265 research outputs found

    Structural Strength and Service Life of the Extrusion Forming Die for Agricultural Engine Piston Heads

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    Three-tier high-strength prestressed combination concave dies are designed to manifacture highpower corn combine harvester engine piston heads. This design integrates the advantages of traditional casting or hot die forging and warm extrusion. The following key parameters, viz radial dimensions of each mating layer, axial bonding and radial contact interaction, are obtained by theoretical calculation. Nonlinear analysis of the contact interaction was carried out, and the die contact condition was studied at no-load and full-load. Based on the Archard wear theory, thermomechanical bonding was studied in operation of the die. Through numerical simulation of the die wear in each operation cycle, the univariate linear regression equation of the die service life was derived, and the reliability of this equation was verified. The results show that the die contact is both stable and reliable if the radial contact interaction of the inner and outer layers is δ₂= 1.9716 mm and δ₃= 1.3870 mm, respectively. With the nitriding layer thickness of 0.24 mm, the extrusion die service life in the production of piston heads corresponds to 6357 pieces.Разработаны трехъярусные высокопрочные предварительно-напряженные многоместные вогнутые головки для изготовления днищ поршня двигателя мощного кукурузоуборочного комбайна. Конструкция соединяет в себе преимущества литья или горячей ковки и горячей экструзии. Радиальные размеры каждого соединяемого слоя, осевое сцепление и радиальное контактное взаимодействие рассчитаны теоретически. Выполнен нелинейный анализ контактного взаимодействия, изучены условия контактирования в головке при нулевой и полной нагрузке. На основании теории износа Арчарда выполнена оценка термомеханического сцепления в процессе эксплуатации головки. Путем численного моделирования износа головки в каждом рабочем цикле получено однопараметрическое уравнение линейной регрессии для срока ее службы; проверена достоверность данного уравнения. Показано, что контакт в головке устойчив и надежен, при радиальном контактном взаимодействии внутреннего и наружного слоев δ₂= 1.9716 мм и δ₃= 1.3870 мм соответственно. При толщине нитридного слоя 0,24 мм срок службы экструзионной головки в производстве днищ поршня соответствует 6357 изделиям

    Increasing incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome could be associated with livestock husbandry in Changchun, Northeastern China

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    Background: Since the end of the 1990s, the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) has been increasing dramatically in Changchun, northeastern China. However, it is unknown which, and how, underlying risk factors have been involved in the reemergence of the disease.Methods: Data on HFRS cases at the county scale were collected from 1998 to 2012. Data on livestock husbandry including the numbers of large animals (cattle, horses, donkeys and mules), sheep, and deer, and on climatic and land cover variables were also collected. Epidemiological features, including the spatial, temporal and human patterns of disease were characterized. The potential factors related to spatial heterogeneity and temporal trends were analyzed using standard and time-series Poisson regression analysis, respectively.Results: Annual incidence varied among the 10 counties. Shuangyang County in southeastern Changchun had the highest number of cases (1,525 cases; 35.9% of all cases), but its population only accounted for 5.6% of the total population. Based on seasonal pattern in HFRS incidence, two epidemic phases were identified. One was a single epidemic peak at the end of each year from 1988 to 1997 and the other consisted of dual epidemic peaks at both the end and the beginning of each year from 1998 to the end of the study period. HFRS incidence was higher in males compared to females, and most of the HFRS cases occurred in peasant populations. The results of the Poisson regression analysis indicated that the spatial distribution and the increasing incidence of HFRS were significantly associated with livestock husbandry and climate factors, particularly with deer cultivation.Conclusions: Our results indicate that the re-emergence of HFRS in Changchun has been accompanied by changing seasonal patterns over the past 25 years. Integrated measures focusing on areas related to local livestock husbandry could be helpful for the prevention and control of HFRS

    A phase-field model for phase transformations in glass-forming alloys

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    A phase-field model is proposed for phase transformations in glass-forming alloys. The glass transition is introduced as a structural relaxation, and the competition between the glass and crystalline phases is investigated. The simulations are performed for Cu-Zr alloys, employing thermodynamic and kinetic parameters derived from reported thermodynamic modeling and molecular dynamics simulation results,[1–3] respectively. Four distinct phase fields are treated with a multi-phase-field approach, representing the liquid/glass, Cu10Zr7, CuZr, and CuZr2 phases. In addition, a continuum-field method is applied to the liquid to accommodate the liquid–glass transformation. The combined phase-field approach is used to investigate the glass formation tendency, and critical cooling rates are estimated and compared with the reported experimental values

    A qualitative exploration of nurses leaving nursing practice in China

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    AIM: This paper reports a theoretical understanding of nurses leaving nursing practice by exploring the processes of decision‐making by registered nurses in China on exiting clinical care. BACKGROUND: The loss of nurses through their voluntarily leaving nursing practice has not attracted much attention in China. There is a lack of an effective way to understand and communicate nursing workforce mobility in China and worldwide. DESIGN: This qualitative study draws on the constant comparative method following a grounded theory approach. METHOD: In‐depth interviews with 19 nurses who had left nursing practice were theoretically sampled from one provincial capital city in China during August 2009–March 2010. RESULTS: The core category ‘Mismatching Expectations: Individual vs. Organizational’ emerged from leavers’ accounts of their leaving. By illuminating the interrelationship between the core category and the main category ‘Individual Perception of Power,’ four nursing behaviour patterns were identified: (1) Voluntary leaving; (2) Passive staying; (3) Adaptive staying and (4) Active staying

    Excimer laser-induced transformation in laser ablated Pb(Zr 0.52Ti 0.48)O 3 amorphous thin films

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    10.1080/14786430412331300154Philosophical Magazine84353729-373

    Abiotic factors governing the establishment and expansion of two salt marsh plants in the Yangtze Estuary, China

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    The survival and establishment of salt marsh plant species is mainly driven by abiotic parameters. These factors can also significantly affect the outcome of competitive interactions between plant species. In this study we identify the effect of abiotic factors such as waves, currents, and sediment properties on plant establishment and development in the pioneer zone at Chongming Island, Yangtze estuary. Different propagules (seedlings, rhizome fragments, complete tussocks) of the species Spartina alterniflora and Scirpus mariqueter were planted at sites differing in current velocity, wave height, and sediment composition. Survival was strongly size-dependent, with very few of the smallest stage (seedlings) surviving. Survival of the native species S. mariqueter was higher than that of the invasive species S. alterniflora. Survival and lateral expansion rate of the experimental plants was highest at the site with lowest tidal currents, and lowest at a strongly wave-dominated site. We suggest that competitive interactions between the species are governed by plant-abiotic interactions influenced by both plant morphology and growth rate. Further we discuss the implications of these findings on the large-scale patterns of vegetation at this salt marsh.