947 research outputs found

    Chemical investigation of a biologically active schinus molle L. leaf extract

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    The pepper tree Schinus molle L. is an evergreen ornamental plant belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, native to South America and widespread throughout the world. It has biological activities and is used in folk medicine. This paper aims to contribute to a deeper knowledge of its chemical composition and biological properties. S. molle leaf extracts were obtained by sequential extraction with solvents of different polarities and subsequently tested on the HL-60 human leukaemia cell line to define a possible cytotoxic activity. Among the investigated extracts, the petroleum ether extract revealed a high cytotoxic activity, and its chemical composition was further investigated. By a silica column chromatography, eight fractions were obtained, and their compositions were determined by GC-MS analysis. Compounds and relative abundance differed widely among the fractions; sesquiterpenes resulted the main component and alcoholic sesquiterpenes the most abundant

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in Japanese Akita dogs: a survey

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    Low serum level of vitamin D has been linked to numerous diseases. The Akita breed of dog shows a high incidence of immune-mediated diseases such as uveodermatologic (UVD) syndrome and sebaceous adenitis (SA). Furthermore, in Japanese Akita dogs, skin depigmentation often appears after birth at different ages, in healthy dogs, and without any other symptoms. In humans poliosis is associated to low vitamin D level. The aim of this survey was to evaluate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels in Japanese Akita dogs. One hundred and three Akita blood samples were collected for the 25(OH)D evaluation. Age, sex, current disease, presence and location of skin depigmentation, and diet were reported on a medical record. Based on history and clinical examination, dogs were classified according their health status as healthy (HE) or pathological (PA). The overall mean of 25(OH)D concentration was 82.42 ± 26.14 ng/mL, whereas the concentrations in the healthy dogs were significantly higher (84.90 ± 3.36 ng/mL) in comparison with the dogs with diseases (72.13 ± 4.09 ng/mL) (P < 0.01). In this study, the depigmented healthy dogs showed low level of 25(OH)D and very similar to the sick group. The appearance of depigmented areas associated with low levels of vitamin D could be considered as an alert sign in Akitas as well as in humans. However, clinical trials should also be carried out to establish whether vitamin D supplementation could be an effective preventive treatment to limit the onset of immune-mediated diseases in Japanese Akita dogs

    Representation of visual gravitational motion in the human vestibular cortex

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    How do we perceive the visual motion of objects that are accelerated by gravity? We propose that, because vision is poorly sensitive to accelerations, an internal model that calculates the effects of gravity is derived from graviceptive information, is stored in the vestibular cortex, and is activated by visual motion that appears to be coherent with natural gravity. The acceleration of visual targets was manipulated while brain activity was measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In agreement with the internal model hypothesis, we found that the vestibular network was selectively engaged when acceleration was consistent with natural gravity. These findings demonstrate that predictive mechanisms of physical laws of motion are represented in the human brain

    Kinematic algorithm to determine the energy cost of running with changes of direction

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    Changes of direction (CoDs) have a high metabolic and mechanical impact in field and court team sports, but the estimation of the associated workload is still inaccurate. This study aims at validating an algorithm based on kinematic data to estimate the energy cost of running with frequent 180\ub0-CoDs. Twenty-six physically active male subjects (22.4\u202f\ub1\u202f3.2\u202fyears) participated in two sessions: (1) maximum oxygen uptake (V\u307O2,max) and maximal aerobic speed (MAS) test; (2) 5-m continuous shuttle run (two 5-min trials at 50% and 75% MAS, 6-min recovery). In (2), full-body 3D-kinematics and V\u307O2 were simultaneously recorded. Actual cost of shuttle running (Cmeas) was obtained from the aerobic, anaerobic alactic and lactic components. The proposed algorithm detects "braking phases", periods of mostly negative (eccentric) work occurring at concurrent knee flexion and ground contact, and estimates energy cost (Cest) considering negative mechanical work in braking phases, and positive elsewhere. At the speed of, respectively, 1.54\u202f\ub1\u202f0.17 and 1.90\u202f\ub1\u202f0.15\u202fm\u202fs-1 (rate of perceived exertion: 9.1\u202f\ub1\u202f1.8 and 15.8\u202f\ub1\u202f1.9), Cmeas was 8.06\u202f\ub1\u202f0.49 and 9.04\u202f\ub1\u202f0.73\u202fJ\u202fkg-1\u202fm-1. Cest was more accurate than regression models found in literature (p\u202f\u202f0.05; average error: 8.3%, root-mean-square error: 0.86\u202fJ\u202fkg-1\u202fm-1). The proposed algorithm improved existing techniques based on CoM kinematics, integrating data of ground contacts and joint angles that allowed to separate propulsive from braking phases. This work constitutes the basis to extend the model from the laboratory to the field, providing a reliable measure of training and matches workload

    Whole-Transcriptome Analysis Unveils the Synchronized Activities of Genes for Fructans in Developing Tubers of the Jerusalem Artichoke

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    Helianthus tuberosus L., known as the Jerusalem artichoke, is a hexaploid plant species, adapted to low-nutrient soils, that accumulates high levels of inulin in its tubers. Inulin is a fructose-based polysaccharide used either as dietary fiber or for the production of bioethanol. Key enzymes involved in inulin biosynthesis are well known. However, the gene networks underpinning tuber development and inulin accumulation in H. tuberous remain elusive. To fill this gap, we selected 6,365 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from an H. tuberosus library to set up a microarray platform and record their expression across three tuber developmental stages, when rhizomes start enlarging (T-0), at maximum tuber elongation rate (T-3), and at tuber physiological maturity (T-m), in "VR" and "K8-HS142"clones. The former was selected as an early tuberizing and the latter as a late-tuberizing clone. We quantified inulin and starch levels, and qRT-PCR confirmed the expression of critical genes accounting for inulin biosynthesis. The microarray analysis revealed that the differences in morphological and physiological traits between tubers of the two clones are genetically determined since T-0 and that is relatively low the number of differentially expressed ESTs across the stages shared between the clones (93). The expression of ESTs for sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (1-SST) and fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase (1-FFT), the two critical genes for fructans polymerization, resulted to be temporarily synchronized and mirror the progress of inulin accumulation and stretching. The expression of ESTs for starch biosynthesis was insignificant throughout the developmental stages of the clones in line with the negligible level of starch into their mature tubers, where inulin was the dominant polysaccharide. Overall, our study disclosed candidate genes underpinning the development and storage of carbohydrates in the tubers of two H. tuberosus clones. A model according to which the steady-state levels of 1-SST and 1-FFT transcripts are developmentally controlled and might represent a limiting factor for inulin accumulation has been provided. Our finding may have significant repercussions for breeding clones with improved levels of inulin for food and chemical industry

    Interactions of melatonin with mammalian mitochondria. Reducer of energy capacity and amplifier of permeability transition.

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    Melatonin, a metabolic product of the amino acid tryptophan, induces a dose-dependent energy drop correlated with a decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation process in isolated rat liver mitochondria. This effect involves a gradual decrease in the respiratory control index and significant alterations in the state 4/state 3 transition of membrane potential (ΔΨ). Melatonin, alone, does not affect the insulating properties of the inner membrane but, in the presence of supraphysiological Ca2+, induces a ΔΨ drop and colloid-osmotic mitochondrial swelling. These events are sensitive to cyclosporin A and the inhibitors of Ca2+ transport, indicative of the induction or amplification of the mitochondrial permeability transition. This phenomenon is triggered by oxidative stress induced by melatonin and Ca2+, with the generation of hydrogen peroxide and the consequent oxidation of sulfydryl groups, glutathione and pyridine nucleotides. In addition, melatonin, again in the presence of Ca2+, can also induce substantial release of cytochrome C and AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor), thus revealing its potential as a pro-apoptotic agent

    Genetic variability of garlic accessions as revealed by agro-morphological traits evaluated under different environments.

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    The cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.) displays a wide phenotypic diversity, which is derived from natural mutations and phenotypic plasticity, due to dependence on soil type, moisture, latitude, altitude and cultural practices, leading to a large number of cultivars. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic variability shown by 63 garlic accessions belonging to Instituto Agronômico de Campinas and the Escola Superior de Agricultura ?Luiz de Queiroz? germplasm collections. We evaluated ten quantitative characters in experimental trials conducted under two localities of the State of São Paulo: Monte Alegre do Sul and Piracicaba, during the agricultural year of 2007, in a randomized blocks design with five replications. The Mahalanobis distance was used to measure genetic dissimilarities. The UPGMA method and Tocher?s method were used as clustering procedures. Results indicated significant variation among accessions (P < 0.01) for all evaluated characters, except for the percentage of secondary bulb growth in MAS, indicating the existence of genetic variation for bulb production, and germplasm evaluation considering different environments is more reliable for the characterization of the genotypic variability among garlic accessions, since it diminishes the environmental effects in the clustering of genotypes

    Antiproliferative properties of papaver rhoeas ovule extracts and derived fractions tested on HL60 leukemia human cells

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    Papaver rhoeas plant is common in many regions worldwide and contributes to the landscape with its red flower. In the present study we first carried out morphological investigation by optical and scanning electron microscopy of the ovules within the ovary. After ovules’ isolation we prepared extracts to test possible cytotoxic activities on HL60 leukemia human cells and investigated the extracts using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). P. rhoeas ovules showed an elongated, round shape and the presence of ordered sculptures on the ovule surface. The ovule extracts showed cytotoxic activity on HL60 human cells mainly found in some TLC-isolated spots. Compounds consisting of active spots were identified by GC-MS investigations. Our findings on the P. rhoeas ovule compounds open perspectives for further investigations of TLC-isolated spots on other human cancer cell lines

    Composição bromatológica, digestibilidade in vitro e produção de biomassa de leguminosas forrageiras lenhosas cutivadas em solo arenoso

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo e a produtividade das leguminosas forrageiras lenhosas: Albizia lebbeck (Albízia), Cajanus cajan (Feijão-Guandu), Cratylia argentea (Cratília), Gliricidia sepium (Gliricídia) e Leucaena leucocephala (Leucena), a serem utilizadas na suplementação de bovinos como banco de proteína, conduziu-se um experimento em Neossolo Quartzarênico. O experimento foi realizado entre março de 2006 e outubro de 2007. As avaliações foram realizadas em dois períodos (chuvoso e seco), com dois cortes para cada período. Não houve diferença no acúmulo de matéria seca nos cortes do período chuvoso para as espécies estudadas. Já no período seco de avaliação, a A. lebbeck e a C. argentea foram superiores às demais leguminosas. O C. cajan não se recuperou após os corte do período chuvoso, o que resultou em um baixo acúmulo de matéria seca nos cortes do período seco. As folhas da A. lebbeck apresentaram os maiores conteúdos de proteína bruta nos dois cortes dos períodos de avaliação (210 a 212 g/kg). A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca nas folhas da A. lebbeck foi superior, com valores médios de 568 g/kg. A. lebbeck, Cratylia argentea e Gliricidia sepium apresentaram os maiores conteúdos para digestibilidade das hastes finas. A. lebbeck e C. argentea apresentaram acúmulo de massa seca superior às demais espécies testadas (19,3 e 24,3 t/ha, respectivamente) e ainda, os melhores valores para as características qualitativas. Essas duas últimas são as espécies mais promissoras e adaptadas para a formação de bancos de proteínas nesses tipos de solos