8 research outputs found

    Assessment of Test Quality in German for Bachelor Students on the Basis of Common European Framework in Foreign Language

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    According to the Concept of modernization of Russian education accepted by the Ministry of education of Russian Federation the main task of modernization of education is to provide the modern education quality. Nowadays there is a problem of objective assessment of the level of academic achievements of students in higher educational institutions of Russia. In the absence of high-quality test materials one can not speak about the objective assessment of the quality of the results obtained in the educational process. Nowadays there are a lot of researches on the assessment of test tasks in English. The actuality of our work is to develop an algorithm for assessment of the quality of test materials in German to identify the level of formation of different language skills of the students of higher educational institutions in accordance with the Сommon European Framework in knowledge of foreign languages. The article involves the development, experimental testing in forming the mode of the algorithm, which allows to assess the quality of test tasks in German, developed with the requirements of the Common European Framework, verifying its effectiveness on the basis of monitoring data. The results of the research will have practical value: the developed algorithm can be widely used in educational practice. The obtained algorithm will allow improving tests and developing new quality tests, which will be able to assess the level of language skills of students at the end of study of discipline "German language" in different courses of study. Normative documents and certification of test materials will be used to assess the quality of test tasks used in the final assessment of students of higher educational institutions. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p38

    Sociocultural Analysis of Millennials in Russia

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    The article provides a sociocultural analysis of parameters of the millennials, the generation which will become the basic workforce in Russia in the next 10 years. It being topical, the major attention of the paper is dedicated to market and micro-interactionist influence of basic traits of millennials. The issue of treating millennials is faced both sociologically and managerially. It is said that the large number of conflicts between millennials and older generations leads to systematic inconvenience and turbulence, as it does not allow young employees to integrate in corporate cultures and increase own labor efficiency, at the same time affecting older employees, the management and corporative performance. Another aspect of the core issue raised by the author is educating the youth. Understanding the set of core values of millennials, their strategies and tactics of behavior in the workplace also becomes a prerequisite for teachers to successfully train students of this generation in universities. This research, in addition to many recent ones, examines that millennials can be characterized with such distinctive features. They, being digital natives, shift to more rapid, discrete and depersonalized forms of communication. Focused on managing their personal image and identity, millennials prefer playing socially desirable roles and tend to reframe own failures into external misfortunes. This brings about the issue of meeting the set goals, and nowadays the youth tends to plan less and rather get more usual feedback which is expected to be positive. These features are most likely to breed intergeneration misunderstanding. However, what is surely discovered to be helpful in settling controversies is that millennials tend to be more flexible and tolerant than other generations, which tells on general success of interaction and effort. The author, addressing the challenges of communication with modern youth, offers recommendations based on his own pedagogical experience of interaction with millennials. These are: provide basic guidelines and time plans as well as assessment benchmarks. Managerial staff should also dedicate more effort to mentorship and peer-level communication

    C–H functionalization: thoroughly tuning ligands at a metal ion, a chemist can greatly enhance catalyst's activity and selectivity

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    Electrodeposition of antimony and antimony alloys— A review

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