16 research outputs found

    Polarization Impact in TanDEM-X Data Over Vertical-Oriented Vegetation: The Paddy-Rice Case Study

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    It has been recently shown that the TanDEM-X mission is capable of tracking the plant growth of rice paddies. The precision of the elevation measure depends on the physical interaction between the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signal and the canopy. In this letter, this interaction is studied by considering the signal polarization. In particular, the vertical and horizontal wave polarizations are compared, and their performance in the temporal mapping of the crop height is analyzed. The temporal elevation difference analysis shows a monotonically increasing trend within the reproductive stage of the canopy, with maximum height discrepancies between polarizations of about 9 cm. From an operational point of view of InSAR-based vegetation height measurements, this letter demonstrates that the oriented structure of the canopy shall be considered not only in polarimetric InSAR studies but also in the interpretation of bistatic spaceborne interferometric elevation models

    Assessment of Paddy Rice Height: Sequential Inversion of Coherent and Incoherent Model

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    This paper investigates the evolution of canopy height of rice fields for a complete growth cycle. For this purpose, copolar interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (Pol-InSAR) time series data were acquired during the large across-track baseline (>1 km) science phase of the TanDEM-X mission. The height of rice canopies is estimated by three different model-based approaches. The first approach evaluates the inversion of the Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) model. The second approach evaluates the inversion of a metamodel-driven electromagnetic backscattering model by including a priori morphological information. The third approach combines the previous two processes. The validation analysis was carried out using the Pol-InSAR and ground measurement data acquired between May and September in 2015 over rice fields located in Ipsala district of Edirne, Turkey. The results of presented height estimation algorithms demonstrated the advantage of Pol-InSAR data. The combined RvoG model and EM metamodel height estimation approach provided rice canopy heights with errors less than 20 cm for the complete growth cycle

    Comparison of the TanDEM-X response between vertical and horizontal oriented vegetation

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    The results of a two-year precision agriculture project have clearly demonstrated that TanDEM-X can successfully clas-sify crops morphology through cultivation period. It has been found that TanDEM-X mission is capable of tracking the crop height, and the accuracy of the height estimation depends on the crop morphology, which causes a diversity between canopy top and acquisition phase center. In this work, in addition to interferometry with single polarized channels, polarimetric-interferometric acquisitions have been employed to figure out phase center diversity. The analysis showed that there is a diversity between height estimations from HH and VV polarized interferometric channels, which can reach to 10 cm in the reproductive stages of the crops

    Estimation of Rice Crop Height from X- and C-Band PolSAR by Metamodel-Based Optimization

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    Rice crops are important in global food economy and are monitored by precise agricultural methods, in which crop morphology in high spatial resolution becomes the point of interest. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology is being used for such agricultural purposes. Using polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data, plant morphology dependent electromagnetic scattering models can be used to approximate the backscattering behaviors of the crops. However, the inversion of such models for the morphology estimation is complex, ill-posed, and computationally expensive. Here, a metamodel-based probabilistic inversion algorithm is proposed to invert the morphology-based scattering model for the crop biophysical parameter mainly focusing on the crop height estimation. The accuracy of the proposed approach is tested with ground measured biophysical parameters on rice fields in two different bands (X and C) and several channel combinations. Results show that in C-band the combination of the HH and VV channels has the highest overall accuracy through the crop growth cycle. Finally, the proposed metamodel-based probabilistic biophysical parameter retrieval algorithm allows estimation of rice crop height using PolSAR data with high accuracy and low computation cost. This research provides a new perspective on the use of PolSAR data in modern precise agriculture studies

    Crop height estimation of rice fields by X-and C-Band PolSAR

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    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data is sensitive to morphology of agricultural crops as dimensionality of the stalks, leaves and panicles through their electromagnetic scattering characteristics. Thus, models based on the radiative transfer of a polarized electromagnetic wave can be used to model the backscattering response of an agricultural canopy. In this study, a metamodel-based probabilistic inversion algorithm is presented to invert the morphology based scattering model for the crop height estimation. The accuracy analysis are conducted with respect to ground measured height of rice canopies for polarimetric TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 data. © VDE VERLAG GMBH · Berlin · Offenbach

    Rice Growth Monitoring by Means of X-Band Co-polar SAR: Feature Clustering and BBCH Scale

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    Precision agriculture research, which aims to monitor agricultural fields and to manage agricultural practice by considering overall environmental impacts, has gained momentum with the recent improvements in the remote sensing area. The objective of this letter, as a part of precision farming, is to implement Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemische Industrie (BBCH) scale assignment in plant growth monitoring by means of SAR. The proposed approach copes with structural heterogeneity in agricultural fields by grouping together similar morphologies. For this, densely cultivated paddy rice fields are analyzed using TerraSAR-X (TSX) co-polar SAR data. For generating structurally similar groups, K-means clustering is used in a polarimetric feature vector space, which is composed of backscattering intensities and polarimetric phase differences. This step is followed by a preliminary classification approach based on the temporal separability of the explanatory parameters. In the last step of the proposed methodology, assigned classes are updated based on the biological principles that are followed in rice cultivation. This letter provides the results of the proposed algorithm and compares them to the standard threshold-based approach in two independent agricultural areas. The results show the superiority of the feature-clustering-based classification compared with the standard approach in handling field heterogeneity

    A Multi-Year Study on Rice Morphological Parameter Estimation with X-Band Polsar Data

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    Rice fields have been monitored with spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems for decades. SAR is an essential source of data and allows for the estimation of plant properties such as canopy height, leaf area index, phenological phase, and yield. However, the information on detailed plant morphology in meter-scale resolution is necessary for the development of better management practices. This letter presents the results of the procedure that estimates the stalk height, leaf length and leaf width of rice fields from a copolar X-band TerraSAR-X time series data based on a priori phenological phase. The methodology includes a computationally efficient stochastic inversion algorithm of a metamodel that mimics a radiative transfer theory-driven electromagnetic scattering (EM) model. The EM model and its metamodel are employed to simulate the backscattering intensities from flooded rice fields based on their simplified physical structures. The results of the inversion procedure are found to be accurate for cultivation seasons from 2013 to 2015 with root mean square errors less than 13.5 cm for stalk height, 7 cm for leaf length, and 4 mm for leaf width parameters. The results of this research provided new perspectives on the use of EM models and computationally efficient metamodels for agriculture management practices

    Understanding Fields by Remote Sensing: Soil Zoning and Property Mapping

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    Precision agriculture aims to optimize field management to increase agronomic yield, reduce environmental impact, and potentially foster soil carbon sequestration. In 2015, the Copernicus mission, with Sentinel-1 and -2, opened a new era by providing freely available high spatial and temporal resolution satellite data. Since then, many studies have been conducted to understand, monitor and improve agricultural systems. This paper presents results from the SolumScire project, focusing on the prediction of the spatial distribution of soil zones and topsoil properties, such as pH, soil organic matter (SOM) and clay content in agricultural fields through random forest algorithms. For this purpose, samples from 120 fields were investigated. The zoning and soil property prediction has an accuracy greater than 90%. This is supported by a high agreement of the derived zones with farmer’s observations. The trained models revealed a prediction accuracy of 94%, 89% and 96% for pH, SOM and clay content, respectively. The obtained models for soil properties can support precision field management, the improvement of soil sampling and fertilization strategies, and eventually the management of soil properties such as SOM.ISSN:2072-429