1,083 research outputs found

    On Certain Degenerate Whittaker Models for Cuspidal Representations of GLkn(Fq)\mathrm{GL}_{k\cdot n}\left(\mathbb{F}_q\right)

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    Let π\pi be an irreducible cuspidal representation of GLkn(Fq)\mathrm{GL}_{kn}\left(\mathbb{F}_q\right). Assume that π=πθ\pi = \pi_{\theta}, corresponds to a regular character θ\theta of Fqkn\mathbb{F}_{q^{kn}}^{*}. We consider the twisted Jacquet module of π\pi with respect to a non-degenerate character of the unipotent radical corresponding to the partition (nk)(n^k) of knkn. We show that, as a GLn(Fq)\mathrm{GL}_{n}\left(\mathbb{F}_q\right)-representation, this Jacquet module is isomorphic to πθFnStk1\pi_{\theta \upharpoonright_{\mathbb{F}_n^*}} \otimes \mathrm{St}^{k-1}, where St\mathrm{St} is the Steinberg representation of GLn(Fq)\mathrm{GL}_{n}\left(\mathbb{F}_q\right). This generalizes a theorem of D. Prasad, who considered the case k=2k=2. We prove and rely heavily on a formidable identity involving qq-hypergeometric series and linear algebra.Comment: 27 pages. Comments are welcom

    Montaignian Meditations

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    In Pascalian Meditations, Pierre Bourdieu counters Husserl’s disembodied, solipsistic Cartesian subjectivity with his well-known notion of habitus—that is, the self as embodied history, a history internalized as second nature and thus forgotten as history. Bourdieu turns to Blaise Pascal—the great anti-Cartesian—not only for inspiration but in order to establish a new interpretive ethos that transcends the seemingly intractable dilemma between objectivism and subjectivism. Bourdieu credits his predecessor with refusing to perpetuate philosophy’s self-blindness, exposing the subject of philosophy’s wretched condition, its mixture of reason and affect. This article looks to Michel de Montaigne as an alternative to Bourdieu’s own Pascalian counter-model. This effort is not so much a critique of Bourdieu’s Pascalian model as an attempt to pursue a different type of critical dialogue with philosophy. If Bourdieu’s Pascalian alternative runs the risk of severing dialogue with contemporary philosophy, transforming Descartes’ solipsistic meditations into sociological meditations on symbolic power, Montaignian meditations are more hospitable to and yet not any less critical of philosophical thinking—be it ancient, humanist or contemporary

    Reading Unruly

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    Drawing on literary theory and canonical French literature, Reading Unrulyexamines unruliness as both an aesthetic category and a mode of reading conceived as ethical response. Zahi Zalloua argues that when faced with an unruly work of art, readers confront an ethical double bind, hesitating then between the two conflicting injunctions of either thematizing (making sense) of the literary work, or attending to its aesthetic alterity or unreadability. Creatively hesitating between incommensurable demands (to interpret but not to translate back into familiar terms), ethical readers are invited to cultivate an appreciation for the unruly, to curb the desire for hermeneutic mastery without simultaneously renouncing meaning or the interpretive endeavor as such. Examining French texts from Montaigne’s sixteenth-century Essays to Diderot’s fictional dialogue Rameau’s Nephew and Baudelaire’s prose poems The Spleen of Paris, to the more recent works of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea, Alain Robbe-Grillet’s Jealousy, and Marguerite Duras’s The Ravishing of Lol Stein,Reading Unruly demonstrates that in such an approach to literature and theory, reading itself becomes a desire for more, an ethical and aesthetic desire to prolong rather than to arrest the act of interpretation


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    Abstract اكتشاف تابوت الملك زوسر وترميم الهرم المدرج يعد هرم الملك نتري خت المدرج والمعروف أيضًا باسم زوسر، أقدم بناء حجري ضخم في مصر. ولكن تعرضت واجهات الهرم للكثير من الأضرار الجسيمة. علاوة على ذلك، أدت أعمال الترميم السابقة للواجهة الجنوبية إلى تدمير بعض جوانب التصميم الأصلي للهرم. وقد تم تشكيل فريق ترميم برئاسة زاهي حواس بداية من عام ٢٠٠٦ للعمل على ترميم الهرم وإزالة الأتربة والرمل المتراكم الذي يغطي الكتل، حيث تمكن الفريق من جمع كل الكتل التي كانت مفكوكة تحت الرمال ومعالجتها على الفور واختيار أفضلها لإعادتها إلى الهرم بعد ملء الفراغات بالملاط. بالإضافة إلى ترميم الهرم، قام المشروع بدراسة مراحل البناء المختلفة للهرم المدرج مثل الأنفاق الموجودة أسفل الهرم، المدخل الجنوبي للهرم، حجرة الفاينس والمستوى الخامس للهرم. بالإضافة إلى اكتشاف تابوت الملك نتري خت وبعض الاكتشافات الهامة داخل الهرم. كما يناقش البحث قضية البحث عن مقبرة إيمحوتب المهندس العظيم، والتي تعتبر أمل جميع علماء الآثار الذين عملوا أو مازالوا يعملون في سقارة في العثور عليها، بينما اختار حواس المنطقة الواقعة غرب الهرم المدرج كمنطقة محتملة للبحث عن مقبرة إيمحوتب. [EN] The Step Pyramid of Netjerikhet (also known as Djoser) is the oldest monumental stone structure in Egypt. Much of the pyramid’s façade has suffered significant damage. Moreover, previous restoration work on the south façade destroyed some of the pyramid’s original design. The restoration team Led by Zahi Hawass has worked since 2006 to remove the accumulated dust and sand that covered the blocks. The team was able to collected the loose blocks from under the sand, treat them immediately, and chose the best place for them in within the pyramid after filling the gaps with mortar. In addition to the restoration of the pyramid, the project studied and confirmed the different construction phases of the Step Pyramid such as the tunnels under the pyramid, the south entrance of the pyramid, the room of the faience tiles and the wall stela, and the fifth level of the pyramid. In addition, the team discovered the sarcophagus of Netjerikhet and made some other important discoveries inside the pyramid. The paper will also discuss the issue of the search for the discovery of the tomb of Imhotep, such a discovery is the hope of all archaeologists who have worked or are working at Saqqara. Indeed, Hawass chose the area west of the Step Pyramid as a likely area to search for the tomb of Imhotep

    A Closer Examination of the Patient Experience in the Ambulatory Space: A Retrospective Qualitative Comparison of Specialty Care to Primary Care Experiences

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    With the advent of consumerism in one of the most complex and fragmented industries in the United States, the healthcare space now has a collective interest to further understand its consumers and help to shape their experiences. In this qualitative research study, we explore the key patient experience impressions responsible for driving quality. Differences between primary care patient perspectives and specialty care patient perspectives were analyzed using a mixed methods design in high, median and low quality performing practices. We found that primary care patients highly value (a) provider listening, (b) time spent with provider, and (c) consistent and effective coordination of care (i.e. provider handoffs, referrals, prescription refills, etc.). Specialty care patients were found to highly value (a) provider clinical skill acumen and outcomes, (b) being kept informed with timely updates and care instructions, and (c) a stress and pain-free experience. Both patient types also highly value a patient- and family- centered care team approach. We did find a direct association between patient experience quantitative scores and patient comments ratings. We conclude that differing patient types attach greater value to different elements of their health care experiences


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    The concept of leadership has been a center of focus for many researchers in the recent past. The researchers would want to identify and recognize what constitutes an effective leadership. Most academic institutions have opted to include a study of leadership styles in their curriculum as a way of developing the concept among the individuals in the institutions and in the society. There is a need to establish a set of qualities that are characteristic of good leadership so that an organization can seek for quality leaders. The kind of leadership that is exercised at a given organization while greatly affects the performance of the organization. This paper explores the different kinds of leadership styles that can be adopted by political leaders and the effects of the styles. Much attention is given to the political upheavals that have been seen in the Arab nations. Keywords: Leadership style, Middle East Leaders, Political Leaders, Arab Leaders

    Why the world needs a universal politics

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    Many of the problems facing the world are global, from climate change to rising inequality. But how can ordinary citizens hope to tackle these issues when they take place across national borders? Ilan Kapoor and Zahi Zalloua argue that what is needed is a universal politics that can address these collective challenges. But rather than relying on the narrow particularism of identity politics, we should build this new politics on a ‘negative universality’ that is rooted in people’s shared experiences of exploitation and marginalisation