106 research outputs found

    Multiple scattering measurements in laboratory and foggy atmosphere

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    Multiple scattering affects propagation of light beams in turbid media. Backscattering or forward scattering based measurements of atmospheric parameters are influenced by this effect. Although largely studied theoretically, the effect needs measurements in control of situations due to the large variety of situations of practical importance. The results of laboratory measurements pertaining to the transmission of a collimated light beam (Helium-Neon souce, 10 mW) through suspensions of latex spheres in water are presented and a comparison was made with the predictions of calculation in a foggy atmosphere will also be presented

    Control of the interaction in a Fermi-Bose mixture

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    We control the interspecies interaction in a two-species atomic quantum mixture by tuning the magnetic field at a Feshbach resonance. The mixture is composed by fermionic 40K and bosonic 87Rb. We observe effects of the large attractive and repulsive interaction energy across the resonance, such as collapse or a reduced spatial overlap of the mixture, and we accurately locate the resonance position and width. Understanding and controlling instabilities in this mixture opens the way to a variety of applications, including formation of heteronuclear molecular quantum gases.Comment: 5 Page

    A note on the testing of a Monte Carlo procedure for evaluating multiple-scattering effects on lidar returns from clouds

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    A Monte Carlo code for calculating lidar returns from clouds in regime of multiple scattering is tested, by comparing its results pertaining to second order of scattering with those obtained by using an analytic formula developed in a completely different way. For obtaining second order of scattering all the essential parts of the Monte Carlo code are employed. Thus the very good agreement between the results of the two procedures, which have been found in a series of different situations of scattering media, has to be considered as a positive test of the Monte Carlo code reliability

    39-K Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interactions

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    We produce a Bose-Einstein condensate of 39-K atoms. Condensation of this species with naturally small and negative scattering length is achieved by a combination of sympathetic cooling with 87-Rb and direct evaporation, exploiting the magnetic tuning of both inter- and intra-species interactions at Feshbach resonances. We explore tunability of the self-interactions by studying the expansion and the stability of the condensate. We find that a 39-K condensate is interesting for future experiments requiring a weakly interacting Bose gas.Comment: 5 page

    Feshbach resonances in ultracold K(39)

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    We discover several magnetic Feshbach resonances in collisions of ultracold K(39) atoms, by studying atom losses and molecule formation. Accurate determination of the magnetic-field resonance locations allows us to optimize a quantum collision model for potassium isotopes. We employ the model to predict the magnetic-field dependence of scattering lengths and of near-threshold molecular levels. Our findings will be useful to plan future experiments on ultracold potassium atoms and molecules.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Connecting dissipation and phase slips in a Josephson junction between fermionic superfluids

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    We study the emergence of dissipation in an atomic Josephson junction between weakly-coupled superfluid Fermi gases. We find that vortex-induced phase slippage is the dominant microscopic source of dissipation across the BEC-BCS crossover. We explore different dynamical regimes by tuning the bias chemical potential between the two superfluid reservoirs. For small excitations, we observe dissipation and phase coherence to coexist, with a resistive current followed by well-defined Josephson oscillations. We link the junction transport properties to the phase-slippage mechanism, finding that vortex nucleation is primarily responsible for the observed trends of conductance and critical current. For large excitations, we observe the irreversible loss of coherence between the two superfluids, and transport cannot be described only within an uncorrelated phase-slip picture. Our findings open new directions for investigating the interplay between dissipative and superfluid transport in strongly correlated Fermi systems, and general concepts in out-of-equlibrium quantum systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures + Supplemental Materia

    Feshbach resonances in the 6Li-40K Fermi-Fermi mixture: Elastic versus inelastic interactions

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    We present a detailed theoretical and experimental study of Feshbach resonances in the 6Li-40K mixture. Particular attention is given to the inelastic scattering properties, which have not been considered before. As an important example, we thoroughly investigate both elastic and inelastic scattering properties of a resonance that occurs near 155 G. Our theoretical predictions based on a coupled channels calculation are found in excellent agreement with the experimental results. We also present theoretical results on the molecular state that underlies the 155G resonance, in particular concerning its lifetime against spontaneous dissociation. We then present a survey of resonances in the system, fully characterizing the corresponding elastic and inelastic scattering properties. This provides the essential information to identify optimum resonances for applications relying on interaction control in this Fermi-Fermi mixture.Comment: Submitted to EPJD, EuroQUAM special issues "Cold Quantum Matter - Achievements and Prospects", v2 with updated calibration of magnetic field (+4mG correction) and updated figures 4 and

    21 sguardi sulla costruzione ecologica in europa

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    21 interviste a professionisti edili nel campo della progettazione, realizzazione e assicurazione sono state elaborate nel 2011 nel quadro del progetto europeo INATER' sulla costruzione ecologica Tutti questi professionisti hanno fatto la scelta di utilizzare materiali naturali o riciclati, sia per interventi di nuova costruzioni che nel campo del recupero e restauro. Interessati a isolare in maniera efficace le costruzioni, sono altresì interessati a garantire il comfort degli operatori e dei fruitori, lo sviluppo delle filiere corte o la diminuzione degli impatti ambientali. Tutti apportano innovazione, contribuendo ognuno secondo le proprie possibilità, ad un'evoluzione del mondo della costruzione Il collettivo INATER' vi offre queste testimonianze raccolte in una Guida che illustra al contempo alcune informazioni tematiche sui seguenti temi: lo sviluppo del mercato, la problematica delle assicurazioni, il quadro normativo.... La Guida è al servizio di tutti gli attori del mondo edile che lavorano sul cantiere, in studi di progettazione, in un raggruppamento d'imprese o in centri di formazion

    Assessment of an in situ temporal calibration method for time-resolved optical tomography

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    A 32-channel time-resolved optical imaging device is de- veloped at University College London to produce functional images of the neonatal brain and the female breast. Reconstruction of images using time-resolved measurements of transmitted light requires careful calibration of the temporal characteristics of the measurement system. Since they can often vary over a period of time, it is desirable to evaluate these characteristics immediately after, or prior to, the acqui- sition of image data. A calibration technique is investigated that is based on the measurement of light back-reflected from the surface of the object being imaged. This is facilitated by coupling each detector channel with an individual source fiber. A Monte Carlo model is em- ployed to investigate the influence of the optical properties of the object on the back-reflected signal. The results of simulations indicate that their influence may be small enough to be ignored in some cases, or could be largely accounted for by a small adjustment to the cali- brated data. The effectiveness of the method is briefly demonstrated by imaging a solid object with tissue-equivalent optical properties
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