6 research outputs found

    Convenience or Necessity? The Formation of the Working Class in the Universidades Laborales of Franco’s Spain (1955-1978)

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    La política educativa franquista tuvo como uno de sus principales objetivos la formación de la clase obrera, por lo que una de las principales instituciones educativas creadas en la época fueron las Universidades Laborales. Este artículo se centra en analizar las finalidades que perseguían estas macroinstituciones al formar los futuros obreros españoles, empleando para su estudio diversas fuentes primarias —documentales, archivísticas, gráficas y jurídicas—. Las conclusiones señalan que los objetivos de las Universidades Laborales fueron, por un lado, la formación profesional especializada y, por el otro lado, su adoctrinamiento en los principios ideológicos propugnados por el régimen.One of the main objectives of Franco’s educational policy was the training of the working class, which is why one of the principal educational institutions created during that period were the Universidades Laborales. This article is focused on analyzing the ends sought by these macroinstitutions in preparing the future workers of Spain, and it makes use of a variety of primary sources —documentary, archival, graphic and juridical— in order to study the subject. The conclusions indicate that the objectives of the Universidades Laborales were, on the one hand, specialized professional training and, on the other hand, their indoctrination in the ideological principles advocated by the regime

    Effect of the modifier (Graciano vs. Cabernet Sauvignon) on blends of Tempranillo wine during ageing in the bottle. I. Anthocyanins, pyranoanthocyanins and non-anthocyanin phenolics

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    The effect of Graciano (GRA) (Spanish valuable variety of limited production) vs. Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) (world wide known French variety) wines on the anthocyanin, pyranoanthocyanin and non-anthocyanin phenolic composition of wines from Tempranillo (TEM-base wine) (largely cultivated Spanish variety) was studied in wine blends prepared with 25% and 10% (v/v) of each modifier after 4, 6, 9, 16.5 and 23 months of ageing in the bottle. Blending mainly resulted in a higher concentration of peonidin anthocyanins for the TEM–GRA blends, of acetyl-glucoside anthocyanins and anthocyanin–pyruvic acid adducts for the TEM–CS blends, and of flavanols for the blends with both GRA and CS varieties, giving rise to wines with a more balanced anthocyanin/flavanol ratio. Blending also enhanced the changes expected to occur in the phenolic compounds during ageing in the bottle. Particularly, anthocyanins and flavanols in the blends disappeared faster than in the base wine, and this was more pronounced for the 75:25 than for the 90:10 blends. These effects were similar for both modifier wines, independent of the specific changes produced in the anthocyanin profile of the base wine, but coincided with the similar optimization of the anthocyanin/flavanol ratio provided by both Graciano and Cabernet Sauvignon wines.The authors also thank the Agencia Española de Cooperación International (AECI) for a MUTIS predoctoral scholarship to M.M. and the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) (Project ALI2003-07394-C02-02) for funding.Peer reviewe