20 research outputs found

    Electrospinning scale-up and formulation development of PVA nanofibers aiming oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals

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    Electrospinning is a promising drying technology providing a rapid and gentle drying at ambient temperature, thus electrospinning of polyvinyl alcohol aqueous solutions was investigated for the solid formulation of biopharmaceuticals. The commonly used single-needle electrospinning does not have adequate productivity to satisfy the industrial requirements, therefore our aim was to study the scale-up of the technology by using high-speed electrospinning. High molecular weight polyethylene oxide as a secondary polymer was applied to enhance the fiber formation of polyvinyl alcohol. While polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene oxide formulations resulted in adequate fiber formation it was not possible to process them further as the friability of the fibers was too low. In order to increase the friability, the effect of adding various sugars (mannitol, glucose, lactose, saccharose, and trehalose) was investigated. The results showed that mannitol was the best friability enhancing excipient because of its crystallinity and low moisture content in the fibrous sample. In contrast, glucose, lactose, saccharose, and trehalose were amorphous with higher moisture content and fibers containing these were grindable only after post-drying

    In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of <sub>102</sub>Cd

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    Neutron deficient nuclei close to Sn-100 have been studied using the NORDBALL Ge-detector array together with ancillary particle detectors. Evaporation residues from the compound nucleus Te-108 were identified with charged particle and neutron detectors. In this paper a considerable extension of the level scheme of the nucleus Cd-102 is presented. The strongest cascade of the new level scheme reveals an irregular sequence of dipole transitions above I-pi = 10(+) extending up to spin 17. A strongly populated rather regular side band consisting of four quadrupole transitions ranging from spin 9 to spin 17 was also discovered. This band was tentatively assigned negative parity. Shell model calculations were performed and a very good agreement with the experimental results was found. The excited stares could successfully be interpreted as neutron particle and proton hole excitations with respect to the doubly closed core Sn-100(50)50. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V

    In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 101Cd^{101}Cd

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    Excited states of Cd-101 were studied in the reaction Ni-58(Cr-50,2p alpha n)Cd-101. The NORDBALL array with a Neutron Wall and a Silicon Ball was employed for the detection of gamma-rays and evaporated particles, The level scheme of Cd-101 was significantly extended, Shell-model calculations were performed and the excited states were interpreted in terms of neutron particle and proton hole excitations with respect to the doubly magic N = Z = 50 core

    In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 103Cd^{103}Cd

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    Excited states of Cd-103 were studied in the reaction Ni-58(Cr-50,4pn)Cd-103. The NORDBALL array with neutron and charged particle detectors was employed for the detection of gamma rays and light evaporated particles. The level scheme of Cd-103 was significantly extended. A strong cascade of E2 transitions connecting negative parity states was found, Shell model calculations were performed and positive parity excited states were interpreted in terms of neutron-particle and proton-hole excitations with respect to the doubly magic N = Z = 50 core. The negative parity band was well reproduced by the total routhian surface calculations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V