83 research outputs found

    Isar/Athen: Griechische Künstler in München – Deutsche Künstler in Griechenland [Ergebnisse der Tagung "Isar/Athen. Griechische Künstler in München - Deutsche Künstler in Griechenland" ... im Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München am 13. April 2007]

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    Die 1808 gegründete Münchner Kunstakademie war über lange Zeit ein 'Magnetfeld' von internationaler Dimension und zog zahlreiche Studenten aus dem Ausland, insbesondere aus den USA, aber auch aus dem gesamten mittel-, ost- und südosteuropäischen Raum an. Einige dieser ausländischen Künstler blieben nach Abschluss ihres Studiums in München, eröffneten hier eigene Kunstschulen oder wurden selbst zu Lehrern an der Akademie ernannt. Sie trugen ebenso wie die in ihre Heimatländer zurückgekehrten Künstler wesentlich zum Ruf Münchens als einer 'Kunststadt' bei. Dieser Band enthält die Beiträge der Tagung "Isar/Athen. Griechische Künstler in München - Deutsche Künstler in Griechenland" (siehe http://www.zikg.eu/main/2007/isar-athen/index.htm). Die Beziehungen zwischen München und Griechenland waren aufgrund der politischen Gegebenheiten von besonders enger Natur. Die Texte schlagen einen Bogen vom 19. Jahrhundert über Giorgio de Chirico bis zu gemeinsamen Projekten der Münchner und Athener Akademien der letzten Jahrzehnte

    In vivo migration of labeled autologous natural killer cells to liver metastases in patients with colon carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Besides being the effectors of native anti-tumor cytotoxicity, NK cells participate in T-lymphocyte responses by promoting the maturation of dendritic cells (DC). Adherent NK (A-NK) cells constitute a subset of IL-2-stimulated NK cells which show increased expression of integrins and the ability to adhere to solid surface and to migrate, infiltrate, and destroy cancer. A critical issue in therapy of metastatic disease is the optimization of NK cell migration to tumor tissues and their persistence therein. This study compares localization to liver metastases of autologous A-NK cells administered via the systemic (intravenous, i.v.) versus locoregional (intraarterial, i.a.) routes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A-NK cells expanded ex-vivo with IL-2 and labeled with (111)In-oxine were injected i.a. in the liver of three colon carcinoma patients. After 30 days, each patient had a new preparation of (111)In-A-NK cells injected i.v. Migration of these cells to various organs was evaluated by SPET and their differential localization to normal and neoplastic liver was demonstrated after i.v. injection of (99m)Tc-phytate. RESULTS: A-NK cells expressed a donor-dependent CD56(+)CD16(+)CD3(- )(NK) or CD56(+)CD16(+)CD3(+ )(NKT) phenotype. When injected i.v., these cells localized to the lung before being visible in the spleen and liver. By contrast, localization of i.a. injected A-NK cells was virtually confined to the spleen and liver. Binding of A-NK cells to liver neoplastic tissues was observed only after i.a. injections. CONCLUSION: This unique study design demonstrates that A-NK cells adoptively transferred to the liver via the intraarterial route have preferential access and substantial accumulation to the tumor site

    Dicer1 Depletion in Male Germ Cells Leads to Infertility Due to Cumulative Meiotic and Spermiogenic Defects

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    Background: Spermatogenesis is a complex biological process that requires a highly specialized control of gene expression. In the past decade, small non-coding RNAs have emerged as critical regulators of gene expression both at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. DICER1, an RNAse III endonuclease, is essential for the biogenesis of several classes of small RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs), but is also critical for the degradation of toxic transposable elements. In this study, we investigated to which extent DICER1 is required for germ cell development and the progress of spermatogenesis in mice.Principal Findings: We show that the selective ablation of Dicer1 at the early onset of male germ cell development leads to infertility, due to multiple cumulative defects at the meiotic and post-meiotic stages culminating with the absence of functional spermatozoa. Alterations were observed in the first spermatogenic wave and include delayed progression of spermatocytes to prophase I and increased apoptosis, resulting in a reduced number of round spermatids. The transition from round to mature spermatozoa was also severely affected, since the few spermatozoa formed in mutant animals were immobile and misshapen, exhibiting morphological defects of the head and flagellum. We also found evidence that the expression of transposable elements of the SINE family is up-regulated in Dicer1-depleted spermatocytes.Conclusions/Significance: Our findings indicate that DICER1 is dispensable for spermatogonial stem cell renewal and mitotic proliferation, but is required for germ cell differentiation through the meiotic and haploid phases of spermatogenesis

    Effects of Scale-Dependent Non-Gaussianity on Cosmological Structures

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    The detection of primordial non-Gaussianity could provide a powerful means to test various inflationary scenarios. Although scale-invariant non-Gaussianity (often described by the fNLf_{NL} formalism) is currently best constrained by the CMB, single-field models with changing sound speed can have strongly scale-dependent non-Gaussianity. Such models could evade the CMB constraints but still have important effects at scales responsible for the formation of cosmological objects such as clusters and galaxies. We compute the effect of scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianity on cluster number counts as a function of redshift, using a simple ansatz to model scale-dependent features. We forecast constraints on these models achievable with forthcoming data sets. We also examine consequences for the galaxy bispectrum. Our results are relevant for the Dirac-Born-Infeld model of brane inflation, where the scale-dependence of the non-Gaussianity is directly related to the geometry of the extra dimensions.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures; references added, submitted to JCAP; typo corrected in Table 1, minor changes to the tex

    Low HDL Cholesterol, Smoking and IL-13 R130Q Polymorphism are Associated with Myocardial Infarction in Greek Cypriot Males. A Pilot Study

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    This study was carried out in Greek Cypriot males to identify risk factors that predispose to myocardial infarction (MI). Genetic and lipid risk factors were investigated for the first time in a Greek Cypriot male case-control study.Contrary to other studies, mean low density lipoprotein cholesterol did not differ between cases and controls. High density lipoprotein cholesterol on the other hand, although within normal range in cases and controls, was significantly higher in the control population. In agreement with many other studies, smoking was significantly more prevalent in cases compared with controls. In pooled cases and controls, smokers had a significantly lower HDL-C level compared with non-smokers. The frequency of the IL-13 R130Q homozygotes for the mutation (QQ), as well as the mutant allele were significantly higher in cases compared with controls. The IL-13 R130Q variant, or another locus, linked to it, may increase the risk of MI

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories: A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions.Henn Ojaveer and Maiju Lehtiniemi wish to acknowledge the project COMPLETE (Completing management options in the Baltic Sea region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping), co-financed by the European Union's funding Programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region (European Regional Development Fund). João Canning-Clode was supported by a starting grant in the framework of the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001) and wish to acknowledge the support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2019 granted to MARE

    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories : A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions. Highlights • Refined MSFD baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set in EU. • The inventories are given per EU Member State (MS) and MSFD subregion up to 2012. • The NIS lists provide a basis for reporting new NIS introductions in EU after 2012. • Our work constitutes a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation


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    Perfectionism is one of the personality traits of gifted children. When this trait, which may have positive or negative effects on the individual, is incorrectly handled by the child, it can cause problems such as anxiety and stress. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effects of bibliotherapy on perfectionism levels in gifted children. A total of 64 gifted children in the 3rd and 4th years of primary school (that is, children aged 9-10) took part in the study. The scale used to measure their perfectionism levels was the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS) (Özbay & Mısırlı-Tasdemir, 2003), while the Reading Attitude Scale (RAS)(Ünal, 2006) was used to measure attitudes to reading. A random selection of 14 individuals whose scores were above the group average was identified for this study, in which the 2X2 experimental model was applied. Of these 14, 7 who had received high scores in RAS were placed in the experimental group, while another 7 of the same ages and genders were placed in the control group. When equivalence between the two groups had been obtained, the 7-session bibliotherapy-based training program was administered by the researcher to the experimental group. As a result of the study, it was found that the bibliotherapy training program thus applied reduced perfectionism levels to a significant degree. This reduction was found to be significant in terms of the following sub-scales of MPS: excessive concern over making mistakes, personal standards, doubting the quality of one’s actions and preference for order, and organization (but not in the dimension of parental criticism).  Article visualizations