6,316 research outputs found

    One-dimensional structures behind twisted and untwisted superYang-Mills theory

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    We give a one-dimensional interpretation of the four-dimensional twisted N=1 superYang-Mills theory on a Kaehler manifold by performing an appropriate dimensional reduction. We prove the existence of a 6-generator superalgebra, which does not possess any invariant Lagrangian but contains two different subalgebras that determine the twisted and untwisted formulations of the N=1 superYang-Mills theory.Comment: 12 pages. Final version to appear in Lett. Math. Phys. with improved notation and misprints correcte

    J-shaped relation between blood pressure and stroke in treated hypertensives

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between hypertension and risk of stroke in the elderly. The study was performed within the framework of the Rotterdam Study, a prospective population-based cohort study. The risk of first-ever stroke was associated with hypertension (relative risk, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.2 t

    Open Wilson Lines and Group Theory of Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theory in Two Dimensions

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    The correlation functions of open Wilson line operators in two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on the noncommutative torus are computed exactly. The correlators are expressed in two equivalent forms. An instanton expansion involves only topological numbers of Heisenberg modules and enables extraction of the weak-coupling limit of the gauge theory. A dual algebraic expansion involves only group theoretic quantities, winding numbers and translational zero modes, and enables analysis of the strong-coupling limit of the gauge theory and the high-momentum behaviour of open Wilson lines. The dual expressions can be interpreted physically as exact sums over contributions from virtual electric dipole quanta.Comment: 37 pages. References adde

    A New Multiscale Approach to Nuclear Fuel Simulations: Atomistic Validation of Kinetic Method

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    A key issue for fuel behavior codes is their sensitivity to values of various materials properties, many of which have large uncertainties or have not been measured. Kinetic mesoscale models, such as those developed at Argonne National Laboratory within the past decade, are directly comparable to data obtained from in-reactor experiments. In the present paper, a new multiscale concept is proposed that consists of using atomistic simulation methods to verify the kinetic approach. The new concept includes kinetic rate-equations for radiation damage, energetics and kinetics of defects, and gas/defect-driven swelling of fuels as a function of temperature and burnup. The quantum and classical atomistic simulation methods are applied to increase our understanding of radiation damage and defect formation and growth processes and to calculate the probabilities of elemental processes and reactions that are applicable to irradiated nuclear materials

    Canonical Quantization of Open String and Noncommutative Geometry

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    We perform canonical quantization of open strings in the DD-brane background with a BB-field. Treating the mixed boundary condition as a primary constraint, we get a set of secondary constraints. Then these constraints are shown to be equivalent to orbifold conditions to be imposed on normal string modes. These orbifold conditions are a generalization of the familiar orbifold conditions which arise when we describe open strings in terms of closed strings. Solving the constraints explicitly, we obtain a simple Hamiltonian for the open string, which reveals the nature of noncommutativity transparently.Comment: 14 pages, RevTex, added reference

    Water demand forecasting accuracy and influencing factors at different spatial scales using a Gradient Boosting Machine

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    Understanding, comparing, and accurately predicting water demand at different spatial scales is an important goal that will allow effective targeting of the appropriate operational and conservation efforts under an uncertain future. This study uses data relating to water consumption available at the household level, as well as postcode locations, household characteristics, and weather data in order to identify the relationships between spatial scale, influencing factors, and forecasting accuracy. For this purpose, a Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) is used to predict water demand 1–7 days into the future. Results show an exponential decay in prediction accuracy from a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 3.2% to 17%, for a reduction in group size from 600 to 5 households. Adding explanatory variables to the forecasting model reduces the MAPE up to 20% for the peak days and smaller household groups (20–56 households), whereas for larger aggregations of properties (100–804 households), the range of improvement is much smaller (up to 1.2%). Results also show that certain types of input variables (past consumption and household characteristics) become more important for smaller aggregations of properties, whereas others (weather data) become less important.Sanitary Engineerin

    Comments on gluon 6-point scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM at strong coupling

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    We use the AdS/CFT prescription of Alday and Maldacena \cite{am} to analyze gluon 6-point scattering amplitudes at strong coupling in N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM. By cutting and gluing we obtain AdS 6-point amplitudes that contain extra boundary conditions and come close to matching the field theory results. We interpret them as parts of the field theory amplitudes, containing only certain diagrams. We also analyze the collinear limits of 6- and 5-point amplitudes and discuss the results.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, latex, references adde

    On the Strong Coupling Scaling Dimension of High Spin Operators

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    We give an exact analytic solution of the strong coupling limit of the integral equation which was recently proposed to describe the universal scaling function of high spin operators in N = 4 gauge theory. The solution agrees with the prediction from string theory, confirms the earlier numerical analysis and provides a basis for developing a systematic perturbation theory around strong coupling.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    The quark anti-quark potential and the cusp anomalous dimension from a TBA equation

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    We derive a set of integral equations of the TBA type for the generalized cusp anomalous dimension, or the quark antiquark potential on the three sphere, as a function of the angles. We do this by considering a family of local operators on a Wilson loop with charge L. In the large L limit the problem can be solved in terms of a certain boundary reflection matrix. We determine this reflection matrix by using the symmetries and the boundary crossing equation. The cusp is introduced through a relative rotation between the two boundaries. Then the TBA trick of exchanging space and time leads to an exact equation for all values of L. The L=0 case corresponds to the cusped Wilson loop with no operators inserted. We then derive a slightly simplified integral equation which describes the small angle limit. We solve this equation up to three loops in perturbation theory and match the results that were obtained with more direct approaches.Comment: 63 pages, 12 figures. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Generating AdS String Solutions

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    We use a Pohlmeyer type reduction to generate classical string solutions in AdS spacetime. In this framework we describe a correspondence between spikes in AdS_3 and soliton profiles of the sinh-Gordon equation. The null cusp string solution and its closed spinning string counterpart are related to the sinh-Gordon vacuum. We construct classical string solutions corresponding to sinh-Gordon solitons, antisolitons and breathers by the inverse scattering technique. The breather solutions can also be reproduced by the sigma model dressing method.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, references adde