134 research outputs found

    NiH2 capacity fade during early cycling

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    Tests were conducted on nickel hydrogen batteries to determine the charge efficiency of the nickel electrode as a function of rate and temperature, cell discharge capacity, and capacity fade. Test procedures and results are presented in outline and graphic form

    Nickel hydrogen common pressure vessel battery development

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    Our present design for a common pressure vessel (CPV) battery, a nickel hydrogen battery system to combine all of the cells into a common pressure vessel, uses an open disk which allows the cell to be set into a shallow cavity; subsequent cells are stacked on each other with the total number based on the battery voltage required. This approach not only eliminates the assembly error threat, but also more readily assures equal contact pressure to the heat fin between each cell, which further assures balanced heat transfer. These heat fin dishes with their appropriate cell stacks are held together with tie bars which in turn are connected to the pressure vessel weld rings at each end of the tube

    An outline of the model of the interaction of preparatory proceedings and court proceedings in criminal procedure (considerations against the background of European systems of criminal procedure law)

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    In this article the author focuses on the one of the primary research problems in the case of European systems of criminal procedure law (the shape of the mutual relations between preparatory and court proceedings, and in strict terms, the system of relations between groups of procedural facts that make up the indicated phases (stages) within the course of the proceeding). Bearing in mind the fact that the clarification of the relevant facts of the case is the prism of the general aim of criminal procedure and what goes with it, the settle criminal liability, Author shows relations between preparatory and court proceedings as a chain of functionally interconnected procedural facts. This article shows also the views expressed by the Authors of different systems of law, like: polish, german and French about the shape of the mutual relations between preparatory and court proceedings. The author also shows his own views within the scope of its subject

    Nickel-hydrogen CPV battery update

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    The multicell common pressure vessel (CPV) nickel hydrogen battery manufactured by Johnson Controls Battery Group, Inc. has completed full flight qualification, including random vibration at 19.5 g for two minutes in each axis, electrical characterization in a thermal vacuum chamber, and mass-spectroscopy vessel leak detection. A first launch is scheduled for late in 1992 or early 1993 by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Specifics of the launch date are not available at this time due to the classified nature of the program. Release of orbital data for the battery is anticipated following the launch

    Problemy kontroli formalnej aktu oskarżenia wniesionego przez oskarżyciela publicznego w polskim procesie karnym

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    The standardization of the issue of the formal control of an accusation brought by the public prosecutor in Poland has long been the source of numerous controversies in the context of the penal trial. Although the very issue, in its current legal form, was regulated in a fuller scope than before, many aspects are still to be discussed. Building on the logical-linguistic analysis of the 337 art. of the 1 act in relation with the 93 art. of the 2 act of the penal code, one should take it for granted that the control of the formal conditions of an accusation in the trial system in question is done by the court’s chief, president of the faculty or the judge, relative to the division of duties in a given court. Referring to the very same method of the analysis of a legal text, additionally supported by the observations connected with the place art 337 of the 1 act of the penal code, in the systematization of the penal-trial act, one can assume that the right to get the accusation back in order to complete the formal requirements is given to the subjects in question only till the order of delivering a copy of the accusation to the person in question is performed. An unquestionable advantage of the current regulation of the formal control of the accusation deriving from the public prosecutor is specification of the formal requirements undergoing the control in the 337 art. of the penal code, allowing for an unambiguous statement that the court’s chief examines not only the fulfillment of particular formal requirements defined in the regulations concerning the accusation (art. 333, art. 334 or art. 335 of the penal code), but also the fulfillment of the formal requirements each letter submitted in the penal trial should relate to. De lege lata it goes without saying that the order of the court’s chief concerning the return of the accusation in order to eliminate the lacks is entitled the complaint to the appropriate court to recognize the case (the 337 art. of the 2 act of the penal code). Some doubts connected with the composition of the court recognizing complaints, on the other hand, should be dispersed on the assumption that the district court, in the trial system under discussion, acts as an appeal instance, and, as a result of it, taking for granted that it is the regulation of the 30 art. of the 2 act of the penal code predicting the composition of three judges that is used in this case. The biggest interpretative difficulties connected with the 337 art. of the penal code are observed in the case of the trial consequences of the negligence of the deadline to eliminate the formal lacks of the accusation, as well as the issue of the legal nature of that deadline. Although the hypothesis that the solution of the problems under investigation needs the establishment of the real picture of relations between the content of the enforced regulation of the lex specialis type and the general regulation, i.e. the 120 art. of the penal code is common and unquestionable, the literature lacks unanimity as to the evaluation of the relations between these regulations. Starting from a general statement that the scope of the usage defined on the basis of the general regulation, is narrowed down only in the case of those circumstances or behaviours predicted by the regulation modifying it, as well as referring to the analysis of the scope of standardization defined in the 337 art. of the penal code, one should approve of the position according to which it is the regulation of the 120 art. of the 2 act of the penal code that is the legal basis of the definition of the effects of the violation of a 7-day deadline to eliminate the lacks of the accusation. It means that the negligence of this deadline by the public prosecutor evokes the inefficiency of the accusation. The evaluation of the violation of the very deadline implying the indicated consequences in the categories of the conditions of the acceptability of the penal trial leads to a fairly obvious statement that the very negligence generates the trial obstacle connected with a specific trial system in the form of the lack of the complaint of the entitled prosecutor. What is important in the case of the nature of the deadline to eliminate the formal lacks of the accusation is the fact that the rational and appropriate systematisation and classification of trial deadlines is provided by a classification aiming at placing deadlines of the same fundamental feature within the frame of one category. Accepting this point of view, it can be stated that what decides about the classification of the deadline as peremptory is not only the fact whether it was called like that, but also if its violation evokes the effect of peremptoriness in the form of the inefficiency of the trial activity. It seems that, from this perspective, one can defend the statement that the deadline to eliminate the formal lacks of the accusation, having, apart from certain additional features proving its specificity, the attribute of peremptoriness, is peremptory in nature. The scale of problems the interpreter faces in connection with the definition of the trial consequences of the negligence of the deadline to eliminate the formal lacks of the accusation and the establishment of the nature of this deadline induces an opinion that de lege ferenda should be expected to be taken over by the legislator of an explicit opinion on the issues discussed here

    Pre-Service Educator Preparation to Teach Children with Disabilities Through Service-Learning

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    The purpose of the multi-year study discussed in this article was to investigate the impact of pre-service educator participation in a community-based service-learning program for children with disabilities. Pre-service educators who were enrolled in either an adapted physical education or introduction to special education course participated in the Children’s Adaptive Physical Education Society!, a skill-development program for 35 children (ages 5-12) with developmental disabilities. Two measures—a modified regular education initiative survey and a reflective blog assignment—were administered to the participants to identify changes in their beliefs and attitudes toward teaching and including children with disabilities in their future classrooms. The results revealed statistically significant gains in their understanding, confidence, willingness, skill set, and educational satisfaction. Responses in the reflective blogs further supported the statistical findings, suggesting that a community-based learning program provides pre-service educators with sufficient experiences to positively and effectively change their beliefs and attitudes toward teaching and including children with disabilities in their future classrooms

    Comparison and Validation of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Rainfall Algorithms in Tropical Cyclones

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    Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall retrieval algorithms are evaluated in tropical cyclones (TCs). Differences between the Precipitation Radar (PR) and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) retrievals are found to be related to the storm region (inner core vs. rainbands) and the convective nature of the precipitation as measured by radar reflectivity and ice scattering signature. In landfalling TCs, the algorithms perform differently depending on whether the rainfall is located over ocean, land, or coastal surfaces. Various statistical techniques are applied to quantify these differences and identify the discrepancies in rainfall detection and intensity. Ground validation is accomplished by comparing the landfalling storms over the Southeast US to the NEXRAD Multisensor Precipitation Estimates (MPE) Stage-IV product. Numerous recommendations are given to algorithm users and developers for applying and interpreting these algorithms in areas of heavy and widespread tropical rainfall such as tropical cyclones

    Problem zaskarżalności postanowienia w przedmiocie wydania europejskiego nakazu aresztowania

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    "Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat notuje się wyraźny rozkwit zainteresowania ideą zacieśnienia współpracy między państwami tworzącymi Unię Europejską w sferze ścigania karnego i wymiaru sprawiedliwości, znajdującą odzwierciedlenie bądź to w projektach wyrosłych na gruncie unijnym zmierzających do harmonizacji prawa karnego materialnego i prawa karnego procesowego krajów członkowskich, bądź też w teoretycznych analizach podejmowanych w nauce prawa. Zaczątki nowożytnej myśli integracyjnej można bez trudu odnaleźć w inicjatywach przypadających na połowę ubiegłego stulecia, przedsiębranych na szerszym forum — Rady Europy, na którym do dzisiaj dochodzi do podejmowania działań dotyczących współpracy w sprawach karnych"