177 research outputs found

    Nature et fonction de la mémoire dans À la recherche du temps perdu

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    Dans À la recherche du temps perdu, Proust est, en réalité, à la recherche de son identité, de son moi profond et véritable. Pour ce faire, il s'isole du présent dans le but de se retrouver dans le passé. Cependant, la « résurrection du passé », qui doit lui apporter le salut éperdument recherché, n'est pas le produit de la mémoire volontaire. Cette forme de mémoire, fonction de l'évocation objective et « quasi-dépersonnalisée », n'a pas, au dire de Proust, le don de nous représenter le passé dans sa plénitude totale. Dès lors, elle ne saurait le conduire au moi profond, dont elle ne pourrait lui donner qu'une image factice et tronquée. En revanche, la mémoire authentique, selon Proust, est la mémoire involontaire, qui est liée à l'actualité de notre vie par la plus mystérieuse des intimités. Et même, à l'en croire, cette mémoire aurait une fonction méta- physique précise, qui serait de nous révéler notre moi profond, de faire émerger, à la surface de la monotonie de notre présent, notre « essence ». C'est que, pour Proust, le souvenir involontaire n'est pas, en réalité, quelque chose qu'on a, mais bien quelque chose qu'on est. Son rôle n'est pas seulement de fixer des événements écoulés, mais de nous exprimer nous-même, d'affirmer, par delà la multiplicité de nos moi changeants et superficiels, l'identité et la permanence d'un moi authentique et profond.In Remembrance of Things Past (À la recherche du temps perdu), Proust is actually searching for his own identity, his innermost, true self. In order to do this, he isolates himself from the present, with the aim of finding himself in the past. However, the "resurrection of the past", which ought to bring him the salvation so desperately sought, is not the product of voluntary memory. This form of memory, function of the ob- jective, "quasi-depersonalized" evocation, does not have the capability of presenting the past to us again in its totality. Consequently, it could not lead him to the innermost self, of which it could give him only a factitious and truncated image. On the other hand, the authentic memory is the involuntary memory, which is linked to the reality of our life by the most mysterious connections. This memory, according to Proust, would even have a precise metaphysical function, which would be to reveal to us our innermost self, to make our "essence" emerge at the surface of the monotony of our present. This means that the involuntary remembrance is not, in reality, something that one has, but rather something that one is. Its role is not only to set events in time, but to explain ourself to us, to affirm, over and above the multiplicity of our changing and superficial selves, the identity and permanence of an au- thentic, innermost self

    Industrial and military architecture of seaports, comparative analysis of reconversion of industrial and military heritage

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    Přístavní města Brest, Lorient a Saint-Nazaire byla díky své strategické pozici na pobřeží Atlantiku zničena bombardováním spojenců během druhé světové války. V poválečném období tato města využila nezbytnost obnovy k radikálním zásahům do městské struktury. Zmíněné historické události byly novou příležitostí jak zlepšit funkčnost města. Také dnes se nabízí nová šance. Vojenské a průmyslové zóny v přístavech, které byly vždy důsledně od měst oddělené, se uvolňují od svých původních aktivit. Města dostávají k dispozici tyto rozlehlé parcely v blízkosti jejich center a ocitají se v situaci, která jim umožňuje prostřednictvím rekonverze, již podruhé v tak krátké historii, přepracovat urbanistickou strukturu středů měst.During World War II, seaports Brest, Lorient and Saint-Nazaire were heavily destroyed because of their strategic location on the Atlantic coastline. Those historical events could be considered as new opportunities for the seaports to realise new thoughts and ambitious architectural projects in order to improve the functionality of the urban organism. In these days, a new occasion has come. Military and industrial areas, which were always thoroughly separated from the town centres, have been now releasing from their original activity. There are huge free building sites in the middle of the cities, waiting for the urban architects.

    Potentiel d'adaptation des modèles de fonte de glaciers tempérés aux spécificités des glaciers tropicaux

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    Au Pérou, l’approvisionnement en eau douce de plus de 200 millions de personnes est relié à la fonte des glaciers tropicaux. Ces glaciers ont montré une grande sensibilité aux changements climatiques ces dernières années perdant 30% de leur surface en 30 ans. Malgré l’ampleur potentielle des conséquences futures de ce retrait, les projections de l’évolution des ressources en eau dans les bassins versants alimentés par les glaciers tropicaux restent limitées en nombre et en précision. Une des raisons de cette situation est le faible choix actuel d’outils de modélisation adaptés aux spécificités des glaciers tropicaux. En effet, la majorité des modèles existants ont été conçus pour des glaciers tempérés et sont potentiellement inadaptés aux spécificités du climat tropical qui se distingue notamment par la puissance et la stabilité temporelle du rayonnement solaire incident. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer des axes d’améliorations d’un modèle hydrologique « traditionnel » à base physique en intégrant tour à tour trois modules adaptés aux spécificités des glaciers tropicaux : un module d’ombre du relief avoisinant sur le glacier, un module multicouche de calcul de la température de glace et un module de sublimation permettant de prendre en compte la compétition entre la fonte et la sublimation. L’étude a été réalisée pour le glacier péruvien du Cuchillacocha situé à 20 km de Huaraz (Ancash) sur la cordillère Blanche sur des séries de données collectées en 2013 et 2014. Les trois modules proposés ont tous eu pour effet de réduire le volume de fonte simulé par rapport au modèle traditionnel. Les résultats montrent également que les modules de température de glace et d’ombre ont des effets comparables et modérés sur l’estimation des volumes de fonte alors que le module de sublimation a un effet prononcé et variable entre les deux années de simulation. Cette étude montre que chacun des modules proposés représente un axe potentiel d’amélioration en modélisation hydrologique des bassins versants alimentés par des glaciers tropicaux. Ces modules nécessiteront cependant des efforts de développement supplémentaires avant de pouvoir être intégrés de manière optimale dans des modèles existants

    Usability flaws of medication-related alerting functions: A systematic qualitative review

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    AbstractIntroductionMedication-related alerting functions may include usability flaws that limit their optimal use. A first step on the way to preventing usability flaws is to understand the characteristics of these usability flaws. This systematic qualitative review aims to analyze the type of usability flaws found in medication-related alerting functions.MethodPapers were searched via PubMed, Scopus and Ergonomics Abstracts databases, along with references lists. Paper selection, data extraction and data analysis was performed by two to three Human Factors experts. Meaningful semantic units representing instances of usability flaws were the main data extracted. They were analyzed through qualitative methods: categorization following general usability heuristics and through an inductive process for the flaws specific to medication-related alerting functions.Main resultsFrom the 6380 papers initially identified, 26 met all eligibility criteria. The analysis of the papers identified a total of 168 instances of usability flaws that could be classified into 13 categories of usability flaws representing either violations of general usability principles (i.e. they could be found in any system, e.g. guidance and workload issues) or infractions specific to medication-related alerting functions. The latter refer to issues of low signal-to-noise ratio, incomplete content of alerts, transparency, presentation mode and timing, missing alert features, tasks and control distribution.Main conclusionThe list of 168 instances of usability flaws of medication-related alerting functions provides a source of knowledge for checking the usability of medication-related alerting functions during their design and evaluation process and ultimately constructs evidence-based usability design principles for these functions

    Usability testing: a review of some methodological and technical aspects of the method

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    The aim of this paper is to review some work conducted in the field of user testing that aims at specifying or clarifying the test procedures and at defining and developing tools to help conduct user tests. The topics that have been selected were considered relevant for evaluating applications in the field of medical and health care informatics. These topics are: the number of participants that should take part in a user test, the test procedure, remote usability evaluation, usability testing tools, and evaluating mobile applications

    Extensive myelitis associated with anti-NMDA receptor antibodies.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Encephalitis with anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies (anti-NMDAR-Ab) is a rapid-onset encephalitis including psychosis, seizures, various movement disorders and autonomic system disturbances. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a very unusual case of extensive myelitis associated with anti-NMDAR-Ab. MRI also revealed a hyperintense T2 lesion, non-suggestive of MS, which progressively extended, associated with periventricular gadolinium enhancement visualized on brain MRI. Ophthalmological evaluation showed subclinical right optic neuritis. The absence of anti-AQP4 antibody argued against neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. A slight psychomotor slowing prompted us to search for various causes of autoimmune encephalitis. Anti-NMDAR-Ab was found in cerebrospinal fluid. CONCLUSION: In patients with extensive myelitis who are seronegative for anti-AQP4 antibodies, and after other classical causes have been excluded, the hypothesis of atypical anti-NMDAR-Ab encephalitis should also be considered

    Contribution of Aeromagnetic Data to the Structural Discontinuities Identification of Black Volta Catch-ment Aquifer System in Côte d'Ivoire

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    This study aims to improve the structural knowledge of the fissured aquifers of the Black Volta catchment in Côte d'Ivoire based on the mapping of magnetic lineaments that represent magnetic discontinuities such as magmatic body contacts or tectonic faults. Four filtering methods: pole reduction (equator), gradient (vertical and hori-zontal), upward extension, and angle tilt were applied to the residual magnetic field map to extract magnetic discontinuities using the Oasis Montaj (Geosoft) program. Euler deconvolution coupled with the analytical signal provided, in addition to the horizontal location of the magnetic contacts, an indication of their depths. The re-sulting structural map contains 458 structures with lengths ranging from 9.03 to 66.54 km. Three directions: NW-SE, E-W and NE-SW were detected, with a predomi-nance of the NW-SE direction. Depths estimated by Euler solutions range from 6.8 to 2847 m. This map is consistent with many faults already recognised or assumed by traditional structural studies and tectonic events affecting the Ivorian basement. These results contribute significantly to the improvement of the structural map of the Black Volta Basin in Côte d'Ivoire. In addition to the major known tectonic faults, numerous lineaments, particularly those at depth, have been highlighted by the pre-sent study.  &nbsp

    Contribution of Aeromagnetic Data to the Structural Discontinuities Identification of Black Volta Catch-ment Aquifer System in Côte d'Ivoire

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    This study aims to improve the structural knowledge of the fissured aquifers of the Black Volta catchment in Côte d'Ivoire based on the mapping of magnetic lineaments that represent magnetic discontinuities such as magmatic body contacts or tectonic faults. Four filtering methods: pole reduction (equator), gradient (vertical and hori-zontal), upward extension, and angle tilt were applied to the residual magnetic field map to extract magnetic discontinuities using the Oasis Montaj (Geosoft) program. Euler deconvolution coupled with the analytical signal provided, in addition to the horizontal location of the magnetic contacts, an indication of their depths. The re-sulting structural map contains 458 structures with lengths ranging from 9.03 to 66.54 km. Three directions: NW-SE, E-W and NE-SW were detected, with a predomi-nance of the NW-SE direction. Depths estimated by Euler solutions range from 6.8 to 2847 m. This map is consistent with many faults already recognised or assumed by traditional structural studies and tectonic events affecting the Ivorian basement. These results contribute significantly to the improvement of the structural map of the Black Volta Basin in Côte d'Ivoire. In addition to the major known tectonic faults, numerous lineaments, particularly those at depth, have been highlighted by the pre-sent study.  &nbsp

    Real-life study to assess effectiveness and safety of eculizumab in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders in France: protocol for ECUP4, an observational study

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    BackgroundEculizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting the C5 complement protein, has been approved for the treatment of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) in adult patients who are anti-aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody positive (Ab+). The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term effectiveness and safety of eculizumab in French adults with NMOSD and to describe patients' characteristics, disability, and quality of life using data collected in a real-world setting.MethodsThis is the protocol for ECUP4, an ongoing prospective, observational, non-comparative, multicenter study conducted in 32 reference centers in France. Eligible patients must also be enrolled in NOMADMUS, a nested cohort of the French national multiple sclerosis registry (OFSEP). The primary endpoint is the annualized relapse rate. Secondary endpoints include the long-term safety of eculizumab, as well as patients' characteristics, treatment outcomes, disability, pain, visual acuity, and quality of life. Visits and treatments follow routine clinical practice. The case report forms (CRF) comprise data recorded in the context of the NOMADMUS cohort, collected during routine visits. The inclusion period is planned for 3 years, with no limitation on the number of patients enrolled. The maximum follow-up duration will be 5.5 years.ConclusionThe efficacy and safety of eculizumab in patients with AQP4+ NMOSD have been demonstrated in randomized clinical trials that showed a significant reduction in the risk of relapse, with a safety profile consistent with other indications. This study will provide clinical and patient-reported evidence of the benefits of eculizumab, using data from a real-world setting in France.Trial registration numberThis study is registered at the French public repertory Health data Hub, N° F20211228123801. All information can be accessed at: https://www.health-data-hub.fr/

    Immunopathogenesis and proposed clinical score for identifying Kelch-like protein-11 encephalitis

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    In this study, we report the clinical features of Kelch-like protein 11 antibody-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, design and validate a clinical score to facilitate the identification of patients that should be tested for Kelch-like protein 11 antibodies, and examine in detail the nature of the immune response in both the brain and the tumour samples for a better characterization of the immunopathogenesis of this condition. The presence of Kelch-like protein 11 antibodies was retrospectively assessed in patients referred to the French Reference Center for paraneoplastic neurological syndrome and autoimmune encephalitis with (i) antibody-negative paraneoplastic neurological syndrome [limbic encephalitis (n = 105), cerebellar degeneration (n = 33)] and (ii) antibody-positive paraneoplastic neurological syndrome [Ma2-Ab encephalitis (n = 34), antibodies targeting N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis with teratoma (n = 49)]. Additionally, since 1 January 2020, patients were prospectively screened for Kelch-like protein 11 antibodies as new usual clinical practice. Overall, Kelch-like protein 11 antibodies were detected in 11 patients [11/11, 100% were male; their median (range) age was 44 (35-79) years], 9 of them from the antibody-negative paraneoplastic neurological syndrome cohort, 1 from the antibody-positive (Ma2-Ab) cohort and 1 additional prospectively detected patient. All patients manifested a cerebellar syndrome, either isolated (4/11, 36%) or part of a multi-system neurological disorder (7/11, 64%). Additional core syndromes were limbic encephalitis (5/11, 45%) and myelitis (2/11, 18%). Severe weight loss (7/11, 64%) and hearing loss/tinnitus (5/11, 45%) were common. Rarer neurologic manifestations included hypersomnia and seizures (2/11, 18%). Two patients presented phenotypes resembling primary neurodegenerative disorders (progressive supranuclear palsy and flail arm syndrome, respectively). An associated cancer was found in 9/11 (82%) patients; it was most commonly (7/9, 78%) a spontaneously regressed ('burned-out') testicular germ cell tumour. A newly designed clinical score (MATCH score: male, ataxia, testicular cancer, hearing alterations) with a cut-off ≥4 successfully identified patients with Kelch-like protein 11 antibodies (sensitivity 78%, specificity 99%). Pathological findings (three testicular tumours, three lymph node metastases of testicular tumours, one brain biopsy) showed the presence of a T-cell inflammation with resulting anti-tumour immunity in the testis and one chronic, exhausted immune response - demonstrated by immune checkpoint expression - in the metastases and the brain. In conclusion, these findings suggest that Kelch-like protein 11 antibody paraneoplastic neurological syndrome is a homogeneous clinical syndrome and its detection can be facilitated using the MATCH score. The pathogenesis is probably T-cell mediated, but the stages of inflammation are different in the testis, metastases and the brain