213 research outputs found

    Performance Limits of Spatially Distributed Molecular Communications With Receiver Saturation

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    Molecular via diffusion are affected by unreliability and inter symbol interference in case of single transmitter. A promising solution to these issues appears to be the adoption of a swarm of randomly distributed transmitting nano-devices and a single spherical receiver. However, such a perspective assumes the receiver as fully absorbing (i.e., able to absorb an unlimited number of molecules per second). In this letter, we show that, if this assumption is relaxed, increasing the number of point transmitters leads to a saturation effect which makes communication impossible when digital transmission is considered. By means of a first and second order spatio-temporal stochastic model, we analytically derive the maximum allowed point transmitters density before saturation arises, as a function of parameters such as the diffusion coefficient, the maximum number of absorbed molecules, and the number of previously transmitted symbols. The analysis is validated via Monte Carlo simulation

    A prática do trabalho de campo na perspectiva interdisciplinar

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Com a notória dificuldade em estabelecer uma relação entre as disciplinas para romper com a fragmentação do conhecimento presente nas mesmas, foi desenvolvido um trabalho de campo com os alunos do 9o ano na perspectiva interdisciplinar. O presente artigo objetiva compreender a interdisciplinaridade como possibilidade para superar a fragmentação do conhecimento, bem como perceber como a interdisciplinaridade pode ser desenvolvida num trabalho de campo. Evidencia-se com o trabalho que a interdisciplinaridade é uma importante aliada na formação de um ser completo, e o trabalho de campo cumpre esse objetivo proporcionando ao aluno uma compreensão holística do objeto de estudo a ser analisado e estudad

    Beyond keratinocyte differentiation: emerging new biology of small proline-rich proteins.

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    Small proline-rich proteins (SPRRPs) are traditionally known for their function in keratinocyte homeostasis. Recent evidence demonstrates their involvement in additional diverse physiological processes ranging from p53 signaling and direct prevention of DNA damage to bactericidal activities. We highlight these novel, intriguing roles of SPRRPs and discuss them in the context of relevant pathological conditions

    In vitro differentiation of stem cells into cardiomyocytes

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    Kardiomiociti – mišićne stanice srca, temeljne su stanice srčanog miokarda i odgovorne su za njegovu kontraktilnu sposobnost. Iako su dugo smatrani terminalno diferenciranim stanicama, danas je poznato da se i u odraslom srcu tijekom života neprestano obnavlja vrlo mali broj kardiomiocita; za sada nije razjašnjeno je li to posljedica proliferacije već postojećih kardiomiocita ili diferencijacije nekih drugih stanica. U svakom slučaju, in vivo regeneracija kardiomiocita nedovoljna je za obnovu tkiva i održavanje funkcije srca nakon opsežnih oštećenja, što je jedan od razloga što su kardiovaskularne bolesti glavni uzrok smrtnosti u većini gospodarski razvijenih zemalja. Zbog toga je u posljednje vrijeme veliki napor uložen u razvoj metoda koje bi omogućile in vitro diferencijaciju kardiomiocita iz matičnih i srodnih vrsta stanica, koje bi, između ostalog, otvorile vrata primjeni tehnika regenerativne biologije u ljudskoj medicini i znatno poboljšale terapijske opcije za veliki broj bolesnika. U ovom diplomskom radu bit će opisane neke od trenutno dostupnih metoda in vitro diferencijacije kardiomiocita (diferencijacija pomoću embrioidnih tjelešaca, diferencijacija u jednosloju i diferencijacija pomoću induktivne su-kulture), bit će navedene prednosti i nedostatci svake metode te će se raspraviti ograničenja koja bi trebala biti premoštena kako bi se postigao njihov puni potencijal. Osim toga, usporedit će se uspjeh diferencijacije iz različitih vrsta pluripotentnih stanica, kao što su embrionalne matične stanice i inducirane pluripotentne matične stanice. Konačno, cilj ovog rada je navesti dosadašnje dosege, nabrojati neke od budućih izazova, te naglasiti važnost daljnjih istraživačkih napora koji imaju mogućnost iz temelja promijeniti terapiju kardiovaskularnih i drugih bolesti.Cardiomyocytes – heart muscle cells, are the principal cell type of cardiac muscle layer and are responsible for its contractility. Even though they were considered to be terminally differentiated cells for a very long time, it is now known that even the adult heart is capable of renewing a limited amount of cardiomyocytes; whether this is the result of the proliferation of existing cardiomyocytes or differentiation of some other cells is still incompletely understood. In either case, in vivo renewal of cardiomyocytes is thought to be insufficient to allow for tissue regeneration and to sustain adequate cardiac function following substantial damage, such as myocardial infarction. This is one of the primary reasons for cardiovascular diseases being the major cause of mortality in most industrialized countries. Consequently, great efforts have been made recently in developing methods of in vitro differentiation of cardiomyocytes from stem cells, which would, among other things, open doors to regenerative biology use in clinical medicine and significantly improve therapeutic outcome for many patients. This thesis paper shall focus on some of the currently available methods of in vitro differentiation of cardiomyocytes, such as embryoid body formation, monolayer in vitro cultures and inductive co-cultures with visceral endoderm-like cells, as well as advantages and setbacks of each method, and limitations that still need to be surpassed before its full potential is reached. Additionally, efficiencies of differentiation from various types of pluripotent cells, such as embryonal stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells shall be compared. Lastly, the aim of this thesis paper is to list the recent breakthroughs, mention future challenges and emphasize the importance of further research, seeing as it has the ability to fundamentally change the means of treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases

    In vitro differentiation of stem cells into cardiomyocytes

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    Kardiomiociti – mišićne stanice srca, temeljne su stanice srčanog miokarda i odgovorne su za njegovu kontraktilnu sposobnost. Iako su dugo smatrani terminalno diferenciranim stanicama, danas je poznato da se i u odraslom srcu tijekom života neprestano obnavlja vrlo mali broj kardiomiocita; za sada nije razjašnjeno je li to posljedica proliferacije već postojećih kardiomiocita ili diferencijacije nekih drugih stanica. U svakom slučaju, in vivo regeneracija kardiomiocita nedovoljna je za obnovu tkiva i održavanje funkcije srca nakon opsežnih oštećenja, što je jedan od razloga što su kardiovaskularne bolesti glavni uzrok smrtnosti u većini gospodarski razvijenih zemalja. Zbog toga je u posljednje vrijeme veliki napor uložen u razvoj metoda koje bi omogućile in vitro diferencijaciju kardiomiocita iz matičnih i srodnih vrsta stanica, koje bi, između ostalog, otvorile vrata primjeni tehnika regenerativne biologije u ljudskoj medicini i znatno poboljšale terapijske opcije za veliki broj bolesnika. U ovom diplomskom radu bit će opisane neke od trenutno dostupnih metoda in vitro diferencijacije kardiomiocita (diferencijacija pomoću embrioidnih tjelešaca, diferencijacija u jednosloju i diferencijacija pomoću induktivne su-kulture), bit će navedene prednosti i nedostatci svake metode te će se raspraviti ograničenja koja bi trebala biti premoštena kako bi se postigao njihov puni potencijal. Osim toga, usporedit će se uspjeh diferencijacije iz različitih vrsta pluripotentnih stanica, kao što su embrionalne matične stanice i inducirane pluripotentne matične stanice. Konačno, cilj ovog rada je navesti dosadašnje dosege, nabrojati neke od budućih izazova, te naglasiti važnost daljnjih istraživačkih napora koji imaju mogućnost iz temelja promijeniti terapiju kardiovaskularnih i drugih bolesti.Cardiomyocytes – heart muscle cells, are the principal cell type of cardiac muscle layer and are responsible for its contractility. Even though they were considered to be terminally differentiated cells for a very long time, it is now known that even the adult heart is capable of renewing a limited amount of cardiomyocytes; whether this is the result of the proliferation of existing cardiomyocytes or differentiation of some other cells is still incompletely understood. In either case, in vivo renewal of cardiomyocytes is thought to be insufficient to allow for tissue regeneration and to sustain adequate cardiac function following substantial damage, such as myocardial infarction. This is one of the primary reasons for cardiovascular diseases being the major cause of mortality in most industrialized countries. Consequently, great efforts have been made recently in developing methods of in vitro differentiation of cardiomyocytes from stem cells, which would, among other things, open doors to regenerative biology use in clinical medicine and significantly improve therapeutic outcome for many patients. This thesis paper shall focus on some of the currently available methods of in vitro differentiation of cardiomyocytes, such as embryoid body formation, monolayer in vitro cultures and inductive co-cultures with visceral endoderm-like cells, as well as advantages and setbacks of each method, and limitations that still need to be surpassed before its full potential is reached. Additionally, efficiencies of differentiation from various types of pluripotent cells, such as embryonal stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells shall be compared. Lastly, the aim of this thesis paper is to list the recent breakthroughs, mention future challenges and emphasize the importance of further research, seeing as it has the ability to fundamentally change the means of treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases

    Ichnofossiles associés à des coquilles de lingulides du Permien inférieur du Brésil.

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    Lingulides from Lower Permian of Brazil (24% substrates) showed signs of bioerosion in form of multiple small shallow pits that resemble incomplete Oichnus paraboloides borings. A single lingulide valve showed a centrally located large circular predatory Oichnus simplex boring. Several lingulide shells (c. 21%) show small Arachnostega traces in their interior. The diameter of Arachnostega burrows is relatively constant. These burrows are more similar to juvenile stages of Arachnostega gastrochaena and do not form well-developed meshwork of tunnels. This is the first record of Arachnostega from the interior of lingulide shells and indicates that even very small lingulide shells were suitable substrates for cryptic organisms.Les lingulides du Permien inférieur du Brésil (24% des substrats) portent des traces de bio-érosion sous forme de nombreux petits trous peu profonds qui ressemblent à des perforations incomplètes d'Oichnus paraboloides. Une seule coquille de lingulide montre une grande perforation prédatrice circulaire d'Oichnus simplex localisée en son centre. Plusieurs coquilles de lingulides (environ 21%) présentent des traces d'Arachnostega à l'intérieur. Le diamètre des terriers d'Arachnostega est relativement constant. Ces terriers sont très semblables aux stades juvéniles d'Arachnostega gastrochaena et ne forment pas de réseaux de tunnels bien développés. C'est la première mention d'Arachnostega à l'intérieur de coquilles de lingulides et ce qui prouve que des coquilles de lingulides, même très petites, pouvaient constituer un substrat convenable pour des organismes cryptiques

    First occurrence of a lingulide (Brachiopoda: Lingulidae) at Piauí Formation (Upper Carboniferous), Parnaíba Basin, Brazil

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThis paper presents the first possible occurrence of Lingularia in the Carboniferous of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. In addition, an attempt to clarify the classification of lingulids of Brazil and to demonstrate that the diversity of the group can still be better known and explored in the Brazilian basins is made.This paper presents the first possible occurrence of Lingularia in the Carboniferous of the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. In addition, an attempt to clarify the classification of lingulids of Brazil and to demonstrate that the diversity of the group can still be better known and explored in the Brazilian basins is made193527530FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO12/03517-

    Ordovician scientometrics

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    Scientometrics is a tool for studying the development of science to observe and analyse patterns that emerge from it. Our aim is to elucidate how the Ordovician has been studied through the years, through the perspective of the published papers, the main topics related to it and how researchers have collaborated along the years, studying Ordovician rocks. The proposition of a new System âbetweenâ the Cambrian and Silurian rocks was made by Charles Lapworth, researcher at University of Birmingham, by 1879. Only by 1988 the Tremadocian rocks were recognized as Ordovician (and not Cambrian) by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). This work uses the OpenAlex database, which contains most of the scholarly information available with metadata of a larger portion of published material in several forms and includes records into that period. In its comprehensiveness, it competes with commercial databases such as Dimensions, Web of Science and Scopus. For all the analysis, we have used a version of OpenAlex included in the Google BigQuery platform available through a public link. The scientometric analysis starts by filtering the papers from the database containing the word âordovicianâ in their titles or abstracts (when available). That selection resulted in 30259 works with publication years ranging from 1871 to 2022. There is a nearly quadratic growth with oscillations starting at 1 and a peak of 1090 works in the year 2009. As the next step, using information about co-authorship of papers, it is possible to collect the information on author affiliations. This way we establish connections among the institutions in a network. The network reveals that geographically close institutions tend to be more collaborative within one time period. Chinese institutions are closely connected such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China University of Geology. Another group is English speaking countries outside the United States such as the Australian National University and British Geological Survey. There are two large groups that interconnect these first two groups: European and North American institutions represented by the largest â Lund University, National History Museum, Uppsala University. These institutions appear foremost when filtering the network for more than 200 connections (co-authored papers). Going into further detail, one can see a network with over 100 connections showing Chinese Oil Research Institutions closely linked to their universities. Also, the Chinese institutions connect directly to the European institutions such as Czech Geological Survey and University of Bergen. British universities such as Bristol, Leicester and Durham further serve as a connection point be­tween North America and Europe. When the connections are split into 30-year time periods, it is possible to note the geographical growth in the Ordovician studies, spreading from traditional centres of knowledge into areas where new universities and institutes are created. In the first two periods of three decades, institutions present no connections. Starting from 1933 to 1962, three of them appear collaborating: Florida State University, Rice University and Shell Oil. In the period from 1963 to 1992, 412 institutions were connected. For that period, the United States Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences come out as hubs of collaboration. In the last period, 1978 institutions are connected. Recent years show a significant presence of Ordovician studies linked to the oil industry, to the point that, when connected to the higher productivity, oil research institutes dominate the network of connections in the Chinese hub, now linked together around the Chinese University of Geosciences. The British Geological Survey is the most important focal point between Europe, through the National University of Córdoba, and North America, through the Ohio State University