232 research outputs found


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    Fascioloidosis is a parasitic disease caused by the giant American liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Bassi, 1875). In Croatia, the first report of this disease was in January 2000, in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from the Tikveš Forestry in Baranja region (east Croatia). The aim of this survey was to determine the geographical distribution of fascioloidosis and the infection prevalence in deer. The survey was carried out in six state hunting grounds that manage with deer game in Baranja region during 2001 – 2004. Parasitological examinations were carried out by qualitative and quantitative faecal exams. The highest prevalence’s (35 – 60%) were found in epizootic focuses of two hunting grounds at flooding – bog land area in east Baranja, Danube forestry. The mean intensity of infection, determined on the basis of the number of eggs per gram (EPG) was 30 – 33 EPG (range 1 – 300). High 86% of examined samples was in category to 50 EPG. The highest prevalence and the biggest EPG number too, were determined during the first year of survey. In the Baranja area fascioloidosis represents a potential danger for other game species, mainly roe deer and wild boars, as for domestic animals


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    Istraživanje pokazatelja reproduktivne djelotvornisti zečeva u kaveznom uzgoju provedeno je tijekom četiri uzgojne sezone od 2001. do 2004. godine, u dva uzgajališta. Ukupno je obuhvaćeno 107 parova tijekom njihove prve reproduktivne sezone. Uzgajališta su se nalazila u dva klimatski različita područja: uzgajalište Volavje (kontinentalna Hrvatska) te uzgajalište Valtura-Vodnjan (Istra-mediteranska Hrvatska). Prosječno je godišnje utvrđeno od 24.70 do 25.37 % neproduktivnih parova. Značajno veći broj legala po paru utvrđen je u uzgajalištu Valtura-Vodnjan (5 legala prema 4.6 u uzgajalištu Volavje, P<0.05). Broj mladunčadi po paru godišnje iznosio je 11.27 (Volavje) i 11.34 (Valtura-Vodnjan). Prosječna veličina legla kretala se od 2.41(Volavje) do 2.59 mladunčadi (Valtura-Vodnjan). Godišnje je doba (mjesec) imalo značajan utjecaj na veličinu legla u oba uzgajališta (P<0.01). Nije bilo značajnije razlike u broju odbijene mladunčadi po leglu za oba uzgajališta (1.61-1.68). Ukupni gubici mladunčadi su prosječno iznosili 36.59-37.83 %, ovisno o lokalitetu. Najveća smrtnost mladunčadi zabilježena je do odbića.The research on indicators of reproduction efficiency of brown hares in cage breeding in Croatia was conducted from 2001 to 2004. There were 107 pairs included in the research during their first reproductive season. Breeding farms were located in two different climatic areas: breeding farm Volavje (continental Croatia) and Valtura-Vodnjan (Istria). On average there were 24.70 to 25.37% non-productive pairs per year. Considerably larger number of litters per pair was achieved in Valtura-Vodnjan breeding farms (5 litters compared to 4.6 in Volavje farm, p<0.05). The number of leverets per pair was 11.27 (Volavje) and 11.34 (Valtura-Vodnjan). The average litter size ranged from 2.41 (Volavje) to 2.59 leverets (Valtura-Vodnjan). Season had a significant influence on litter size in both breeding farms (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in the number of weaned hares per litter in both farms (1.61-1.68). Total leveret mortality on average ranged from 36.59 to 37.83% depending on the locality. Most deaths occurred before weaning

    Multiplicative L\'evy processes: It\^o versus Stratonovich interpretation

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    Langevin equation with a multiplicative stochastic force is considered. That force is uncorrelated, it has the L\'evy distribution and the power-law intensity. The Fokker-Planck equations, which correspond both to the It\^o and Stratonovich interpretation of the stochastic integral, are presented. They are solved for the case without drift and for the harmonic oscillator potential. The variance is evaluated; it is always infinite for the It\^o case whereas for the Stratonovich one it can be finite and rise with time slower that linearly, which indicates subdiffusion. Analytical results are compared with numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Symmetric Jump Processes and their Heat Kernel Estimates

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    We survey the recent development of the DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser-Aronson type theory for a class of symmetric jump processes(or equivalently, a class of symmetric integro-differential operators). We focus on the sharp two-sided estimates for the transition density functions (or heat kernels) of the processes, a priori Holder estimate and parabolic Harnack inequalities for their parabolic functions. In contrast to the second order elliptic differential operator case, the methods to establish these properties for symmetric integro-differential operators are mainly probabilistic.Comment: To appear in Science in China Series A: Mathematic

    The Schroedinger Problem, Levy Processes Noise in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    The main purpose of the paper is an essentially probabilistic analysis of relativistic quantum mechanics. It is based on the assumption that whenever probability distributions arise, there exists a stochastic process that is either responsible for temporal evolution of a given measure or preserves the measure in the stationary case. Our departure point is the so-called Schr\"{o}dinger problem of probabilistic evolution, which provides for a unique Markov stochastic interpolation between any given pair of boundary probability densities for a process covering a fixed, finite duration of time, provided we have decided a priori what kind of primordial dynamical semigroup transition mechanism is involved. In the nonrelativistic theory, including quantum mechanics, Feyman-Kac-like kernels are the building blocks for suitable transition probability densities of the process. In the standard "free" case (Feynman-Kac potential equal to zero) the familiar Wiener noise is recovered. In the framework of the Schr\"{o}dinger problem, the "free noise" can also be extended to any infinitely divisible probability law, as covered by the L\'{e}vy-Khintchine formula. Since the relativistic Hamiltonians |\nabla | and +m2m\sqrt {-\triangle +m^2}-m are known to generate such laws, we focus on them for the analysis of probabilistic phenomena, which are shown to be associated with the relativistic wave (D'Alembert) and matter-wave (Klein-Gordon) equations, respectively. We show that such stochastic processes exist and are spatial jump processes. In general, in the presence of external potentials, they do not share the Markov property, except for stationary situations. A concrete example of the pseudodifferential Cauchy-Schr\"{o}dinger evolution is analyzed in detail. The relativistic covariance of related waveComment: Latex fil

    Structure of shocks in Burgers turbulence with L\'evy noise initial data

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    We study the structure of the shocks for the inviscid Burgers equation in dimension 1 when the initial velocity is given by L\'evy noise, or equivalently when the initial potential is a two-sided L\'evy process ψ0\psi_0. When ψ0\psi_0 is abrupt in the sense of Vigon or has bounded variation with lim suph0h2ψ0(h)=\limsup_{|h| \downarrow 0} h^{-2} \psi_0(h) = \infty, we prove that the set of points with zero velocity is regenerative, and that in the latter case this set is equal to the set of Lagrangian regular points, which is non-empty. When ψ0\psi_0 is abrupt we show that the shock structure is discrete. When ψ0\psi_0 is eroded we show that there are no rarefaction intervals.Comment: 22 page

    Newly uncovered physics of MHD instabilities using 2-D electron cyclotron emission imaging system in toroidal plasmas

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    Validation of physics models using the newly uncovered physics with a 2-D electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEi) system for magnetic fusion plasmas has either enhanced the confidence or substantially improved the modeling capability. The discarded &quot;full reconnection model&quot; in sawtooth instability is vindicated and established that symmetry and magnetic shear of the 1/1 kink mode are critical parameters in sawtooth instability. For the 2/1 instability, it is demonstrated that the 2-D data can determine critical physics parameters with a high confidence and the measured anisotropic distribution of the turbulence and its flow in presence of the 2/1 island is validated by the modelled potential and gyro-kinetic calculation. The validation process of the measured reversed-shear Alfveneigenmode (RSAE) structures has improved deficiencies of prior models. The 2-D images of internal structure of the ELMs and turbulence induced by the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) have provided an opportunity to establish firm physics basis of the ELM instability and role of RMPs. The importance of symmetry in determining the reconnection time scale and role of magnetic shear of the 1/1 kink mode in sawtooth instability may be relevant to the underlying physics of the violent kink instability of the filament ropes in a solar flare