12 research outputs found

    RNAi Screening in Drosophila Cells Identifies New Modifiers of Mutant Huntingtin Aggregation

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    The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster is well established as a model system in the study of human neurodegenerative diseases. Utilizing RNAi, we have carried out a high-throughput screen for modifiers of aggregate formation in Drosophila larval CNS-derived cells expressing mutant human Huntingtin exon 1 fused to EGFP with an expanded polyglutamine repeat (62Q). 7200 genes, encompassing around 50% of the Drosophila genome, were screened, resulting in the identification of 404 candidates that either suppress or enhance aggregation. These candidates were subjected to secondary screening in normal length (18Q)-expressing cells and pruned to remove dsRNAs with greater than 10 off-target effects (OTEs). De novo RNAi probes were designed and synthesized for the remaining 68 candidates. Following a tertiary round of screening, 21 high confidence candidates were analyzed in vivo for their ability to modify mutant Huntingtin-induced eye degeneration and brain aggregation. We have established useful models for the study of human HD using the fly, and through our RNAi screen, we have identified new modifiers of mutant human Huntingtin aggregation and aggregate formation in the brain. Newly identified modifiers including genes related to nuclear transport, nucleotide processes, and signaling, may be involved in polyglutamine aggregate formation and Huntington disease cascades

    Proteomic profiling of neuronal mitochondria reveals modulators of synaptic architecture

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    Abstract Background Neurons are highly polarized cells consisting of three distinct functional domains: the cell body (and associated dendrites), the axon and the synapse. Previously, it was believed that the clinical phenotypes of neurodegenerative diseases were caused by the loss of entire neurons, however it has recently become apparent that these neuronal sub-compartments can degenerate independently, with synapses being particularly vulnerable to a broad range of stimuli. Whilst the properties governing the differential degenerative mechanisms remain unknown, mitochondria consistently appear in the literature, suggesting these somewhat promiscuous organelles may play a role in affecting synaptic stability. Synaptic and non-synaptic mitochondrial subpools are known to have different enzymatic properties (first demonstrated by Lai et al., 1977). However, the molecular basis underpinning these alterations, and their effects on morphology, has not been well documented. Methods The current study has employed electron microscopy, label-free proteomics and in silico analyses to characterize the morphological and biochemical properties of discrete sub-populations of mitochondria. The physiological relevance of these findings was confirmed in-vivo using a molecular genetic approach at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Results Here, we demonstrate that mitochondria at the synaptic terminal are indeed morphologically different to non-synaptic mitochondria, in both rodents and human patients. Furthermore, generation of proteomic profiles reveals distinct molecular fingerprints – highlighting that the properties of complex I may represent an important specialisation of synaptic mitochondria. Evidence also suggests that at least 30% of the mitochondrial enzymatic activity differences previously reported can be accounted for by protein abundance. Finally, we demonstrate that the molecular differences between discrete mitochondrial sub-populations are capable of selectively influencing synaptic morphology in-vivo. We offer several novel mitochondrial candidates that have the propensity to significantly alter the synaptic architecture in-vivo. Conclusions Our study demonstrates discrete proteomic profiles exist dependent upon mitochondrial subcellular localization and selective alteration of intrinsic mitochondrial proteins alters synaptic morphology in-vivo

    A Versatile ΦC31 Based Reporter System for Measuring AP-1 and Nrf2 Signaling in Drosophila and in Tissue Culture

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    This paper describes the construction and characterization of a system of transcriptional reporter genes for monitoring the activity of signaling pathways and gene regulation mechanisms in intact Drosophila, dissected tissues or cultured cells. Transgenic integration of the reporters into the Drosophila germline was performed in a site-directed manner, using ΦC31 integrase. This strategy avoids variable position effects and assures low base level activity and high signal responsiveness. Defined integration sites furthermore enable the experimenter to compare the activity of different reporters in one organism. The reporter constructs have a modular design to facilitate the combination of promoter elements (synthetic transcription factor binding sites or natural regulatory sequences), reporter genes (eGFP, or DsRed.T4), and genomic integration sites. The system was used to analyze and compare the activity and signal response profiles of two stress inducible transcription factors, AP-1 and Nrf2. To complement the transgenic reporter fly lines, tissue culture assays were developed in which the same synthetic ARE and TRE elements control the expression of firefly luciferase

    Steroid Hormone Control of Cell Death and Cell Survival: Molecular Insights Using RNAi

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    The insect steroid hormone ecdysone triggers programmed cell death of obsolete larval tissues during metamorphosis and provides a model system for understanding steroid hormone control of cell death and cell survival. Previous genome-wide expression studies of Drosophila larval salivary glands resulted in the identification of many genes associated with ecdysone-induced cell death and cell survival, but functional verification was lacking. In this study, we test functionally 460 of these genes using RNA interference in ecdysone-treated Drosophila l(2)mbn cells. Cell viability, cell morphology, cell proliferation, and apoptosis assays confirmed the effects of known genes and additionally resulted in the identification of six new pro-death related genes, including sorting nexin-like gene SH3PX1 and Sox box protein Sox14, and 18 new pro-survival genes. Identified genes were further characterized to determine their ecdysone dependency and potential function in cell death regulation. We found that the pro-survival function of five genes (Ras85D, Cp1, CG13784, CG32016, and CG33087), was dependent on ecdysone signaling. The TUNEL assay revealed an additional two genes (Kap-α3 and Smr) with an ecdysone-dependent cell survival function that was associated with reduced cell death. In vitro, Sox14 RNAi reduced the percentage of TUNEL-positive l(2)mbn cells (p<0.05) following ecdysone treatment, and Sox14 overexpression was sufficient to induce apoptosis. In vivo analyses of Sox14-RNAi animals revealed multiple phenotypes characteristic of aberrant or reduced ecdysone signaling, including defects in larval midgut and salivary gland destruction. These studies identify Sox14 as a positive regulator of ecdysone-mediated cell death and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the ecdysone signaling network governing cell death and cell survival