178 research outputs found

    Ethics in the economy

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    "Wirtschaftssoziologen fehlt es an kohärenten Theorien darüber, wie ethische Kontroversen in der Wirtschaft aufkommen und welchen Einfluss ihr Management auf die organisatorische 'Performance' hat. Anhand formaler Ethikkodizes als disziplinierende Maßnahmen in Unternehmen, können wir ein vorläufiges Konzept von Ethik in Organisationen entwickeln und Hypothesen formulieren, wie Kodizes funktionieren. Daraus werden abschließend Überlegungen zu einem allgemeinen wirtschaftssoziologischen Forschungsprogramms für ethische Fragestellungen abgeleitet." (Autorenreferat)"Economic sociologists lack coherent theories concerning how ethical disputes arise within economic life, and what effects their management has on organizational performance. Using formal codes of ethics within firms as its disciplined focus, we can develop a preliminary conceptualization of ethics in organizations, a series of hypotheses about how codes work, and a preliminary sketch of a research program that follows from these principles." (author's abstract

    Monétisation et vie sociale

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    La monétisation : un assèchement des relations humaines ?Quelques aspects de l’imaginaire littéraire de l’argentParis, en 1960, telle qu’elle était imaginée de manière plutôt sombre, un siècle plus tôt, par le jeune Jules Verne, est deve­nue une ville régulée par le pouvoir inexorable de l’argent et de la technologie : tout sentiment, tout honneur et toute imagina­tion y est broyé par l’efficacité des structures commerciales. Dans ce Paris futuriste – tel que le rend Paris au xxe siècle, le m..

    Dinero, circuito, relaciones íntimas

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    La dicotomía entre las relaciones íntimas y las relaciones interpersonales se inscribe en una tradición de vieja data. Como alternativa a esta dicotomía, este artículo propone una aproximación basada en el reconocimiento de circuitos  interpersonales. Para ilustrar el alcance de este concepto, se ponen en consideración cuatro áreas: 1) los circuitos empresariales; 2) las monedas locales; 3) el cuidado personal pagado; y 4) la participación de los hijos en la economía familiar. La autora concluye que tanto las transacciones íntimas como las impersonales a menudo funcionan a través de circuitos que los participantes delimitan a partir de prácticas, comprensiones y representaciones claramente establecidas.  

    Monétisation et vie sociale

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    La monétisation : un assèchement des relations humaines ?Quelques aspects de l’imaginaire littéraire de l’argentParis, en 1960, telle qu’elle était imaginée de manière plutôt sombre, un siècle plus tôt, par le jeune Jules Verne, est deve­nue une ville régulée par le pouvoir inexorable de l’argent et de la technologie : tout sentiment, tout honneur et toute imagina­tion y est broyé par l’efficacité des structures commerciales. Dans ce Paris futuriste – tel que le rend Paris au xxe siècle, le m..

    Money, Love, and Fragile Reciprocity in Contemporary Havana, Cuba

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    Among low-income Havana residents, men frequently give money and other forms of material support to women in whom they have a romantic interest. For women, men's material contributions are expressions of responsibility and care. While men share this view to a degree, they sometimes have more ambiguous emotions regarding such practices. These tensions in different views of gendered reciprocity are influenced by large-scale changes that have taken place in Cuban society since the 1990s. Although, traditionally, state socialism has embraced ideas of gender egalitarianism and women's independent income, the post-Soviet period has seen the emergence of new inequalities, dependencies, and marginalizations that threaten earlier, socialist understandings of intimacy. The importance that women currently place on material wealth in terms of their views of a desirable partner highlights the gendered consequences of Cuba's contemporary economic transformations and their complex interplay with individuals' aspirations for love.Peer reviewe

    Childhood in Sociology and Society: The US Perspective

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    The field of childhood studies in the US is comprised of cross-disciplinary researchers who theorize and conduct research on both children and youth. US sociologists who study childhood largely draw on the childhood literature published in English. This article focuses on American sociological contributions, but notes relevant contributions from non-American scholars published in English that have shaped and fueled American research. This article also profiles the institutional support of childhood research in the US, specifically outlining the activities of the ‘Children and Youth’ Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and assesses the contributions of this area of study for sociology as well as the implications for an interdisciplinary field.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline
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