469 research outputs found

    Growth, ion content and photosynthetic responses of two Elytrigia Desv. species seedlings to salinity stress

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    Salinity is among the major abiotic stresses limiting crop production in the world. Elytrigia species, the wild relatives of wheat, are extensively used as genetic resources in wheat breeding to improve its salt tolerance. The objective of this study was to examine the responses to different NaCl treatments (0, 65, 100, 135 and 170 mM) of two Elytrigia species (Elytrigia intermedia (Host.) Nevski. and Elytrigia trichophora (Link.) Nevski.) in terms of their growth, ion content and photosynthetic productivity during the seedling stages. For E. intermedia, salt treatment led to decreases in root and shoot biomass, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs), and a concurrent increase in intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). Larger reductions in the parameters occurred in E. trichophora. Our results indicated that the two species differ in their sensitivity to salinity, with E. intermedia being classified as the more salt tolerant, and E. trichophora as sensitive. The two species also differed noticeably in leaf tissue concentrations of Na+ and K+ at various NaCl treatments, although, they both showed a trend for Na+ content to increase and K+ accumulation to significantly decrease in the higher salinity treatments.Key words: Elytrigia, ion contents, photosynthesis, salinity

    Using agronomic biofortification to boost zinc, selenium, and iodine concentrations of food crops grown on the loess plateau in China

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    Micronutrient malnutrition among humans is typically caused by micronutrient deficiency in soils and then staple food crops grown on these soils. In this study, field trials were conducted to investigate the biofortification of micronutrients in the edible parts of winter wheat, maize, soybean, potato, canola, and cabbage. Fertilizers of Se, Zn and I were applied to soil independently or together, while Se and Zn were sprayed as solution on winter wheat in another part of the trials. Selenium, when applied to the soil in the form of sodium selenate, whether alone or combined with Zn and⁄or I, was effective in increasing Se to around target levels in all of the tested crops. Selenium as sodium selenite was effective as a foliar application to winter wheat, increasing it from 25 to 312 µg kg⁻¹ in wheat grain with 60 g Se ha⁻¹ . For Zn, soil-applied zinc sulphate was only found to be effective for increasing the Zn concentration in cabbage leaf and canola seed, with 35 and 61 mg kg ⁻¹, respectively, while foliar zinc sulphate application was effective in biofortifying winter wheat, increasing grain Zn from 20 to 30 mg kg⁻¹ . While for I, soil-applied potassium iodate was only effective in increasing I concentration in cabbage leaf, and biofortification of the other crops was not possible. The enhancements of Se, Zn, and I concentration resulting from either the single or combined application of microelement fertilizers were similar. Therefore, agronomic biofortification of edible parts of various food crops with Zn, Se, and I can be an effective way to increase micronutrient concentrations, and the effectiveness depends on crop species, fertilizer forms and application methods.H. Mao, J. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Zan, G. Lyons, C. Zo

    An optimal rewiring strategy for cooperative multiagent social learning

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    Multiagent coordination is a key problem in cooperative multiagent systems (MASs). It has been widely studied in both fixed-agent repeated interaction setting and static social learning framework. However, two aspects of dynamics in real-world MASs are currently neglected. First, the network topologies can change during the course of interaction dynamically. Second, the interaction utilities can be different among each pair of agents and usually unknown before interaction. Both issues mentioned above increase the difficulty of coordination. In this paper, we consider the multiagent social learning in a dynamic environment in which agents can alter their connections and interact with randomly chosen neighbors with unknown utilities beforehand. We propose an optimal rewiring strategy to select most beneficial peers to maximize the accumulated payoffs in long-run interactions. We empirically demonstrate the effects of our approach in a variety of large-scale MASs

    Graphene re-knits its holes

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    Nano-holes, etched under an electron beam at room temperature in singlelayer graphene sheets as a result of their interaction with metalimpurities, are shown to heal spontaneously by filling up with either non-hexagon, graphene-like, or perfect hexagon 2D structures. Scanning transmission electron microscopy was employed to capture the healing process and study atom-by-atom the re-grown structure. A combination of these nano-scale etching and re-knitting processes could lead to new graphene tailoring approaches.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Gene conversion in human rearranged immunoglobulin genes

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    Over the past 20 years, many DNA sequences have been published suggesting that all or part of the V<sub>H</sub> segment of a rearranged immunoglobulin gene may be replaced in vivo. Two different mechanisms appear to be operating. One of these is very similar to primary V(D)J recombination, involving the RAG proteins acting upon recombination signal sequences, and this has recently been proven to occur. Other sequences, many of which show partial V<sub>H</sub> replacements with no addition of untemplated nucleotides at the V<sub>H</sub>–V<sub>H</sub> joint, have been proposed to occur by an unusual RAG-mediated recombination with the formation of hybrid (coding-to-signal) joints. These appear to occur in cells already undergoing somatic hypermutation in which, some authors are convinced, RAG genes are silenced. We recently proposed that the latter type of V<sub>H</sub> replacement might occur by homologous recombination initiated by the activity of AID (activation-induced cytidine deaminase), which is essential for somatic hypermutation and gene conversion. The latter has been observed in other species, but not in human Ig genes, so far. In this paper, we present a new analysis of sequences published as examples of the second type of rearrangement. This not only shows that AID recognition motifs occur in recombination regions but also that some sequences show replacement of central sections by a sequence from another gene, similar to gene conversion in the immunoglobulin genes of other species. These observations support the proposal that this type of rearrangement is likely to be AID-mediated rather than RAG-mediated and is consistent with gene conversion

    BCR-signalling synergizes with TLR-signalling for induction of AID and immunoglobulin class-switching through the non-canonical NF-κB pathway

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    By diversifying antibody biological effector functions, class switch DNA recombination has a central role in the maturation of the antibody response. Here we show that BCR-signalling synergizes with Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling to induce class switch DNA recombination. BCR-signalling activates the non-canonical NF-κB pathway and enhances the TLR-dependent canonical NF-κB pathway, thereby inducing activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), which is critical for class switch DNA recombination. Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) triggers dual TLR4/BCR-signalling and induces hallmarks of BCR-signalling, including CD79a phosphorylation and Ca2+ mobilization, and activates both the NF-κB pathways to induce AID and class switch DNA recombination in a PI(3)K p85α-dependent fashion. CD40-signalling activates the two NF-κB pathways to induce AID and class switch DNA recombination independent of BCR-signalling. Finally, dual BCR/TLR-engaging NP–lipopolysaccharide effectively elicits class-switched NP-specific IgG3 and IgG2b in mice. Thus, by integrating signals of the non-canonical and canonical NF-κB pathways, BCR and TLRs synergize to induce AID and T-cell-independent class switch DNA recombination

    Generating and repairing genetically programmed DNA breaks during immunoglobulin class switch recombination

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    Adaptive immune responses require the generation of a diverse repertoire of immunoglobulins (Igs) that can recognize and neutralize a seemingly infinite number of antigens. V(D)J recombination creates the primary Ig repertoire, which subsequently is modified by somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR). SHM promotes Ig affinity maturation whereas CSR alters the effector function of the Ig. Both SHM and CSR require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) to produce dU:dG mismatches in the Ig locus that are transformed into untemplated mutations in variable coding segments during SHM or DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in switch regions during CSR. Within the Ig locus, DNA repair pathways are diverted from their canonical role in maintaining genomic integrity to permit AID-directed mutation and deletion of gene coding segments. Recently identified proteins, genes, and regulatory networks have provided new insights into the temporally and spatially coordinated molecular interactions that control the formation and repair of DSBs within the Ig locus. Unravelling the genetic program that allows B cells to selectively alter the Ig coding regions while protecting non-Ig genes from DNA damage advances our understanding of the molecular processes that maintain genomic integrity as well as humoral immunity

    Do Native Parasitic Plants Cause More Damage to Exotic Invasive Hosts Than Native Non-Invasive Hosts? An Implication for Biocontrol

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    Field studies have shown that native, parasitic plants grow vigorously on invasive plants and can cause more damage to invasive plants than native plants. However, no empirical test has been conducted and the mechanism is still unknown. We conducted a completely randomized greenhouse experiment using 3 congeneric pairs of exotic, invasive and native, non-invasive herbaceous plant species to quantify the damage caused by parasitic plants to hosts and its correlation with the hosts' growth rate and resource use efficiency. The biomass of the parasitic plants on exotic, invasive hosts was significantly higher than on congeneric native, non-invasive hosts. Parasites caused more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to congeneric, native, non-invasive hosts. The damage caused by parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the biomass of parasitic plants. The damage of parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the relative growth rate and the resource use efficiency of its host plants. It may be the mechanism by which parasitic plants grow more vigorously on invasive hosts and cause more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to native, non-invasive hosts. These results suggest a potential biological control effect of native, parasitic plants on invasive species by reducing the dominance of invasive species in the invaded community