476 research outputs found

    Stripe antiferromagnetic correlations in LaFeAsO1-xFx probed by 75As NMR

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    The anisotropy of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_{1} of 75^{75}As was investigated in the iron-based superconductor LaFeAs(O1x_{1-x}Fx_{x}) (x=0.07,0.11x = 0.07, 0.11 and 0.14) as well as LaFeAsO. While the temperature dependence of the normal-state 1/T1T1/T_1T in the superconducting (SC) x=0.07x = 0.07 is different from that in the SC x=0.11x = 0.11, their anisotropy of 1/T11/T_1, R(1/T1)Hab/(1/T1)HcR \equiv (1/T_{1})_{H \parallel ab}/(1/T_{1})_{H \parallel c} in the normal state is almost the same (\simeq 1.5). The observed anisotropy is ascribable to the presence of the local stripe correlations with Q=(π,0)Q = (\pi, 0) or (0,π)(0, \pi). In contrast, 1/T11/T_1 is isotropic and RR is approximately 1 in the overdoped x=0.14x = 0.14 sample, where superconductivity is almost suppressed. These results suggest that the presence of the local stripe correlations originating from the nesting between hole and electron Fermi surfaces is linked to high-TcT_c superconductivity in iron pnictides.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    ^{31}P and ^{75}As NMR evidence for a residual density of states at zero energy in superconducting BaFe_2(As_{0.67}P_{0.33})_2

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    ^{31}P and ^{75}As NMR measurements were performed in superconducting BaFe_2(As_{0.67}P_{0.33})_2 with T_c = 30 K. The nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation rate T_1^{-1} and the Knight shift in the normal state indicate the development of antiferromagnetic fluctuations, and T_1^{-1} in the superconducting (SC) state decreases without a coherence peak just below T_c, as observed in (Ba_{1-x}K_{x})Fe_2As_2. In contrast to other iron arsenide superconductors, the T_1^{-1} \propto T behavior is observed below 4K, indicating the presence of a residual density of states at zero energy. Our results suggest that strikingly different SC gaps appear in BaFe_2(As_{1-x}P_{x})_2 despite a comparable T_c value, an analogous phase diagram, and similar Fermi surfaces to (Ba_{1-x}K_{x})Fe_2As_2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Liposome immunoassay based on bio luminescent detection and its application to on-chip analysis

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    Luc-encapsulated liposomes were employed to develop on-chip immunoassays. Straight-channel chips were better than microbead for V-cup chips to immobilize several antibodies. Straight-channel chip that has PDMS flat substrate and wider channel (1000 μm) was optimum for this assay. To detect high BL intensity, fast flow rate (300 μl/min) was better than slower flow rate because channel was filled up with substrate quickly. However, substrate volume and lysis buffer didn't affect the detecttion high BL intensity. This implies that a sufficient amount of substrate was delivered to Luc in the liposomes. The LOD of CRP in this assay was 10 ng/mL

    Cost Analysis of Screening for IgA Nephropathy Using Novel Biomarkers

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    [Objectives] IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary chronic glomerulonephritis and a major cause of end-stage kidney disease worldwide. Novel biomarkers, including the aberrantly glycosylated IgA1 and glycan-specific antibodies, could be useful in the diagnosis of IgAN. The aim of this study was to assess the cost analysis of IgAN screening using novel biomarkers in addition to the conventional screening compared with conventional screening alone. [Methods] To estimate the medical expense of each strategy related to renal disease for 40 years, we developed an analytical decision model. The decision tree started at “40 years of age with first-time hematuria.” It simulated 2 clinical strategies: IgAN screening using the novel biomarkers (group N) and conventional screening (group C). The analysis results were presented as medical expenses from a societal perspective. Discounting was not conducted. [Results] The expected medical expense per person for 40 years was ¥31.2 million (~291000)ingroupNand¥33.4million( 291 000) in group N and ¥33.4 million (~312 000) in group C; hence, expense in group N was lower by ¥2.2 million (~$21 000). In group N, the expected value of IgAN increased by 5.67% points (N 48.44%, C 42.77%) and that of dialysis introduction decreased by 0.85% points (N 19.06%, C 19.91%). In the sensitivity analysis, expenses could be reduced in almost all cases except when renal biopsy using conventional screening was performed at the rate of 73% or higher. [Conclusion] Screening for IgAN using novel biomarkers would reduce renal disease–related expenses

    Spin Dynamics in Iron-based Layered Superconductor (La_{0.87}Ca_{0.13})FePO Revealed by ^{31}P and ^{139}La NMR Studies

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    We report ^{31}P and ^{139}La NMR studies of (La_{0.87}Ca_{0.13})FePO, which is a family member of the recently discovered superconductor LaFeAs(O_{1-x}F_x). In the normal state, Knight shift and 1/T1T1/T_1T show that a Fermi-liquid state with moderate ferromagnetic fluctuations emerges below 30K. From 1/T_1T of ^{31}P and ^{139}La, quasi-two dimensional electronic structure is suggested, in which the FeP layer is more conductive than the LaO layer. In the superconducting (SC) state, although a clear Meissner signal was observed, 1/T_1T increases below T_c, in contrast to a decrease of 1/T_1T due to the opening of a SC gap, suggesting that novel low-energy spin dynamics develop in the SC state.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 077006 (2008