8 research outputs found

    Emission of Neutrons and Protons from Ne22 by the Bombardament of alpha-Particles

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    The reactions10Ne22 (α,n)12Mg26 and10Ne22 (α,p)11Na22 were investigated by photographic technique method. Two groups of neutrons were observed corresponding toQ values — 0.916 ± 0.07 MeV and — 1.71 ± 0.08 MeV for Eα= 4.4‡ MeV. A study of the reaction Ne22 (α,p)Na26 was made by the detection of Β-particles according to the process Na25gb→ Mg25, the incident energy of the α-particles being 4.8 MeV. Si sono studiate le reazioni10Ne22(α,n)12Mg25 e10N22(α,p)11Na25 col metodo fotografico. Si sono osservati due gruppi di neutroni corrispondenti a valori diQ = — 0,916 ± 0,07 MeV e Q = - 1,71 ± 0,08 MeV per Eα = 4,4 MeV. è stata studiata la reazione Ne22(α,p)Na25 per mezzo della rivelazione di particelle Β derivanti dal processo Na25→ Mg25 per una energia delle particelle α incidenti di 4,8 MeV.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Emission of neutrons and protons from Ne22 by the bombardament of α-particles

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    Nuclear Isomerism

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    Table of Isotopes

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    Schwingungen und Rotationen der Molekeln

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    Energy Levels of Light Nuclei ( Z

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    Nuclear Disintegration Energies

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