7,789 research outputs found

    Suppression of pair creation due to a steady magnetic field

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    We investigate the electron-positron pair creation process in a supercritical static electric field in the presence of a static magnetic field that is perpendicular. If both fields vary spatially in one direction the dynamics can be reduced to a set of one-dimensional systems. Using a generalized computational quantum field theoretical procedure, we calculate the time dependence of the spatial density for the created electrons. In the presence of the magnetic field, a significant amount of suppression of pair creation is observed in the simulations and confirmed by an analytical analysis for the limits of short-range fields and long interaction times. This suppression might be interpreted in terms of Pauli blocking by the electron during its return to the creation region as it performs a cyclotronlike motion in the magnetic field

    Pair creation for bosons in electric and magnetic fields

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    By solving the quantum field theoretical version of the Klein-Gordon equation numerically, we study the creation process for charged boson-antiboson pairs in static electric and magnetic fields. The fields are perpendicular to each other and spatially localized along the same direction, which permits us to study the crucial impact of the magnetic field\u27s spatial extension on dynamics. If its width is comparable to that of the electric field, we find a magnetically induced Lorentz suppression of the pair-creation process. When the width is increased such that the created bosons can revisit the interaction region, we find a region of exponential self-amplification that can be attributed to a spontaneous emissionlike enhancement. If the width is increased further, this trend is reversed and the magnetic field can even shut off the particle production completely

    Enhancement of electron-positron pair creation due to transient excitation of field-induced bound states

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    We study the creation of electron-positron pairs induced by two spatially separated electric fields that vary periodically in time. The results are based on large-scale computer simulations of the time-dependent Dirac equation in reduced spatial dimensions. When the separation of the fields is very large, the pair creation is caused by multiphoton transitions and mainly determined by the frequency of the fields. However, for small spatial separations a coherence effect can be observed that can enhance or reduce the particle yield compared to the case of two infinitely separated fields. If the travel time for a created electron or positron between both field locations becomes comparable to the period of the oscillating fields, we observe peaks in the energy spectrum which can be explained in terms of field-induced transient bound states

    On the Image Reconstruction of Capacitively Coupled Electrical Resistance Tomography (CCERT) with Entropy Priors

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    Regularization with priors is an effective approach to solve the ill-posed inverse problem of electrical tomography. Entropy priors have been proven to be promising in radiation tomography but have received less attention in the literature of electrical tomography. This work aims to investigate the image reconstruction of capacitively coupled electrical resistance tomography (CCERT) with entropy priors. Four types of entropy priors are introduced, including the image entropy, the projection entropy, the image-projection joint entropy, and the cross-entropy between the measurement projection and the forward projection. Correspondingly, objective functions with the four entropy priors are developed, where the first three are implemented under the maximum entropy strategy and the last one is implemented under the minimum cross-entropy strategy. Linear back-projection is adopted to obtain the initial image. The steepest descent method is utilized to optimize the objective function and obtain the final image. Experimental results show that the four entropy priors are effective in regularization of the ill-posed inverse problem of CCERT to obtain a reasonable solution. Compared with the initial image obtained by linear back projection, all the four entropy priors make sense in improving the image quality. Results also indicate that cross-entropy has the best performance among the four entropy priors in the image reconstruction of CCERT

    Study on the construction workforce management based on lean construction in the context of COVID-19

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    Purpose The construction industry is facing challenges not only for workers' mobility in the pandemic situation but also for Lean Construction (LC) practise in responding to the high-quality development during the post-pandemic. As such, this paper presents a construction workforce management framework based on LC to manage both the emergency goal in migrant worker management and the long-term goal in labour productivity improvement in China. Design/methodology/approach The framework is created based on the integrated culture and technology strategies of LC. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is taken to explore factors influencing the mobility of construction workers and to measure labour productivity improvement. The case study approach is adopted to demonstrate the framework application. Findings For method application, a time-and-motion study and Percent Plan Complete indicator are proposed to offer labour productivity measurements of “resources efficiency” and “flow efficiency”. Moreover, the case study provides an industry level solution for construction workforce management and Lean Construction culture shaping, as well as witnesses the LC culture and technology strategies alignment contributing to LC practise innovation. Originality/value Compared with previous studies which emphasised solely LC techniques rather than socio-technical system thinking, the proposed integration framework as well as implementation of “Worker's Home” and “Lean Work Package” management models in the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to new extensions of both the fundamental of knowledge and practise in LC

    Pair creation enhancement due to combined external fields

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    We study the creation of electron-positron pairs from the vacuum induced by a combination of a static electric field and an alternating field. We find that the overall pair production can be increased by two orders of magnitude compared to the yields associated with each field individually. We examine the interesting case where both fields are spatially localized, permitting us to examine the time evolution of the spatial density for the created particle pairs. We find that there are a variety of competing mechanisms that contribute to the total yield

    Electron-positron pair creation induced by quantum-mechanical tunneling

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    We study the creation of electron-positron pairs from the vacuum induced by two spatially displaced static electric fields. The strength and spatial width of each localized field is less than required for pair creation. If, however, the separation between the fields is less than the quantum-mechanical tunneling length associated with the corresponding quantum scattering system, the system produces a steady flux of electron-positron pairs. We compute the time dependence of the pair-creation probability by solving the Dirac equation numerically for various external field sequences. For the special case of two very narrow fields we provide an analytical expression for the pair-creation rate in the long-time limit

    Effect of characteristics of (Sm,Ce)O2 powder on the fabrication and performance of anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells

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    Effect of characteristics of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (SDC) powder as a function of calcination temperature on the fabrication of dense and flat anode-supported SDC thin electrolyte cells has been studied. The results show that the calcination temperature has a significant effect on the particle size, degree of agglomeration, and sintering profiles of the SDC powder. The characteristics of SDC powders have a significant effect on the structure integrity and flatness of the SDC electrolyte film/anode substrate bilayer cells. The SDC electrolyte layer delaminates from the anode substrate for the SDC powder calcined at 600 °C and the bilayer cell concaves towards the SDC electrolyte layer for the SDC powder calcined at 800 °C. When the calcinations temperature increased to 1000 °C, strongly bonded SDC electrolyte film/anode substrate bilayer structures were achieved. An open-circuit voltage (OCV) of 0.82–0.84 V and maximum power density of ~1 W cm−2 were obtained at 600 °C using hydrogen as fuel and stationary air as the oxidant. The results indicate that the matching of the onset sintering temperature and maximum sintering rate temperature is most critical for the development of a dense and flat Ni/SDC supported SDC thin electrolyte cells for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells

    Tumour suppressor function of MDA-7/IL-24 in human breast cancer

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    Introduction Melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 (MDA-7), also known as interleukin (IL)-24, is a tumour suppressor gene associated with differentiation, growth and apoptosis. However, the mechanisms underlying its anti-neoplastic activity, tumour-specificity and efficacy across a spectrum of human cancers have yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, the biological impact of MDA-7 on the behavior of breast cancer (BC) cells is evaluated. Furthermore, mRNA expression of MDA-7 is assessed in a cohort of women with BC and correlated with established pathological parameters and clinical outcome. Methods The human BC cell line MDA MB-231 was used to evaluate the in-vitro impact of recombinant human (rh)-MDA-7 on cell growth and motility, using a growth assay, wounding assay and electric cell impedance sensing (ECIS). Localisation of MDA-7 in mammary tissues was assessed with standard immuno-histochemical methodology. BC tissues (n = 127) and normal tissues (n = 33) underwent RNA extraction and reverse transcription, MDA-7 transcript levels were determined using real-time quantitative PCR. Transcript levels were analyzed against tumour size, grade, oestrogen receptor (ER) status, nodal involvement, TNM stage, Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) and clinical outcome over a 10 year follow-up period. Results Exposure to rh-MDA-7 significantly reduced wound closure rates for human BC cells in-vitro. The ECIS model demonstrated a significantly reduced motility and migration following rh-MDA-7 treatment (p = 0.024). Exposure to rh-MDA-7 was only found to exert a marginal effect on growth. Immuno-histochemical staining of human breast tissues revealed substantially greater MDA-7 positivity in normal compared to cancer cells. Significantly lower MDA-7 transcript levels were identified in those predicted to have a poorer prognosis by the NPI (p = 0.049) and those with node positive tumours. Significantly lower expression was also noted in tumours from patients who died of BC compared to those who remained disease free (p = 0.035). Low levels of MDA-7 were significantly correlated with a shorter disease free survival (mean = 121.7 vs. 140.4 months, p = 0.0287) on Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Conclusion MDA-7 significantly inhibits the motility and migration of human BC cells in-vitro. MDA-7 expression is substantially reduced in malignant breast tissue and low transcript levels are significantly associated with unfavourable pathological parameters, including nodal positivity; and adverse clinical outcomes including poor prognosis and shorter disease free survival. MDA-7 offers utility as a prognostic marker and potential for future therapeutic strategies

    Lipidomic Profiling of Di- and Tri-Acylglycerol Species in Weight-Controlled Mice

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    Citation: King, B. S., Lu, L. Z., Yu, M., Jiang, Y., Standard, J., Su, X. Y., . . . Wang, W. Q. (2015). Lipidomic Profiling of Di- and Tri-Acylglycerol Species in Weight-Controlled Mice. Plos One, 10(2), 12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116398Weight control by dietary calorie restriction (DCR) or exercise has been shown to prevent cancer in various models. However, the mechanisms as to how weight control is beneficial are not well understood. While previous reports have investigated the effects of weight control on total lipid levels or lipid composition within cellular membranes, there has been little work surrounding changes to individual lipids following weight control interventions. In this study, using a model of skin carcinogenesis centered on the tumor promotion stage, CD-1 mice were randomly assigned into 4 groups: ad libitum and sedentary (control), ad libitum with exercise (AL+Exe), exercise with pair feeding of a diet isocaloric with control (PF+Exe), and sedentary with 20% DCR compared to control. After ten weeks, body weight and body fat percentages significantly decreased in the PF+Exe and DCR groups but not AL+Exe when compared with sedentary controls. Murine skin and plasma samples were obtained for analysis. Lipidomics using electrospray ionization MS/MS was employed to profile triacylglycerol (TG) and diacylglycerol (DG) species. Both plasma and tissue TG species containing fatty acid chains with length 18: 1 were significantly decreased following DCR when compared to sedentary control animals. In regards to DG, the most significant changes occurred in the plasma. DG species containing fatty acids with lengths 16: 1 or 18: 1 were significantly decreased in PF+Exe and DCR groups when compared to sedentary controls. Due to the significant role of TG in energy storage and DG in cellular signaling, our findings of the effects of weight control on individual TG and DG species in plasma and skin tissue following exposure to a tumor promoter, may provide insight into the mechanism of weight control on cancer prevention