25 research outputs found


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    The research on effects of different oils on the profile of fatty acids in egg yolks was performed on 80 ISA Brown laying hens (40 in control and 40 in experimental group). Hens were 50 weeks old. The control group of hens was fed diets supplemented with sunflower oil (6%), and the experimental group was given a combination of rapeseed oil (4%) and fish oil (2%). Hensā€™ diets contained 16.8% of crude protein and 11.57 MJ ME. The research lasted for 28 days. Content of fatty acids in yolk lipids was determined on 10 samples taken from each group. Supplemented oils (sunflower, rapeseed and fish oil) in hensā€™ diets had significant effect on the profile of fatty acids in yolk lipids. Compared to the control group, yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens in the experimental group contained significantly higher (P<0.001) portion of favorable fatty acids (linolenic, C18:3n-3; eicosapentaenoic, C20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic, C22:6n-3). Moreover, the experimental group of hens laid eggs that contained less unfavorable saturated fatty acids (P<0.001) and less linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) in their lipids. Content of oleic acid (C18:1) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was significantly higher (P<0.001) in yolk lipids of the experimental group. The experimental group contained less unfavorable polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 type (n-6 PUFA, P<0.001), more favorable fatty acids of the n-3 type (n-3 PUFA, P<0.001) and more favorable n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio (P<0.001) in yolk lipids than the control group.Istraživanje utjecaja različitih ulja na profil masnih kiselina u žumanjcima jaja obavljeno je na 80 ISA Brown nesilica (40 u kontrolnoj i 40 u pokusnoj skupini) starih 50 tjedana. Kontrolna skupina nesilica dobivala je u hrani suncokretovo ulje (6%), a pokusna skupina kombinaciju repičinog (4%) i ribljeg (2%) ulja. Smjese za nesilice sadržavale su 16,8% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,57 MJ ME. Istraživanje je trajalo 28 dana. Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjka određen je na 10 uzoraka iz svake skupine. KoriÅ”tena ulja (suncokretovo, repičino i riblje) u hrani za nesilice imala su značajan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjaka jaja. U mastima žumanjaka kod pokusne skupine nesilica utvrđen je značajno veći (P<0,001) sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina (linolenske, C18:3n-3; eikozapentaenske, C20:5n-3 i dokozaheksaenske, C22:6n-3) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Osim toga, pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj (P<0,001) nepoželjnih zasićenih masnih kiselina te linolne (C18:2n-6) i arahidonske kiseline (C20:4n-6) u mastima žumanjaka. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline (C18:1) i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) bio je značajno veći (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka pokusne skupine. Pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj nepoželjnih polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-6 tipa (n-6 PUFA, P<0,001), veći sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina n-3 tipa (n-3 PUFA, P<0,001) i povoljniji omjer n-6 / n-3 PUFA (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka jaja odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu


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    The research into growth characteristics of turkey hybrid was carried out on 60 one-day-old turkeys (30 toms and 30 hens) of Nicholas 700 provenience. The research lasted for 19 weeks. Each turkey was marked with a leg ring. During the experiment, turkeys were fed commercial mixtures. Evaluation of the inflection point and of separate growth phases was obtained by means of asymmetric S-function (Kralik and Scitovski, 1993). End weight of turkey toms was higher than the one of hens by 34.63% (14811Ā±906 g : 11005Ā±993 g). Differences in final weights between sexes, as well as in weights over the whole fattening period were statistically highly significant (P<0.001). Average absolute and relative gains (gain rates) of toms in comparison to hens were 776 g and 12.45%, and 567 g and 12.11%, respectively. By the parameters of asymmetric S-function, intensification of progressive growth phase in turkey toms started after the 5th week, and in turkey hens it was prolonged for several days. Determined biological maximum in toms was 17.966 kg, and in hens 12.889 kg. Intensive growth of hens lasted up to the beginning of the 15th week, while toms grew intensively up to the end of the 15th week. Positions of the inflection point in hens were determined at the beginning of the 10th week, and in toms in the middle of that week


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti proizvodna svojstva dvaju genotipova svinja tovljenih na dva različita načina tova, na dubokoj stelji i na klasični način (puni pod), te utvrditi utjecaj mikroklimatskih čimbenika na proizvodna svojstva tovljenika. Istraživanje je provedeno na 57 svinja oba spol, koje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine. Unutar svake skupine nalazile su se svinje dvaju genotipova, tj. tropasminski križanci između velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog landrasa (VJ x NJL, na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa i pietrena (P), na strani oca. Svinje obje skupine dobivale su tijekom pokusa hranu istog proteinskog i energetskog sastava, a hranidba je bila po volji. Tijekom pokusa obavljena su mikroklimatska mjerenja temperature, vlažnosti zraka, brzine strujanja zraka te sadržaj NH3 i CO2. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u pogledu temperature i vlažnosti zraka, brzine strujanja zraka te sadržaja ugljičnog dioksida (CO2) i amonijaka (NH3) u zraku u oborima s i bez stelje (P>0,05). Svinje držane na podu bez stelje imale su statistički visoko značajno (P0.05). Pigs housed without deep litter had statistically highly significant (P<0.01) higher final weights than pigs kept on deep litter. Pigs crossed with Pietrain as a terminal breed, kept in pens without deep litter, had statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) average daily gains than pigs of the same genotype kept on deep litter. In the finishing phase of fattening, group of pigs being kept in pens without deep litter had statistically higher average daily gains than pigs kept on deep litter (P<0.05). The way of fattening had statistically highly significant (P<0.001) influence on live weight of pigs in the first, second and fourth fattening phase. Average daily gains in the starting two fattening phases were significantly influenced by the way of fattening. Its influence was very highly significant (P<0.01) in the finishing phase of fattening. Noticeable effect of the genotype was determined only for live weights in the second phase of fattening. Genotype influence was not relevant for other fattening traits. Interaction between way of fattening and genotype did not have any effect on the productivity traits of fattening pigs


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti klaonička svojstva dvaju genotipova svinja utovljenih na dva različita načina tova te utvrditi utjecaj načina držanja na svojstva trupova i kakvoće miÅ”ićnog tkiva. Istraživanje je provedeno na 68 tovnih svinja oba spola, podijeljenih u dvije skupine: prva skupina držana je na dubokoj stelji, a druga skupina u oborima na punom podu bez stelje. Unutar svake skupine nalazile su se svinje dvaju genotipova, tj. tropasminski križanci između velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog lanrasa (VJ x NJL), na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa i pietrena (P), na strani oca. Na kraju pokusa svinje su zaklane i na liniji klanja uzete su mjere pH (45 min i 24 sata post mortem), mjere električne provodljivosti (EP45, EP24), zatim dužina polovica ā€žaā€œ i ā€žbā€œ, mjere buta te mjere debljine leđne slanine i miÅ”ića za procjenu količine miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupu metodom "dvije točke". Svinje držane na dubokoj stelji imale su statistički značajno manje (P<0,05) žive težine i težine toplih polovica u odnosu na svinje držane na podu bez stelje. Križanci s pietrenom držani u tovu bez stelje imali su statistički značajno veću debljinu miÅ”ića u odnosu na križance s njemačkim landrasom držane na dubokoj stelji (P<0,05). Tovljenici oba genotipa držani u tovu bez stelje imali su statistički značajno niže pH45 vrijednosti u butu i MLD-u u odnosu na križance s pietrenom držane na stelji (P<0,05). Utjecaj genotipa bio je statistički značajan za EP45 vrijednost u butu te debljinu miÅ”ića i postotni udjel miÅ”ićnog tkiva (P<0,05). Interakcija između načina tova i genotipa nije imala utjecaja na svojstva kakvoće trupova i mesa.The aim of this research was to compare slaughtering traits of two pig genotypes when reared in two different ways, and to determine the influence of pig housing on carcass characteristics and muscle tissue quality. The research was carried out on 68 fattening pigs of both sex, divided into two groups: the first group was kept on deep litter, and the second one was housed in flat deck pens without deep litter. Each group consisted of pigs of two genotypes, i.e. three-way crossbreeds of Large White and German Landrace (LW x GL) in the dam line and of German Landrace and Pietrain (P) in the sire line. At the end of the experiment, pigs were slaughtered and the following values were determined: the pH45 and pH24 values, electric conductivity values (EC45, EC24), the ā€œaā€ and ā€œbā€ carcass length, loin values and the values of backfat and muscle thickness, aiming to evaluate the share of muscular tissue in carcass by applying the two-points method. Pigs reared on deep litter had statistically significantly smaller live weights (P<0.05) and warm carcass weights in comparison to pigs reared on flat deck without deep litter. Pigs crossed with Pietrain, which were kept without deep litter had significantly thicker muscles than the ones crossed with German Landrace, kept on deep litter (P<0.05). Fattening pigs of both genotypes, reared without deep litter, had significantly smaller pH45 values in loins and in MLD, when compared to pigs crossed with Pietrain and kept on deep litter (P<0.05). The influence of genotype was statistically significant for the EC45 value in loin, as well as for the muscle thickness and percentage share of muscular tissue (P<0.05). Interaction between the way of fattening and genotype did not have any effect on carcass and meat quality

    Energy expenditure in textile workers

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    Određivani su energetski ekvivalenti za pojedine aktivnosti u tekstilnoj industriji. Ispitivanje je izvrÅ”eno kod 17 radnika i radnika poduzeća Ā»Nada DimićĀ« u Zagrebu. Ukupno je ispitano 80 uzoraka izdahnutog zraka za devet aktivnosti specifičnih za takvo poduzeće. Analiza izdahnutog zraka vrÅ”ena je metodom po Scholanderu. Dobiveni energetski ekvivalenti pokazuju da je raspon kalorija koje se troÅ”e za pojedine radnje dosta velik, pa da u prosjeku varira od 1,56 do 5,63 kal/min, ali se većina radova nalazi na donjoj granici rashoda.The examination of energy expenditure requirement was carried out in a textile factory in Zagreb. 17 workers, women and men, were examined by a Franz-MĆ¼ller respirometer. Expired air samples were taken and analysed after Scholander. The results shown in calories per minute include values for basal metabolism. The energy expenditure was high only in few cases; in all others the values were very low, corresponding to the values obtained by other authors