gonadosomatic index reached a maximum of 3.1 during this month

    An empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in Malaysian information and communications technology (ICT) small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs).

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    This study examines the impact of intellectual capital and strategic orientations (market orientation, learning orientation and technology orientation) on innovation capability and firm performance of small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry in Malaysia. Despite calls for greater innovative actions, the level of innovation in Malaysia is still low. In addition, the country’s weak position in terms of research and development (R&D) and innovation capability poses major challenges. Although studies on innovation are in abundance, there is still little empirical evidence relating to how ICT firms improve their innovation capability and virtually no research in the context of ICT SMEs in Malaysia. Drawing upon the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm and Dynamic Capabilities view, a conceptual framework is developed. A quantitative approach is employed to achieve the objectives of the study. A survey technique is used to collect data from owners, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) or managers of ICT SMEs. 213 responses were received and further analysed. The research models and proposed hypotheses were assessed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. The empirical results demonstrate that the model explains 67% of the variance in innovation capability and 53% of the variance in firm performance, providing strong evidence of its explanatory power. While market orientation has a direct negative relationship to firm performance, market orientation is positively related to performance through the mediating effect of innovation capability. Learning orientation and technology orientation are fully mediated by innovation capability, while intellectual capital is partially mediated by innovation capability. Findings indicate that innovation capability is positively and significantly related to firm performance and that market orientation, learning orientation, technology orientation and intellectual capital are all significant and positively related to innovation capability. The main findings of this study highlight innovation capability as a strong determinant of firm performance through its direct and indirect effects, indicating its importance as a dynamic organisational capability. This indicates that improving innovation capability is crucial in order to achieve high performance. Market orientation, learning orientation and technology orientation in combination with intellectual capital have similar explanatory power in explaining the variance in innovation capability. The power of these factors when combined makes a more significant contribution to enhanced innovation capability and firm performance. For Malaysian ICT SMEs, the challenges for channelling their resources and capabilities (intellectual capital and strategic orientations) towards the improvement of firm innovation capability rely upon management ability to develop and deploy an appropriate mix of crucial resources. The empirical results provide strong evidence of the explanatory power of the model developed indicating that Malaysian ICT SMEs would perform better with greater emphasis on developing innovation capability through enhancement of intellectual capital and the strategic orientations measured in this study. It also shows that greater benefits for firms in terms of performance will be achieved with higher innovation capability as there is a more substantial impact from intellectual capital and strategic orientations when higher innovation capability is achieved.

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of SUP12 Steel Coil Spring

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    Coil springs made of spring steel often have high yield strength which enables them to return to their original form after a significant force is applied. Specific application of steel springin automotive is ruled by industrial guideline, for example, Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), Daewoo Engineering Standard (EDS) and Daihatsu Technical Standards (DTS). This study attempt to investigate the characteristics of a coil spring type used in automotive i.e. SUP12 where the analysis approach was done systematically using experimental and numerical methods. The experimental part was intended to verify the SUP12 springs material properties (spring constant, yield strength and tensile strength) are within standard for spring steels, JIS G 4801(1984). The SUP12 spring underwent tensile testing in accordance to JIS Z 2201(2010). Later, finite element simulation was performed using HYPERWORKS (Ver. 11) software to predict the steel spring under displacement conditions as per specific customer requirement i.e. at full rebound, curb length and full bump. The resulting experimental data indicates that the tested SUP12 passed the minimum requirement as per standard. On the other hand, finite element results show that the spring meets the customer requirement within small deviation. This suggested that the systematic verification by experiment and numerical analysis approach on such spring is practical by spring maker


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    The plant of Buni (Antidesma bunius L. Preng) has a relatively high value for use; however, its presence in Timor Island does not have sufficient notice from people around. In order to optimize its utilization and thus increase people’s recognition of it as well as to conserve the plant, a study has been conducted to record the physicochemical properties of the fruit as the starting step. The physical properties of the fruit studied are mainly the size and weight of the fruit, while the fruit chemical properties studied are proximate value, sugar content, vitamin C content, and total phenolic compounds. The fully ripe Buni fruits were collected from the Amarasi forest area, Kupang District. On average, the bignay fruit of Timor found 18 fruits per branch with a diameter of 6.69 mm, 3 g weight, and 62.44% edible proportion. The water content of the ripe fruit is 81.54% with vitamin C as the major nutrient of the fruit accounting for 20 mg/100 g of fruit, and total polyphenols content is quite high that reaching 459.18 mg GAE/100 g of the fruit

    Association between living near to a non-sanitary landfill, fingernail cadmium level and health symptoms among children in Nilai

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    Background: Living in proximity to landfill could expose children to heavy metals such as Cadmium that can reduce immune system function and lead to an increased risk of infections. Study was aimed to determine the accumulation of Cd in fingernails and the associated health symptoms among school children living in a proximity to non-sanitary landfill sites. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from November 2013 to February 2014 in Pajam-Nilai, Malaysia. Study involved 70 children aged 7 to 11 years old who reside within 2 to 4 km radius from a non-sanitary landfill. A standard questionnaire was used to determine the socio-demographic background of the respondent, the Cd exposure and the health symptoms. Fingernail samples were collected from the children to indicate metal body burden and the airborne dust was monitored using air sampling pump. Cd in all samples was analyzed using Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Result: The mean (SD) of Cd in fingernails of children who lives 2km from landfill (3.19 (0.47) µg/m3). No association was found between Cd in fingernails and Cd in the airborne dust. Reside close to landfill and the levels of Cd in fingernails were not associated with the health symptoms in this study. Conclusion: Although Cd level in fingernail of children living in proximity to landfill was higher than those who lives beyond that, health symptoms had no association with the exposure level

    On the behavior of lightning current and charge density in the case of tall tower

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    Considering on the behavior of charge density in the case of strikes of lightning to tall tower is an important issue and it can be applied in the electrical protection of equipment (on the tower) and also lightning electromagnetic fields due to tower and channel. In this paper, the behaviors of charge density under the different tower and channel conditions were considered and the results were discussed accordingly. The results showed that the tower height and tower reflection factor are strongly effective on the values of charge density due to additional reflected currents along towering a channel, however other parameters of the tower and channel can be effective on the values of charge density that were studied in this paper