30 research outputs found


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    Slip distribution of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake (MJMA 7.6) estimated from tsunami waveforms and GNSS data

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    Abstract The 1 January 2024 Noto-Hanto (Noto Peninsula) earthquake (MJMA 7.6) generated strong ground motion, large crustal deformation and tsunamis that caused significant damage in the region. Around Noto Peninsula, both offshore submarine and partially inland active faults have been identified by previous projects: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and Japan Sea Earthquake and Tsunami Research Project (JSPJ). We inverted the tsunami waveforms recorded on 6 wave gauges and 12 tide gauges around Sea of Japan and the GNSS data recorded at 53 stations in Noto Peninsula to estimate the slip amount and seismic moment on each of active faults. The results show that the 2024 coseismic slips were 3.5 m, 3.2 m, and 3.2 m on subfaults NT4, NT5 and NT6 of the JSPJ model, located on the northern coast of Noto Peninsula and dipping toward southeast. A smaller slip, 1.0 m, estimated on NT8 on the southwestern end of the 2024 rupture, may be attributed to its previous rupture during the 2007 Noto earthquake. The total length of these four faults is ~ 100 km, and the seismic moment is 1.90 × 1020 Nm (Mw = 7.5). Almost no slip was estimated on the northeastern subfaults NT2 and NT3, which dip northwestward, opposite to NT4–NT5–NT6, and western subfault NT8. Aftershocks including the MJMA 6.1 event occurred in the NT2–NT3 region, but they are smaller than the potential magnitude (Mw 7.1) those faults can release in a tsunamigenic earthquake. Similar features are also found for the MLIT model; the 2024 slip was only on F43 along the northern coast of Noto Peninsula, and northeastern F42 did not rupture, leaving potential for future event. Graphical Abstrac

    Tsunami source and inundation features around Sendai Coast, Japan, due to the November 22, 2016 Mw 6.9 Fukushima earthquake

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    Abstract The tsunami source of the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake, which was generated by a normal faulting earthquake mechanism, is estimated by inverting the tsunami waveforms that were recorded by seven tide gauge stations and two wave gauge stations along the north Pacific coast of Japan. Two fault models based on different available moment tensor solutions were employed, and their locations were constrained by using the reverse tsunami travel time from the stations to the epicenter. The comparison of the two fault slip models showed that the fault model with a strike = 49°, dip = 35°, and rake = −89° more accurately simulated the observed tsunami data. This fault model estimated a fault area of 40 km ×\times × 32 km. The largest slip was estimated as 4.66 m at a 6.09 km depth, larger slips also concentrated between depths of 6.06 and 10.68 km, and located southwest of the epicenter. Assuming a rigidity of 2.7×10102.7\times 10^{10} 2.7 × 10 10 N/m 2^2 2 , the estimated moment magnitude was 3.35×10193.35\times 10^{19} 3.35 × 10 19 Nm (equivalent to Mw = 6.95). In addition, a comparison of nonlinear tsunami simulations using finer bathymetry around Sendai Coast verified that the above fault slip model could better reproduce the tsunami features observed at Sendai Port and its surroundings. Finally, we analyzed the nonlinear tsunami computed from our best fault slip model. Our simulations also corroborated the height of the secondary wave amplitude observed at Sendai Port, which was caused by the reflected tsunami waves from the Fukushima coast, as described in previous studies. Furthermore, we found that the initial positive wave recorded inside Sendai Bay resulted from the addition of the initial incoming wave and the tsunami wave reflected off Sendai Coast, between Natori River and Sendai Port

    Different depths of near-trench slips of the 1896 Sanriku and 2011 Tohoku earthquakes

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    Abstract The 1896 Sanriku earthquake was a typical ‘tsunami earthquake’ which caused large tsunami despite its weak ground shaking. It occurred along the Japan Trench in the northern tsunami source area of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake where a delayed tsunami generation has been proposed. Hence the relation between the 1896 and 2011 tsunami sources is an important scientific as well as societal issue. The tsunami heights along the northern and central Sanriku coasts from both earthquakes were similar, but the tsunami waveforms at regional distances in Japan were much larger in 2011. Computed tsunamis from the northeastern part of the 2011 tsunami source model roughly reproduced the 1896 tsunami heights on the Sanriku coast, but were much larger than the recorded tsunami waveforms. Both the Sanriku tsunami heights and the waveforms were reproduced by a 200-km × 50-km fault with an average slip of 8 m, with the large (20 m) slip on a 100-km × 25-km asperity. The moment magnitude M w of this model is 8.1. During the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, slip on the 1896 asperity (at a depth of 3.5–7 km) was 3–14 m, while the shallower part (depth 0–3.5 km) slipped 20–36 m. Thus the large slips on the plate interface during the 1896 and 2011 earthquakes were complementary

    Method to Determine Appropriate Source Models of Large Earthquakes Including Tsunami Earthquakes for Tsunami Early Warning in Central America

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    Large earthquakes, such as the Mw 7.7 1992 Nicaragua earthquake, have occurred off the Pacific coasts of El Salvador and Nicaragua in Central America and have generated distractive tsunamis along these coasts. It is necessary to determine appropriate fault models before large tsunamis hit the coast. In this study, first, fault parameters were estimated from the W-phase inversion, and then an appropriate fault model was determined from the fault parameters and scaling relationships with a depth dependent rigidity. The method was tested for four large earthquakes, the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami earthquake (Mw7.7), the 2001 El Salvador earthquake (Mw7.7), the 2004 El Astillero earthquake (Mw7.0), and the 2012 El Salvador-Nicaragua earthquake (Mw7.3), which occurred off El Salvador and Nicaragua in Central America. The tsunami numerical simulations were carried out from the determined fault models. We found that the observed tsunami heights, run-up heights, and inundation areas were reasonably well explained by the computed ones. Therefore, our method for tsunami early warning purpose should work to estimate a fault model which reproduces tsunami heights near the coast of El Salvador and Nicaragua due to large earthquakes in the subduction zone