800 research outputs found

    Ergodicity breaking in strong and network-forming glassy system

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    The temperature dependence of the non-ergodicity factor of vitreous GeO2_2, fq(T)f_{q}(T), as deduced from elastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering experiments, is analyzed. The data are collected in a wide range of temperatures from the glassy phase, up to the glass transition temperature, and well above into the undercooled liquid state. Notwithstanding the investigated system is classified as prototype of strong glass, it is found that the temperature- and the qq-behavior of fq(T)f_{q}(T) follow some of the predictions of Mode Coupling Theory. The experimental data support the hypothesis of the existence of an ergodic to non-ergodic transition occurring also in network forming glassy systems

    Efeito de raízes e cobertura morta de B. ruziziensis na matéria orgânica e na agregação de um latossolo vermelho distroférrico.

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    Avaliaram-se efeitos da Brachiaria ruziziensis em atributos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em casa de vegetação. Noventa dias após a emergência das plantas instalaram-se os tratamentos: a) Corte e remoção da parte aérea; b) Corte e retorno da parte aérea, sem fragmentação, para a superfície do solo; c) Corte e retorno da parte aérea fragmentada; d) Cobertura do solo com 7,5 Mg ha-1 (massa seca) de material da parte aérea não fragmentada; e) Idem ao d) com material fragmentado; f) Corte à 40 cm de altura e retorno do material sem fragmentação; g) Idem ao f) com remoção da parte aérea; h) Corte à 20 cm e exclusão da parte aérea; e i) Testemunha. Determinaram-se: massa seca da parte aérea e resíduos; e, após um ano, o carbono orgânico das camadas 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm e a agregação do solo da camada 0?10 cm. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições; as médias foram comparadas por teste de Tukey (p 4,76 mm, dos primeiros 10 cm do solo

    Meta-analysis on the Effect of Mild Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Parathyroidectomy upon Arterial Stiffness

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    Context: Current data about the cardiovascular manifestations of mild primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) are often conflicting. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the gold standard for assessing aortic stiffness, and it predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Objective: Primary outcomes were to investigate if mild pHPT was associated with higher PWV and if parathyroidectomy (PTX) reduced PWV in mild pHPT. Secondary outcome was to investigate blood pressure changes after PTX. Methods: Sources were PubMed, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. Eligible studies included reports of PWV in patients with mild pHPT and controls, or in patients with mild pHPT before and after PTX. Two investigators independently identified eligible studies and extracted data. Pooled mean difference (MD) was the summary effect measure. Data were presented in forest plots with outlier and influential case diagnostics. Nine observational studies and one randomized clinical trial were selected, including 433 patients with mild pHPT, 171 of whom underwent PTX, and 407 controls. PWV was significantly higher in mild pHPT than in controls (MD = 1.18, 0.67 to 1.68, P <. 0001). Seven studies evaluated the effect of PTX on PWV. PTX significantly reduced PWV (MD =-0.48,-0.88 to-0.07, P =. 022). Conclusion: Aortic stiffness is increased in patients with mild pHPT, supporting the notion that mild pHPT is also associated with adverse cardiovascular manifestations. PTX significantly reduced arterial stiffness in mild pHPT, indicating that the benefit of PTX over cardiovascular manifestations should not be dismissed but it deserves further studies


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    A visão é uma mensagem empresarial daquilo que os diretores e funcionários aspiram sobre a empresa, direcionando os funcionários e delimitando comportamentos que tornam-se essenciais. O presente estudo, objetivou constatar a existência da visão em uma organização, bem como, detectar o planejamento e envolvimento dos funcionários na definição dessa visão. Neste estudo foram realizadas duas entrevistas estruturadas: com o diretor proprietário e dois funcionários, em uma empresa de autopeças da região do Alto Uruguai – (RS). Verificou-se, desta forma, que a empresa tem uma visão definida e, em conseqüência, os funcionários estabelecem metas a serem cumpridas, adotam comportamentos adequados a fim de alcançar os objetivos traçados pela empresa, orientando, então, a um único rumo.-Vision is an enterprising message of what managers and employees aspire to the enterprise, guiding the employees and delimiting attitudes which become essential. The present paper aims at verifying the existence of vision in an organization, as well as the planning and involvement of employees in defining this vision. Interviews were carried out: with the manager and two employees in a hardware enterprise of Alto Uruguai region – (RS). It was noticed, this way, that the enterprise has a defined vision and, consequently, the employees establish goals to be fultilled and adopt proper behavior in order to reach the objectives projected by enterprise, orienting to a common course

    An Evaluation of the Genetic Structure of Mapleleaf Mussels (Quadrula quadrula) in the Lake Erie Watershed

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    Physical barriers, habitat fragmentation, invasive species and geographic distance have isolated remnant populations of unionids in Great Lakes coastal refuges. Dreissenid species (Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) may be the greatest threat to the survival of unionids in the Great Lakes since their introduction in the late 1980s and early 1990s; however, native unionids remain in coastal habitats of western Lake Erie. One of the most abundant unionid species in Lake Erie, Quadrula quadrula, was collected along coastal areas within the lake and from three tributaries, the Maumee River, Huron River (Ohio), and Grand River (Ontario, Canada) and genotyped at six polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine population structure. There was evidence of genetic differentiation by geographic distance, and genotypes clustered into three geographic regions: Lake Erie, the Maumee River, and the Grand River. Lack of fine-scale genetic differentiation, admixture among these regions, and significant isolation by distance, indicate connectivity and are consistent with a stepping-stone model of divergence across the lake and its tributaries. A diverse gene pool remains should Q. quadrula be able to repopulate more of their historic distribution across the region, but studies of other unionid species are needed to determine whether low levels of differentiation among lake populations or divergence from tributary populations is a common pattern

    Revealing the fast atomic motion of network glasses

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    Still very little is known on the relaxation dynamics of glasses at the microscopic level due to the lack of experiments and theories. It is commonly believed that glasses are in a dynamical arrested state, with relaxation times too large to be observed on human time scales. Here we provide the experimental evidence that glasses display fast atomic rearrangements within a few minutes, even in the deep glassy state. Following the evolution of the structural relaxation in a sodium silicate glass, we find that this fast dynamics is accompanied by the absence of any detectable aging, suggesting a decoupling of the relaxation time and the viscosity in the glass. The relaxation time is strongly affected by the network structure with a marked increase at the mesoscopic scale associated with the ion-conducting pathways. Our results modify the conception of the glassy state and asks for a new microscopic theory