41 research outputs found

    From Obama to Samara: What changes do the Spanish education system and the Roma movement have to make so that one day it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president?

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    The American civil rights movement was started by an African American woman who was a participant in a popular education centre. This centre played a key role in the social transformations that led us to elect an African American president in the primary great world power. The Spanish education system needs progressive transformations which will contribute to overcoming the segregation and school failure of female Roma children. Roma women, as the driving force behind transformation in their population, are active agents when deciding on the type of schooling they want for the future of their children. Through associations, and hand in hand with the educational theories and practices provided by the international scientific community, in this article we present the transformations which many schools in Spain are carrying out in order to overcome the social exclusion of the Roma population. In this article we provide the foundations to build a movement of female Roma university graduates who, by including the voices of all of the women in their community, continue to be the driving force behind social transformation. In this way one day education and society in this country will have improved to such an extent that it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president.El movimiento por los derechos civiles fue iniciado por una mujer afroamericana participante de un centro de educación popular cuyo papel ha sido clave en las transformaciones sociales que nos han llevado hasta contar con un presidente afroamericano de la primera potencia mundial. El sistema educativo español requiere de transformaciones progresistas que contribuyan a superar la segregación y el fracaso escolar de las niñas gitanas. Las mujeres gitanas como motor de la transformación de su pueblo son agentes activos para decidir qué sistema educativo quieren para el futuro de sus hijos e hijas. Desde el movimiento asociativo y de la mano de las teorías y prácticas educativas que propone la comunidad científica internacional, presentamos en este artículo las transformaciones que muchos centros educativos en España están realizando para superar la exclusión social del pueblo gitano. En este artículo planteamos las bases para constituir un movimiento de mujeres gitanas universitarias que incluyendo las voces de todas las mujeres de su pueblo, sigan siendo motor de transformación social para que algún día la educación y la sociedad de este país haya mejorado tanto como para que sea posible una presidenta gitana.The INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (2006-2011) project is an integrated project from the European Commission’s VI Framework Programme

    The History of the Democratic Adult Education Movement in Spain

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    Traditional adult education in Spain treated the learner as a mere object that could be shaped by the educator. Although current practices of the democratic adult education movement in Spain reveals a completely opposite standpoint on adult education, there has been little analysis of the several influences converging and complementing one another to form the historical antecedents for the creation of the democratic adult education movement that emerged in the turn of the century, in 2000, in Spai

    Pedagogia ocasional, una font d'aprenentatge

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    Noves experiències de tutorització a la universitat: definició, processos i avaluació

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    Es presenten les principals valoracions, discussions, conclusions, etc. dels assistents al taller Noves experiències de tutoria en la universitat: definició, processos i avaluació. Els resultats descrits en aquesta ponència es divideixen segons els temes plantejats en el marc dels tallers específics i discutits àmpliament durant el taller: 1) programes d'acollida, 2) plans d'acció tutorial i 3) programa mentor.Postprint (published version

    Neuronal survival induced by neurotrophins requires calmodulin

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    It has been reported that phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and its downstream target, protein kinase B (PKB), play a central role in the signaling of cell survival triggered by neurotrophins (NTs). In this report, we have analyzed the involvement of Ca2+ and calmodulin (CaM) in the activation of the PKB induced by NTs. We have found that reduction of intracellular Ca2+ concentration or functional blockade of CaM abolished NGF-induced activation of PKB in PC12 cells. Similar results were obtained in cultures of chicken spinal cord motoneurons treated with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Moreover, CaM inhibition prevented the cell survival triggered by NGF or BDNF. This effect was counteracted by the transient expression of constitutive active forms of the PKB, indicating that CaM regulates NT-induced cell survival through the activation of the PKB. We have investigated the mechanisms whereby CaM regulates the activation of the PKB, and we have found that CaM was necessary for the proper generation and/or accumulation of the products of the PI 3-kinase in intact cells

    Endometrial Status in Queens Evaluated by Histopathology Findings and Two Cytological Techniques : low-volume uterine lavage and uterine swabbing

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    Endometritis is associated with fertility problems in many species, with endometrial biopsy being the main diagnostic tool. In feline queens, the reduced size of the uterus may make it difficult to obtain representative diagnostic samples. Endometrial cytology may represent a valuable diagnostic tool for evaluating the health status of the endometrium in queens. Fifty domestic shorthair queens were included and divided into two cytological diagnostic technique groups, the uterine lavage (UL; n = 28) and uterine swabbing (US; n = 22) groups. Cytological results were compared with histopathological and bacteriological information. Changes in the histopathological patterns were also evaluated and compared with progesterone levels to confirm previous published data. Furthermore, the results from both cytological sampling methods were compared to evaluate the utility of each method. Endometritis was ruled out in all queens by means of histology and microbiology. Leukocyte counts and red blood cell/endometrial cell ratios were significantly higher in US than UL samples. Additionally, UL sampling is less affected by blood contamination and cells are better preserved. The combination of endometrial cytology and uterine culture might be useful for evaluating the endometrial characteristics in queens. The UL evaluation method is more representative of the actual endometrial status than the US technique

    Evaluation of the relationship between effervescent paracetamol and blood pressure: clinical trial

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    Background: Paracetamol's solubility is achieved by adding to the excipient sodium salts, either as bicarbonate, carbonate or citrate. As the relationship between salt and hypertension is well known, due to the sodium content it has raised a hypothesis that may interfere with the control of that risk factor. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effect on blood pressure of effervescent paracetamol compared to non-effervescent, in hypertensive patients. Methods/Design: This is the protocol of a phase IV multicenter clinical trial, randomized, controlled, crossover, open, which will compare the effect of two different formulations of paracetamol (effervescent or non-effervescent) in the blood pressure of hypertensive patients, with a seven weeks follow up. 49 controlled hypertensive patients will be included (clinical BP lower than 150 and 95 mmHg, and lower than 135 mmHg and 85 mmHg in patients with diabetes or a history of cardiovascular event, and daytime ambulatory measurements lower than 140 and 90 mmHg) and mild to moderate pain (Visual Analog Scale between 1 and 4). The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Fundació Jordi Gol i Gurina and following standards of good clinical practice. The primary endpoint will be the variations in systolic BP in 24 h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, considering significant differences 2 or more mmHg among those treated with non-effervescent and effervescent formulations. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis will be held. Discussion: Despite the broad recommendation not to use effervescent drugs in patients with hypertension, there are relatively little studies that show exac tly this pressor effect due to sodium in salt that gives the effervescence of the product. This is the first clinical trial designed to study the effect of effervescence compared to the non-effervescent, in well-controlled hypertensive patients with mild to moderate pain, performed in routine clinical practic