236 research outputs found

    Indigenous rights and development : inequality constraints in Brazilian cities : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of International Development at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    This thesis aims at identifying how indigenous rights, as part of a human rights approach to development, have been addressed by urban welfare policies in Brazil. As a starting point, this desk based study is primarily focused on an analysis of the impacts of urbanisation on indigenous livelihoods. Despite not being a new trend, urbanisation of indigenous people has exposed their situation of deprivation and disadvantage, and the increasing pressures of assimilation policies. Social indicators of urban indigenous communities’ wellbeing have pointed to a growing gap between indigenous and non-indigenous population. The access to distinct basic welfare provision is not only determinant in reducing disparities but would also represent the compliance of a state with the indigenous rights framework. This thesis investigates if and how the Brazilian social agenda is in compliance with and indigenous rights framework. The Brazilian government acknowledged Brazil as multi-ethnic, which is reflected in the domestic legal framework, and also in the ratification of international covenants and declarations related to indigenous rights. However, the need of the urban indigenous population for differentiated service provisions has represented a challenging matter in policy making. The existence of an implementation gap between the indigenous rights framework and their effective application is a relevant theme for analysis and evaluation, in order to identify the factors that are hindering state compliance with the standards that have already been legislated. To this regard, the experience of urban indigenous communities in Brazil is explored in two case studies, related to the Pankararu, in Sao Paulo, and the Terena, in Campo Grande. The outcomes of the mainstream welfare policies are also investigated through the lens of urban indigenous communities. Ultimately this thesis unveils the potential of the Brazilian state, as the duty-bearer of indigenous rights, as capable and responsible to unleash the realisation of indigenous expectations to overcome powerlessness, economic underdevelopment and cultural disruptions

    \u3ci\u3eDeliberate Entanglements\u3c/i\u3e: The Impact of a Visionary Exhibition

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    The medium and metaphors of fiber have a history imbued with gender-based associations, predominantly tied to femininity. Although men have historically participated in the creation of textiles throughout the course of time, the role of women often overshadows them in proliferation and ubiquity of activity. In the 1960s, fiber as an expressive material became intertwined with and politicized by the feminist movement and fiber was frequently employed by artists to address socio-cultural hierarchies. The Men’s Movement also emerged in that era, having its own potential impact on the field of fiber. The layers of historic and cultural hegemony that have guided textile production play into contemporary fiber art and enrich the meaning of the work. These ideologies continue to shape textile art to varying degrees although artists have moved the dialog in new directions. Where do male textile artists fit into the discourse today? A panel of working male textile artists will discuss their experiences and perspectives on the gender roles that surround them and their work. How do male fiber artists use the medium to overtly address or transgress issues of gender constructs? For those artists who do not employ textiles to directly confront these topics, how do the underlying gender-based histories and currents influence their work? Have these artist been perceived as having turned to “women’s work” and how has that impeded or fueled them creatively and professionally? In the words of artist and educator Mark Newport, “masculine and fiber are not linked in our social consciousness.” What presumptions exist about the nature of the male fiber artist and what misconceptions do these artists confront? The panel will consider how identity politics play out in the hands of male makers and whether or not fiber has finally moved beyond the gender gap

    \u3ci\u3eDeliberate Entanglements\u3c/i\u3e: The Impact of a Visionary Exhibition

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    The medium and metaphors of fiber have a history imbued with gender-based associations, predominantly tied to femininity. Although men have historically participated in the creation of textiles throughout the course of time, the role of women often overshadows them in proliferation and ubiquity of activity. In the 1960s, fiber as an expressive material became intertwined with and politicized by the feminist movement and fiber was frequently employed by artists to address socio-cultural hierarchies. The Men’s Movement also emerged in that era, having its own potential impact on the field of fiber. The layers of historic and cultural hegemony that have guided textile production play into contemporary fiber art and enrich the meaning of the work. These ideologies continue to shape textile art to varying degrees although artists have moved the dialog in new directions. Where do male textile artists fit into the discourse today? A panel of working male textile artists will discuss their experiences and perspectives on the gender roles that surround them and their work. How do male fiber artists use the medium to overtly address or transgress issues of gender constructs? For those artists who do not employ textiles to directly confront these topics, how do the underlying gender-based histories and currents influence their work? Have these artist been perceived as having turned to “women’s work” and how has that impeded or fueled them creatively and professionally? In the words of artist and educator Mark Newport, “masculine and fiber are not linked in our social consciousness.” What presumptions exist about the nature of the male fiber artist and what misconceptions do these artists confront? The panel will consider how identity politics play out in the hands of male makers and whether or not fiber has finally moved beyond the gender gap

    Torts - Negligence - California’s guest statute does not apply to accidents which occur off public highways. O’Donnell v. Mullaney (Cal. 1967).

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    This recent case discusses O\u27Donnell v. Mullaney (Cal. 1967)

    Self-enforcing constitutional amendments rules: a dialogue with Richard Albert’s Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions

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    Richard Albert’s groundbreaking book Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions surely provides the most extensive analysis of constitutional amendments rules ever published. Particularly relevant is that, unlike part of the constitutional literature that overly stresses normative assumptions, Albert brings important insights about how constitutional amendment rules can influence certain outcomes and provide incentives for political players’ behaviors. By drawing from rational choice theory, this Article aims to show the value of self-enforcing constitutional amendment rules for constitutional design. Although Richard Albert does not directly work with rational choice language, he certainly knows how to operate some of its premises when examining cases, raising hypotheses, creating models, and suggesting constitutional frameworks. His book is a relevant example of how constitutional design, when not excessively dominated by normative assumptions that are taken for granted, can be the much-needed response to challenges that a strong reliance on those normative assumptions may fail to overcome

    Políticas de saúde mental e direitos humanos

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    Na primeira unidade, apresenta a Reforma Psiquiátrica em suas quatro fases: crítica ao asilo mercantilizado; tratamento ambulatorial e mudança na legislação; construção da política nacional de saúde mental; e implantação de serviços em redes de atenção, mostrando as premissas, os pressupostos éticos e as diretrizes gerais do movimento, assim como as principais transformações dele originadas. Na segunda unidade aborda as questões ligadas aos Direitos Humanos, as rupturas e os esforços de continuidade na construção do conceito de dignidade humana, associada à igualdade universal e à solidariedade, sua relação com a realidade dos serviços de saúde mental suas demandas e necessidade de ultrapassar fronteiras, do enquadramento sanitário e jurídico do uso de drogas, dos desafios da atenção em saúde a novos públicos, das discussões envolvendo internação voluntária e compulsória e respeito à dignidade humana do diferente. São apresentadas, também, leituras complementares e referências.1.0Ministério da Saúd

    Acompañamiento psicológico de niños con VIH comprendidos entre las edades de 9 a 11 años que viven en el Hospicio San José, Santa Lucía Milpas Altas, Sacatepéquez.

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    Comprobar que el acompañamiento psicológico a niños con VIH comprendidos entre las edades de 9 a 11 años que viven en el Hospicio San José, Santa Lucía Milpas Altas, Sacatepéquez. La investigación se realizó con una población total de sesenta y tres bebés y niños, se seleccionó una muestra intencional de diez niños y niñas con VIH, comprendidos entre las edades de 9 a 11 años de edad, provenientes de diferentes municipios y departamentos del país, que viven en el Hospicio San José ubicado en el Km. 28.5 Santa Lucia Milpas Altas, Sacatepéquez, Departamento de Guatemala, niños huérfanos, como consecuencia de la pérdida de sus progenitores, encontrándose en condiciones de salud estables para trabajar con ellos. Para recolectar datos se utilizaron las técnicas siguientes: guía de observación estructurada, entrevistas con personal de la institución y maestras del colegio. Finalmente se aplicó test de Figura Humana de Machover. Entre los resultados obtenidos se comprobó: 70% de la muestra ha asimilado de manera positiva notificación de su diagnóstico, 30% presenta depresión. El 50% de la muestra presenta déficit en habilidades cognitivas, psicomotoras, concentración, atención y memoria. Un 85% manifestó el deseo de saber de padres y familiares. Se constató temor y tristeza por rechazo y discriminación por parte de la sociedad. Se observaron conflictos de identidad y problemas de autoestima. Llegando a concluir en la necesidad del acompañamiento psicológico hacía esta población

    O fenômeno Kardashian : a construção do branding de uma família

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Comunicação Organizacional, 2016.Este trabalho analisa a ascensão midiática da família Kardashian-Jenner e a construção de sua marca. Para isso, procuramos entender como aplicar estratégias de branding a pessoas ou, neste caso, a uma família. Hoje, as proporções e o modo como as pessoas se apresentam e se expõem em redes sociais como Facebook e Instagram, mudam a nossa percepção do público e do privado, mesclando-os em um só, onde o privado passa a ser público. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica com autores que tratam de marca, branding, posicionamento, brand equity, comunicação integrada, comunicação de marketing, internet e redes sociais. Procedemos a uma pesquisa descritiva com base em um questionário estruturado online no Facebook, com o objetivo de entender a relação do público brasileiro com a marca Kardashian e sua relevância. Também foi feita uma análise de conteúdo das reportagens sobre família no período compreendido entre 26 de outubro a 30 de novembro de 2016. Analisamos ainda o reality show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, os conteúdos das redes sociais dos membros da família e seus produtos. Com base nas 468 respostas do questionário online, na análise de conteúdo das reportagens e no acompanhamento do reality Keeping Up With the Kardashians observamos o grande poder da marca da família Kardashian e sua grande influência no Brasil.This paper analyzes the media rise of the Kardashian-Jenner family and the construction of their brand. To do this, we try to understand how to apply branding strategies to people or, in this case, to a family. Today, the proportions and the way people present themselves and expose themselves in social networks like Facebook and Instagram, change our perception of the public and the private, merging them into one, where the private becomes public. The methodology used was a bibliographic research with authors dealing with brand, branding, positioning, brand equity, integrated communication, marketing communication, internet and social networks. We conducted a descriptive research based on a questionnaire structured online on Facebook, with the purpose of understanding the relationship of the Brazilian public with the Kardashian brand and its relevance. Also a content analysis of the family reports was made in the period between October 26, 2016. We also observe the reality show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the contents of the social networks of the members of the family and their products. Based on the 468 responses of the online questionnaire, content analysis of the reports and the follow-up of the reality Keeping Up With the Kardashians we note the great power of the Kardashian family brand and its great influence in Brazil

    Direitos humanos

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    Apresenta a questão do uso de drogas como debate com grande número de opiniões discordantes de diversos atores sociais, envolvendo aspectos ligados aos direitos humanos, à licitude e ilicitude das substâncias psicoativas, do envolvimento de todas as camadas sociais e da frequente desumanização dos usuários das classes mais pobres e vulneráveis, excluídos dos recentes avanços das políticas públicas, destacando a tendência a sua internação como forma não de resolver, mas de esconder o problema que necessita ser entendido na dimensão humana, reconhecendo cidadania dos sujeitos, independentemente de seus transtornos mentais. Traça o histórico da conquista dos Direitos Humanos, de sua origem enquanto direitos naturais a sua consolidação no Estado Social, mostrando o avanço no reconhecimento de seu caráter universal e do conceito implícito de responsabilidade coletiva e solidária. Unidade 2 do módulo 2 que compõe o Curso de Atualiza ção em Álcool e Outras Drogas, da Coerção à Coesão.1.0Ministério da Saúd

    A Legitimidade do Ministério Público na Tutela dos Interesses Ligados a Embriões Congelados

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    This article explores the possibility that the prosecutor intervene in cases related to bioethics and especially within the bioethics, the frozen embryos. The paper demonstrates this possibility, from the right to life and from the perspective of protecting the principle of human dignity and the Declaration of Helsinki. Examines the possibility of using embryos for scientific purposes and to verify the use of tumor bank for scientific and therapeutic. Analyzes the importance of the prosecutor acting as a representative of society and even a particularly appropriate, since he is the protector of the community and fiscal compliance with the legal system, given the importance and complexity of the issue, considering the numerous gaps in our legislation, seeking to answer the end there is that possibility.O presente artigo estuda a possibilidade de o Ministério Público intervir em casos relacionados à bioética e principalmente dentro da bioética, aos embriões congelados. O trabalho demonstra esta possibilidade, a partir do direito à vida e sob o prisma da proteção do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e da Declaração de Helsinque, que é um documento de princípios éticos que visa fornecer orientações aos médicos e outros participantes de pesquisas clínicas envolvendo seres humanos. Examina a possibilidade de utilização de embriões para fins científicos, além de verificar o uso do banco de tumores para fins científicos e terapêuticos. Analisa a importância de o Ministério Público atuar como representante da sociedade e até mesmo de um particular eventualmente, pois é ele o protetor da coletividade e fiscal do cumprimento do ordenamento jurídico, ante a relevância e complexidade do tema, tendo em vista as inúmeras lacunas existentes em nossa legislação, buscando responder ao final se haverá tal possibilidade