1,354 research outputs found

    Hybrid iterative learning control of a flexible manipulator

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    This paper presents an investigation into the development of a hybrid control scheme with iterative learning for input tracking and end-point vibration suppression of a flexible manipulator system. The dynamic model of the system is derived using the finite element method. Initially, a collocated proportional-derivative (PD) controller using hub angle and hub velocity feedback is developed for control of rigid-body motion of the system. This is then extended to incorporate a non-collocated proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with iterative learning for control of vibration of the system. Simulation results of the response of the manipulator with the controllers are presented in the time and frequency domains. The performance of the hybrid iterative learning control scheme is assessed in terms of input tracking and level of vibration reduction in comparison to a conventionally designed PD-PID control scheme. The effectiveness of the control scheme in handling various payloads is also studied

    The Ecological Responsive Buildings: Traditional House in the Kapuas Riverside of West Kalimantan

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    Natural and environmental conditions were the main factor that caused people make adjustments to their residences. People need houses with the reasons are usually to meet the needs of privacy, comfort, storage of possessions, acquisition, storage and preparation of food, shelter from the weather protection from insects and/or pests, safety, kinship and social, gathering and travel, and movement. The condition of balance is achieved by the design adjustments made so that the buildings cause the least amount of impact on the surrounding environment. The advantages of the stage house for a hot and humid climate area of West Kalimantan is done to responds the ecological advantages of surrounding environment. The raised floor feature has been the best mitigation feature not only to keep dry from constant flood but also to built into the nature whilst living near riverside area. The stage house with modern concept can be designed to allow for cross ventilation, natural lighting, thermal comfort, privacy (visual and social), functionality and the effective cost for house handling

    Pengaruh Teknik Problem Solving dalam Meningkatkan Kebiasaan Belajar Siswa

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of student learning habits in SMA Negeri I pangkep, and to determine whether there is influence problem solving techniques in improving student learning habits. This research comparative research is experimental. The sample of research class XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2 were 32 students. Data collection technique with questionnaire while data analysis used is descriptive analysis, Barleth test and inferential statistical analysis with t-test formula. The results obtained are: the level of student learning habits in SMA Negeri I pangkep Pretest results both the experimental group and the average control group is low. After doing problem solving technique for experiment group, Postest value showed increase of study habits become high, while for control group of Postest value did not show improvement or remain in low category. Similarly, there are differences in learning habits between students who were given problem solving techniques with students who were not given problem solving techniques in SMA Negeri 1 pangkep. That is, for groups of students who are given problem solving techniques, student learning habits show improvement compared with groups of students who are not given problem solving techniques

    The Threat of a Nuclear- Armed North Korea and the Possibility of Solutions

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    This article tries to describe the threat of North Korea nuclear to regional and International security. North Korea Nuclear Proliferation is open the possibility of an arms race, even nuclear war in the region. Moreover, North Korea technology's ability in produce nuclear weapon will improve the spread of the weapons, both towards other countries or foreign actors. It needs some regional policy innovation to prevent nuclear proliferation in the region

    Strategi Perlindungan Terhadap Arsitektur Tradisional Untuk Menjadi Bagian Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Dunia

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    . As one of cultural heritage objects, it had been defined that traditional architecture is necessary to be preserved. According to Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 about Cultural Heritage , Preservation is a dynamic effort to maintain the existence of the cultural heritage and its values in a way to protect , develop , and use it. Therefore, it is important to apply the concept of preservation of traditional architecture. This is not for the present generation but also for the future generations, which is needed to be in good condition and will not degrade the value. Though, it is needed too to be improved for the future heritage.The strategy of preservation in architectural heritage and its artifacts is needed to be done as an effort to preserve the world heritage objects. The strategy of preservation is not only oriented to the past, but the preservation and conservation of architectural heritage and its artifact should be completed by applying the vision which eligible for the present and future. The results of the preservation and conservation strategy could be used for community by considering and keeping the essential elements as follow: integrity, authenticity and sustainability use, either for science, history, religion, identity, culture or economy through preservation of cultural heritage which the benefit of it could be used by present generation. To achieve this goal, there are some strategic steps that could be applied to concerved and preserved the traditional architecture to become part of world cultural heritage preservation. Those strategies are by developing a public policy of conservation and preservation, determining the priority of eligible and appropriate artifact, performing some measurement which include legacy, scientific, technical, adequate financial and administration, performing the establishment or development of local training centers for scientific studies for conservation and preservation as well as by strengthening the synerginity of government and local authority either local research institution or local traditional institution

    Kosmologi Ruang Keluarga Rumah Tradisional Melayu Pontianak Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Kepribadian Dan Kebudayaan

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    . Kegiatan penyebaran agama Islam di Indonesia merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi sejarah pertumbuhan kota dan kebudayaan Melayu Pontianak. Pengamatan terhadap rumah tradisional Melayu Pontianak, terlihat bahwa masyarakat memberikan perhatian yang besar terhadap ruang keluarga baik mengenai luas maupun hal-hal khusus untuk memberikan Kenyamanan yang dikaitkan dengan agama Islam yang mereka anut. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran sebuah ruang keluarga bagi masyarakat Melayu Pontianak ditinjau dari perspektif kepribadian dan kebudayaan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya serta hubungan keduanya terhadap tinjauan teori kosmologi. Dari hasil pembahasan diketahui bahwa adat istiadat dan pandangan hidup Melayu Pontianak dipengaruhi hukum syara\u27 Islam, hal ini juga mempengaruhi kehidupan sosial-budaya, cara hidup dan aktivitas masyarakat yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk ruang. Norma-norma Islam sebagai wujud kebudayaan yang mengatur hubungan manusia dengan manusia (Hablumminannas) dan hubungan manusia dengan Sang Khalik (Hablumminallah) melekat sebagai kepribadian menjadi acuan segala tindak-tanduk Masyarakat Melayu Pontianak diterapkan dalam pengunaan ruang di rumah tradisional Melayu Pontianak agar aktivitas yang dilakukan tidak melanggar norma sehingga terjadi keseimbangan antara dunia dan akhirat

    Pengaplikasian 12 Prinsip Animasi Disney dan Motion Capture dalam Animasi “Gob And Friends”

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    Di Surabaya terdapat studio yang memproduksi animasi bernama Hompimpa Animation Studio yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi motion capture untuk membatu proses produksi animasi. Animasi yang diproduksi oleh studio ini salah satunya adalah Gob and Friends. Serial animasi Gob and Friends merupakan serial animasi untuk anak-anak bergenre komedi. Gob and Friends pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Indonesian Film Trailer Awards (IFTA) pada tahun 2015. Animasi tersebut meraih dua penghargaan dalam ajang bergengsi tersebut. Penghargaan yang diraih antara lain sebagai Best Project Trailer dan Audience Favorite. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan, karakteristik, dan pengaplikasian 12 prinsip animasi Disney  dengan motion capture dalam proses produksi animasi Gob and Friends.  Penelitian ini menjawab hubungan antara 12 prinsip animasi Disney yang telah menjadi acuan bagi sebagian besar animator dengan Animasi lokal asal Surabaya yang berjudul Gob and Friends dengan perangkat motion capture menggunakan kaidah yang terdapat dalam metode penelitian.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik dan proses dalam memproduksi animasi Gob and Friends, kemudian mencari relasi serta relevansi dengan 12 prinsip animasi Disney dan motion capture dengan mengumpulkan data-data dari Hompimpa Animation Studio sebagai kreator dari animasi Gob and Friends. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang karakteristik visual delapan tokoh utama Gob and Friends. Animasi Gob and Friends  menjadikan 12 prinsip animasi Disney sebagai fundamental dalam proses produksi. Prinsip tersebut dikombinasikan dengan perangkat motion capture untuk produksi yang lebih cepat dan efisien. Karakteristik visual Gob and Friends dibuat dengan gaya kartun dengan visualisasi lingkungan khas Indonesia. Pengaplikasian 12 Prinsip animasi Disney dan motion capture yang saling terintegrasi dan saling mendukung membuat Hompimpa Animation Studio mampu membuat dengan kualitas gerakan yang baik dengan waktu yang relatif cepat.   Kata Kunci : Animasi, Motion Capture, Surabaya &nbsp

    Kerusakan Larva Aedes Aegypti (Linn.) Setelah Terpapar Temefos pada Fase Larva Instar 3 (L3)

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    Penelitian tentang kerusakan morfologi larva Aedes aegypti setelah terpapar temefos padafase larva instar 3 (L3) bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerusakan morfologi larva setelahterpapar temefos konsentrasi letal pada fase instar 3 (L3). Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasieksperimental dengan desain penelitian rancangan acak lengkap. Konsentrasi temefos yangdiuji didapatkan berdasarkan hasil analisis probit yaitu 0.150 ppm (KL0)., 0.280 ppm (KL25).,0.330 ppm (KL50)., 0.384 ppm (KL75), dan 0.433 ppm (KL90). Hasil uji menunjukkan rata-rata kandungan air dalam tubuh larva setelah terpapar temefos adalah 35% dalam keadaan larva hidup (Ko), sedangkan dalam keadaan larva sudah mati yaitu 37% (KL0), 36% (KL25), 61% (KL50), 55% (KL75) dan 72% (KL90). Semakin tinggi konsentrasi temefos pada media air menyebabkan kadar air pada tubuh larva semakin tinggi akibatnya terjadi perbedaan tekanan osmotik. Kerusakan morfologi larva setelah terpapar temefos yaitu rambut seta yang rontok, abdomen terlihat mengkerut serta abdomen, kepala, torak dan sifon yang menghitam