31 research outputs found

    Migmatite formation in a crustal-scale shear zone during continental subduction: an example from a high-pressure granitic orthogneiss from the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (NE Bohemian Massif)

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    Petrological study and pseudosection modelling have been carried out in high-grade orthogneisses of the southern domain of the Orlica- Snieznik Dome (NE Bohemian Massif). The studied samples are from an outcrop dominated by two deformation fabrics, a sub-horizontal S1 foliation defined by bands of recrystallized K-feldspar, quartz and plagioclase folded by centimetre- to several metre-scale close to isoclinal folds associated with development of a new subvertical N-S trending foliation S2. Based on field features and textural observations, a gradual transition from banded mylonitic orthogneiss (Type I) to stromatitic (Type II), schlieren (type III) and nebulitic (type IV) textures typical of migmatities can be distinguished. The banded orthogneiss is composed of almost monomineral recrystallized K-feldspar layers (2 to 10 mm thick) alternating with layers of plagioclase and quartz (1 to 4mm thick), parallel to the S1 limb and the axial planar S2 foliation. The stromatitic migmatite shows 1 to 4 mm thick layers with macroscopically diffuse boundaries between plagioclase, quartz and K-feldspar rich domains. Boundaries between quartz and feldspar layers are poorly defined and interlobed with adjacent minerals. The schlieren migmatite is almost isotropic preserving small K-feldspar-rich domains within a matrix characterized by random distribution of phases, whereas in the nebulitic migmatite the microstructure is completely isotropic characterized by random distribution of phases. The transition from the Type I to IV is characterized by increasing nucleation of interstitial phases along like-like grain boundaries, by a decrease of grain size of all phases and by progressive disintegration of recrystallized K-feldspar grains by embayments of fine-grained myrmekite. The mineral assemblage of all types consists of biotite, white micas, garnet, quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase, and accessory apatite, ilmenite, zircon and monazite. In the mineral equilibria modelling, the core of garnet (alm0.58, py0.02-0.03, grs0.34, sps0.05) and phengite (Si = 3.38-3.20 p.f.u) is consistent with a P-T peak at 10-13 kbar and 720-750 C in the dominant grt-bt-ph-rt-qtz-pl-kfs mineral assemblage. The garnet rim (alm0.68, py0.02-0.03, grs0.11, sps0.21), white mica rim (Si = 3.10 p.f.u) together with unzoned biotite (XFe = 0.76-0.78) match the modelled isopleths in the middle-P part of the grt-bt-ph-ilm-qtz-pl-kfs field to reach the solidus at 78 kbar and 630650 C. In addition, the absence of prograde garnet zoning in the Type I to III suggests that the garnet was completely re-equilibrated during the retrograde history, whereas in the Type IV the HP garnet chemistry was preserved. This is discussed in frame of melt presence in different migmatite types along their P-T path. Based on mineral equilibria modelling it is argued for fluid/melt-fluxed melting at HP conditions and on exhumation. The migmatite textural types are a result of grain-scale melt migration process and not of a localized melt transport in dykes as known from metasediments

    Syn-deformational melt percolation through a high-pressure orthogneiss and the exhumation of a subducted continental wedge (Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, NE Bohemian Massif)

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    High-pressure granitic orthogneiss of the south-eastern Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (NE Bohemian Massif) shows relics of a shallow-dipping S1 foliation, reworked by upright F2 folds and a mostly pervasive N-S trending subvertical axial planar S2 foliation. Based on macroscopic observations, a gradual transition perpendicular to the subvertical S2 foliation from banded to schlieren and nebulitic orthogneiss was distinguished. All rock types comprise plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, white mica, biotite and garnet. The transition is characterized by increasing presence of interstitial phases along like-like grain boundaries and by progressive replacement of recrystallized K-feldspar grains by fine-grained myrmekite. These textural changes are characteristic for syn-deformational grain-scale melt percolation, which is in line with the observed enrichment of the rocks in incompatible elements such as REEs, Ba, Sr, and K, suggesting open-system behaviour with melt passing through the rocks. The P-T path deduced from the thermodynamic modelling indicates decompression from ~15−16 kbar and ~650-740 ºC to ~6 kbar and ~640 ºC. Melt was already present at the P-T peak conditions as indicated by the albitic composition of plagioclase in films, interstitial grains and in myrmekite. The variably re-equilibrated garnet suggests that melt content may have varied along the decompression path, involving successively both melt gain and loss. The 6-8 km wide zone of vertical foliation and migmatite textural gradients is interpreted as vertical crustal-scale channel where the grain-scale melt percolation was associated with horizontal shortening and vertical flow of partially molten crustal wedge en masse

    Women with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa : Individual and family characteristics, with particular emphasis on perfectionism

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    This study investigated socio-cultural, family and individual factors associated with anorexia and bulimia nervosa, with particular emphasis on dysfunctional perfectionism, and adopting a general social learning perspective. Theories of the development of eating disorders were interwoven with theories of the development of perfectionism. A model was proposed for the development of anorexia and bulimia nervosa via a dysfunctional perfectionism pathway. The 135 participants, aged 18 to 40 years, were women with anorexia nervosa (N=25), bulimia nervosa (N=32), Type 1 diabetes (N= 53, a North Canterbury population-based sample), and healthy women students (N=25). The women with eating disorders were recruited from various treatment centres throughout New Zealand. Participants completed a battery of seven self-report psychometric tests, namely, the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS), Setting Conditions for Anorexia Nervosa Scale (SCANS), Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and Family Environment Scale (FES). Analysis of Covariance, using the BDI as a covariate, revealed that, in addition to measures concerned with weight, shape and dieting, both anorexia and bulimia nervosa group means were significantly higher than both healthy and diabetes group means for EDI-2 Interpersonal Distrust and Social Insecurity; MPS Concern over Mistakes, Personal Standards, and Parental Criticism; and TPQ Harm A voidance, and significantly different from the healthy group mean for MPS Parental Expectations; SCANS Perfectionism; and PBI Maternal Protection, Maternal Care, and Paternal Care. Correlational analyses confirmed hypothesized moderate or strong associations between some perfectionism measures and other characteristics of women with eating disorders, such as a harm-avoidant temperament, and perceptions of maternal overprotection. Discriminant function analysis revealed seven variables, in combination, that maximally discriminated between eating disordered and non-eating disordered groups: three EDI-2 variables of Drive for Thinness, Ineffectiveness, and Social Insecurity, three MPS subscales of Concern over Mistakes, Personal Standards, and Doubts about Actions, and the BDI. Of the three instruments measuring perfectionism, in this study, only the MPS effectively discriminated between eating disordered and non-eating disordered groups. Findings indicated the importance of controlling for depression when comparing eating disordered groups with other groups, and that dysfunctional perfectionism is largely independent of the mood of the respondent. Findings suggest that the PBI may be limited by cultural sensitivity. Findings led to questioning of the applicability of the EDI-SC to diabetes groups and of the validity of the Novelty Seeking and Reward Dependence Dimensions of the TPQ. In concluding that dysfunctional perfectionism is a key personality characteristic of women with anorexia and bulimia nervosa, it is argued that multidimensional measures of perfectionism provide more insight than unidimensional measures into the dysfunctional facets of perfectionism, and that perfectionism per se is not necessarily problematic. Dysfunctional perfectionism may distinguish psychopathology associated with anorexia and bulimia nervosa from numerous other forms of psychopathology, including depression. Although aetiological factors were not assessed in this study, the MPS and PBI, considered in conjunction with the theoretical literature, may provide insight into the development of dysfunctional perfectionism. This has implications for the treatment and prevention of eating disorders

    Analog laboratory experiments of gravity gliding in salt-bearing rift basins

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    Salt tectonic processes in rift basin are mainly driven by sub- and supra-salt faulting and sedimentary loading. However, since the formation of a rift basin is often accompanied and followed by thermal subsidence, flanks of the rift basin are tilted, which induces an additional basinward directed driver for salt tectonics. We designed a new experimental analog apparatus integrating the processes of sub-salt graben extension and tilting of the flanks so that their overlapping effects on the deformation of a viscous substratum and the brittle overburden can be simulated. In total, seven experiments were performed in the analog laboratory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science (Prague, Czech Republic) and presented in the paper related to this data publication. The experimental surface was recorded by stereoscopic cameras. Images were acquired and processed by the StrainMaster© (LaVision GmbH) 3D digital image correlation (DIC; Davis 10.2) software. The data set presented here includes (1) data of the DIC: - Displacement and strain maps showing final displacement (total displacement, x-displacement, z-displacement) and strain (normal strain in x-direction) observed at the experimental surface as well as averaged values of these parameters related to experimental time (2) data related to the scaling procedure: - Data of the dimensionless Argand number and Brittle-ductile-coupling - Data of the density of natural sediments and of analog materials Detailed descriptions of the experiments, method and results can be found in Warsitzka, et al. (2021) to which this data set is supplement. The subfolders in the data are named according to the experiments in the related paper